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RuneScape – Account Security Week

RuneScape – Account Security Week
Today marks the start of another exciting Account Security Week. One year on we wanted to take another opportunity to shout about the RuneScape Authenticator and reward those who have it enabled on their account. Starting today, RuneScape players who have their Authenticator and bankpin enabled will receive two extra Treasure Hunter Keys every day they log in, up to Sunday the 15th of July.

Count Check is back

Count Check, the account security expert, also has some more goodies up his sleeve, in the form of daily security themed clue scrolls. These clue scrolls will give you one casket and an additional casket if you have your authenticator enabled upon completion. Additionally, every player who has the authenticator enabled will be able to claim one lamp throughout the week. Head over to Burthorpe and start talking with Count Check!

Support Pages

We’ve continued to work on the account security help pages, which provide top tips and best practices to make sure your account remains safe and secure. From explaining how to set up two-factor authentication to detecting suspicious e-mails and fake websites – you’ll find everything you need.

Get involved

Please take the time to make sure your account is secure. We encourage you to get involved with everything going on, including more activities to come on Twitter. Have fun!

Patch Notes

RuneScape have loaded this week's update with a lot of changes, this includes a buff to the Skill Plot bonus for the Clan Avatar. This will now give 100% more resources instead of the 10% previously. The cursed ushabtis are now valued at a minimum of 1 million to ensure they protect over much lower valued items on death. If you happen to get a Friend-only broadcast the achievement will now display in your own chat box as well to indicate a broadcast was sent. The Jesters have also been listening to your feedback - Elite Sirenic Armour no longer degrades inside the Temple of Aminishi, and Elite Sirenic Hauberks can now be created with a full repaired Sirenic Hauberk, 420 Ancient Scales, 3 Algarum Thread and 5 Chaotic Spikes. To find out about all the changes made this week click here


Do you watch RuneScape live streams? It’s a great opportunity to grab a LootScape Loot Chest and get yourself some awesome in-game goodies by watching the live streams every week. Just connect your RuneScape account to your Twitch account and tune into one of the RuneScape live streams to get some free stuff! In July we bring back Clue Scrolls! You’ll receive an additional Clue Scroll based on your level, with a small chance to upgrade any Elite Scroll received to a Master Scroll! Have fun and watch the stream for a guaranteed drop!

Live Streams this Week

Each week RuneScape livestream Q&As, in-game events and more. Watch the streams and find more information over on the Twitch channel Check the RuneScape's YouTube channel, too, for recap videos of streams you may have missed!

Tuesday, July 10th – 16:00 UTC (Game Time) – RS Mobile Showcase

Join the JMods on the sofas as we showcase the updates and developments for RS Mobile. Come and check out what we’ve been working on! And to get all the details, you can also read the Dev Blog released last week. Watch live on Twitch and YouTube – be sure not to miss it! LootScape will be enabled, and an additional Clue Scroll based on your level will be a guaranteed drop.

Sunday, July 15th – 18:00 UTC (Game Time) – PvM with Mod Lee

Join the resident PvM expert with another mass this Sunday, live on Twitch! LootScape will be enabled, and an additional Clue Scroll based on your level will be a guaranteed drop.

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