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RuneScape – 18.11.2019 Patch Notes

RuneScape – 18.11.2019 Patch Notes


  • Resolved the issues affecting the buff bar. (Last Tuesday)
  • Fixed an issue stopping action bars from being accessible.
  • Fixed an issue stopping crushed gemstones from being dropped by the action bar.
  • Weapon poison buff is now removed once dead.
  • Reaper buff icon is now removed when unequipping the reaper necklace.
  • Both superior dragons claws are now equipped when selected from inventory.


  • Player is now stopped from harvesting from a crystal tree based on how many inventory spaces are required.
  • Fixed an issue stopping players from adding logs to the pot boiler in Silvarea.
  • You will now receive a clearer message on how to summon Penny once the pet is unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped hotkeys from working if players had not finished editing their settings.
  • Black Knight captain armour will now count as a fortress disguise if partially keepsaked and activated alongside equipped armour from the set.
  • Fixed legacy combat auto retaliate in the fight caves after killing Tz-kih.
  • Fixed an issue causing the First Age Tiara to not teleport players to their player-owned houses.
  • Fixed an issue causing geode chances in the Mining level benefits section of the skillguide to be incorrectly described.
  • Anagram and Riddle clue scrolls now provide a message when the players inventory is full and will not drop the puzzle box on the floor.
  • Mining Guild hidden mine is now listed as f2p.
  • Fixed an issue in the conquest minigame where Command Points would always display as 1000.
  • TH button gets updated when receiving a key.
  • Players can now join their friends at Ooglog via the social menu.
  • The Black Pearl maximum bonus experience will now visually appear correctly to calculate from non-elite skills.
  • Bronze pickaxes no longer get added to tool-belt whilst already having on.e
  • Fixed an issue allowing you to collect additional engrams without first prestiging.
  • Ring of Kinship will no longer dupe while item is in the bank.
  • Switching worn objects whilst on agility bikes will now correctly dismount the player from the bike.
  • Added sound effect to the deep sea fishing notes when redeeming XP.
  • The x/y tracker for an achievement path in the activity tracker heading now displays the selected achievement in the path, not the completed achievements in the path.
  • To keep the systems in sync, selecting a locked or completed achievement in the path window now also selects this achievement in the activity tracker.
  • Content icons in the activity tracker now display a padlock over locked achievements and a tick over completed achievements, in a similar fashion to the achievement path window.
  • Players will now see that, when taking the form of a Vyre or camel during the minigame, Heist and using the unsheathe option, the Vyre or camel model that they have taken the form of will no longer distort.
  • Placeholders for golden rocks are no longer removed when building the statue of Rhiannon.
  • Animate Rock Scroll can no longer be equipped via bank.
  • Blood amulet of fury (empty) can now be saved in a bank preset.
  • Displayed requirement to make Relicym's balm has been changed
  • Diamond in the rough's quest journal no longer skips ahead of the actual quest.
  • Clicking on the rift will no longer trigger the achievement before starting the quest.
  • Fixed quest journal location for Oziach during Dragon Slayer quest.
  • Fixed an issue allowing hidey-holes to be used during Evil Dave's Big Day Out.


  • Fixed an issue with the on-screen dialogue window where a user was unable to tap on the right side to continue if the dialogue window featured an item on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue with the mobile founders pack interface loading to soon in certain situations which was causing a blank screen.
  • To prevent unresponsive behaviour on mobile. The emotes tab has been removed from the Social window on mobile only.
  • Mobile players can still access all their emotes and transmogs from the right hand side ribbon or by dragging a favourite to an action bar slot.
  • Added a "Toggle Minimap" option to the minimenu of the toggle button on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue with Treasure Hunter prize collect screen on mobile that caused part of the background texture to be out of position.
  • When entering a Player Owned Port in mobile the Visitors section of the Ports HUD is no longer on by default.
  • Resolved a problem with the Visitors section which caused it to become unresponsive and unable to be reopened if it was open when you began viewing a cutscene.
  • Resolved an issue which was preventing users from comparing two crew members when editing the crew in the Edit Ship interface. You can now drag units to the compare section.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing users from selecting and auto-cast spell if selecting selecting from the Spells tab of the Powers interface on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the right hand ribbon on mobile to be forcibly cleared other than the "Minigames" panel in certain gameplay situations on mobile.
  • Resolved issue with keyboard not being prompted on clan naming interface (mobile).


  • Removed map icons for the old lodestone on Tuska.
  • Added some chat dialogue to clarify why players can't cross the bridge in Temple of Ikov.
  • Blocking added to Stalagmite in the shadow dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue allowing pets in the Artisans Workshop.
  • The flames of the flaming sword effect will now look better on wilderness swords.
  • Deposit box menus now all refer to as the "bank of Gielinor".


  • Hyphen has been removed from the item Third age vambraces.
  • Grammatical error has been corrected when examining Manual Auto-cycle in the empty throne room.
  • Full-stop has now been added to the text when examining Emir Shah.
  • Tooltip for Sickle mould now says "Bought from a Crafting shop".
  • Royal Crossbow examine text is now updated.
  • A typo in the examine text for empty Ogre Flasks has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in Curse of Arrav where decoder hint text was incorrect.
  • Fixed a grammatical issue with jade & opal jewellery at different charge levels.
  • Fixed a typo when constructing the Maul of Omens.
  • Fixed a typo in head mourner's dialogue in Mourning's End 1.
  • Fixed a typo in dialogue with Orry.
  • A typo for enhancers in the Menaphos "The Ominous Sarcophagus Metropolis" has been fixed.
  • Fixed player title reward in the rewards section for the quest log for "The World Wakes".

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