Clan Broadcasts - Achievement broadcasts are now available for Clans! You'll be able to customise what type of broadcasts are sent to your clan and if you wish, decide if Clan Guests can also celebrate in the achievements of your clan!
- This update will allow you to summon your very own personal Clan Avatar, no longer will your clan be limited to three Avatars! You can now activate your weekly buff at your Avatar Control Stone located near your Avatar Habitat, once activated you can choose between a base XP boost of 3% which can increase up to an additional 3% XP if your Fealty is rank 1, 2 or 3 OR a Skill Plot Bonus which increases the clan resources gained from that Skill Plot by 50%, whichever buff you choose lasts a week and can be switched out and/or renewed at any time (Note: you do not need an Avatar out to benefit from either of these bonuses), however if you wish you'll be able summon the Avatar as a pet via the Follower Pets tab if your buff is active. Clan Chat Muting - Instead of just straight up kicking a clan member from your clan as punishment you can now apply a chat mute to them via Clan Settings, any clan member who has been muted will have an icon next to their name in the Clan Settings interface.

- A clan login message has also been added! Accessible to Deputy Owner+ via right clicking the 'I' icon in Clan Chat, this allows you to write up a custom message to display to clan members if they've been logged out for more than 6 hours when they next login (Clan members who don't want to see the login message can toggle it off via chat settings).
- The patch notes will go in full detail on all of the clan changes (there are a lot!), but there are also noticeboard improvements, clan chat optimisations, a clan log and much more!
The Beach
The Beach has returned! All of your favourite attractions from last year are back, with an additional hole in the wall activity that allows you to pose to your heart's content! There are new rewards with the beach coming back, these can be awarded from skilling in the beach or by purchasing them with RuneCoins, some of these are showcased below.
- Goebie Beach Pet - Even the Goebies have to enjoy the beach! This pet can be overridden and is never without his towel, parasol and walking stick!

- Goebie Backpack - If you have a desire to wear a backpack modelled around a Goebie this is your chance to do so!
- Banana Boat - The Banana boat is terrorbird inspired, you can use it to race in the Terrorbird races, or just use it to run around because why not.

These are just some of the rewards from the Beach this year so head in-game and make sure to check them out! We have an additional pet, as well as rest and walk animations for you to earn! We all know it's not a good beachparty without Happy hours so we've got you covered! In all worlds there will be happy hours this year, if it's a happy hour you will receive an additional 10% at all the skilling locations on the beach. This year there will be happy hours daily at 01:00, 09:00, 14:00, 16:30 & 21:00 gametime! Additionally, the weather forecast suggest that there will be a heatwave every weekend till Monday the 27th of August. Each heatwave will last from 12:00 gametime on Friday till 12:00 gametime on Monday. During a heatwave you will be able to keep training your skills regardless of the thermometer. As an additional note Reyna will have exclusive sandy clue scrolls to give out, she gives one out each day, if you happen to miss a day don't fear she'll keep on to it for you meaning you'll never miss out! The Beach event will finish after the game update on Monday August 27th.
Patch notes
Alongside all of the clan changes, RuneScape have some significant changes for Solak, including a significant change to Erethdor's Grimoire and a new item obtainable from Lost Grove creatures.
- Erethdor's Grimoire is now a pocket slot item.
- Erethdor's Grimoire now increases critical hit chance by 12% and increases the damage cap up to 15,000.
- This now acts as the same as a godbook, requiring pages (Torn grimoire page) to recharge it. Each page will recharge it by 45 minutes
- Torn grimoire pages are now dropped from Solak.
- The Lost grove creatures creatures now drop an Ancient elven ritual shard, which works the same way as the Grimoire previously worked (restores 37% of your total prayer points over 30 seconds, with a 5 minute cooldown). The drop rate is increased whilst on a Lost grove creature slayer assignment.
- Only 2 roots will spawn on phase 1 of the Solak fight, in group mode.
- Each Blightbound crossbow has a 25% chance of saving a bakriminal bolt when their effect activates.
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