- Chargebows will now only consume equipped arrows that have an effect, such as bane, broad and blackstone.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Guthix Butterflies to not respawn correctly
- Fix swamp snake hitboxes, both dead and alive
- High detail reflections have been added for the giant gilded egg in the Lumbridge crater.
- Increased the player's Grand Exchange sales history from the last 20 finished transactions to 40.
- Leprechaun storage now has remove-5 and remove-15 options for planks.
- Added an option in Social settings, under Friend List, to prevent other players from trailing you after adding you to their friends list.
- Added a shortcut to Legacy Options in the UI customisation settings.
- An aviator, one at the peak of his profession, now gives you his puzzle box when left clicked with the appropriate clue scroll rather than his usual functionality.
- Miraculous treament can now be stored with the tool leprechaun (up to 2000), the super and ultracompost's storage cap has also been raised to 2000
- The statue bag now has 'fill' and 'empty' options while equipped, allowing easier storage of newly collected strange and golden rocks.
- The following equipment can now be saved as keepsake copies;
- Beads of the dead, Awusah's shoes, holy cithara (as a magic offhand), Trollweiss flowers and lily of the valley (as melee main-hands)
- The chaos altar in New Varrock now allows players to change back to regular magic spellbook.
- Added a fill option to various water source locations like sinks, wells, barrels and fountains.
- Messaging for the trophy-taker's perk activation is now chat filtered.
- Added Liberation of Mazcab to the Max Guild boss portal options.
- Adding herbs to incense sticks now check which one to make if you have multiple valid combinations but only one single herb of each type.
- Collecting fire and divine fire spirits no longer moves the player or interrupts the continuous action of throwing logs onto bonfires.
- Afro wigs can now be stored as a keepsake override.
- Corrected Divine herb patch XP drops with the master farmer outfit equipped.
- Moved trees near the Falador entrance to Dwarven Mine, near the party room, to prevent the foliage from blocking the view of the door.
- Opening times for the chests inside shifting tombs have been improved and you now fail less often.
- Some useful icons have been added to the examine info box on relevant items.
- The Premier Artefact will now try to be sent to your bank if your inventory is full when you log in after a premier club purchase.
- Fixed an issue preventing some players from being able to progress in Doric's Task II.
- Easter Egg collection now gives info messaging.
- Minor typos corrected for the Avoiding Dental Catastrophe event summary and quest journal.
- Added Chat option so Players can progress in Fairy Tale part 1 if they have a tree ready to cut down.
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