- Multiple hunter marks can now be obtained from double and triple encounters in Big Game Hunter.
- The order at which items drop from Big Game Hunter has been adjusted.
- The Malletops now correctly requires level 95 hunter to bait the central pad in Big Game Hunter.
- Information for where to unlock the aggroverload potion recipe has been added to the make-x window.
- A hunter icon has been added inside Big Game Hunter encounters to show where the bait pad is.
- Bonecrusher now works with Big Game Hunter.
- The guard NPC to the north side of the base camp can now reset agility lap progress, for those that have lost their place on the agility course.
- Agility lap progress will be reset when entering the base camp if you have been logged out for 3 hours, and have not interacted with any agility obstacles beforehand.
- The Herby Werby D&D can no longer reset twice on the weekly reset trigger.
- Fixed an issue that would teleport the player inside a wall if leaving a Big Game Hunter encounter whilst being caught.
- The Terrasaur maul and Hexhunter bow effects will now appear as a debuff on the target being affected by the buff.
- Updated Anachronia lodestone examine.
- Failing an encounter in Big Game Hunter will no longer reduce the amount of dinosaurs you can hunt in the area. Leaving, teleporting out of area, or killing a dino will still make progress towards the encounter going on cooldown.
- Added a new achievement to Anachronia - 'Do you think he saw us?'
- Prevented safe spotting from behind the large bone at Venomous dinosaurs.
- Big Game Hunter locations will now more accurately be shown on the world map, with extra information included.
- Dinosaur name
- Bait required
- Rewards
- Laniakea still requires her spear to fully explore the Land Out of Time. Due to this she has no interest selling it on the grand exchange at this time.
- You can now teleport to Abyssal demons within Kuradal's dungeon via the Abyssal demon slayer mask on a demons cluster task.
- Trapper fragments can now be obtained via Big Game Hunter.
- Corrected a typo in The Eye of Cythan's dialogue.
- Shadow, Diseased & Camouflaged Jadinkos caught on Anachronia now count towards the Jadinko Bingo Achievement.
- A "never ask me again" option has been added to the bait pad in Big Game Hunter if less than 3 traps are built.
- Frost dragons will now correctly count towards the Dragons cluster task.
- Co-op potion share now works with Aggroverload, Extended super antifire and Stamina Potion.
- Blocking has been added to a brazier in base camp.
- Slayer masks now correctly assign tasks when getting a task from Laniakea.
- Players will now get pushed away from Liverworts if they spawn under the player.
- Glacytes no longer count towards a Glacors slayer task.
- Right-click home teleport button after teleporting to Anachronia will now display the lodestone name instead of "Previous destination".
- Moved Stamina potion and Aggroverload potions to be in level order within the potion crafting interface.
- Placing and removing creatures now works as intended in the player-owned dungeon.
- Attempting to use the quest hub portal will now correctly offer you a destination.
- Telling Juna a story of your adventures will no longer cause a disconnection.
- The Breaking the storm buffs have been correctly cleared, as the event has now ended.
- You can no longer place Anachronia Slayer creatures in a player owned dungeon.
- You can no longer place cannons or various other entities inside the base camp on Anachronia.
- Demonhorn and Dragontooth necklaces will now work as expected with Dinosaur bones.
- Helping Laniakea age now correctly states "Sixth Age.".
- Jadinkos can now spawn in Big Game Hunter (details in this posthere.
- Slayer dinosaurs special attack animations are no longer choppy and are working as expected.
- We've now stopped the Base Camp's Tier 2/3 General Store selling Big Game Hunter bait in an attempt to stablise the price and make Tier 1 Bait retain its value. When we first added these in development (back in March!) we didn't expect the price to be as high as it was.
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