- The pink and rainbow unicorn plushies will now be reclaimable from Diango if destroyed.
- Disabling guidance system hints (Gameplay -> General -> Optional Interfaces in Settings) now prevents automatically selecting the next available achievement in a path if no path is selected and the activity tracker is empty.
- You'll no longer be awarded compacted hides when skinning dinosaurs in Big Game Hunter if your base camp storehouse has maxed its hide capacity.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from being able to reclaim an engram after destroying it from the bank.
- Fixed an issue which stopped a player from jumping on to Seriyu's shackles if rapid clicking them.
- Added a list to the 'REV-ENGE!' achievement so that players can more easily track what monsters they still have to kill.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the pink and rainbow unicorn plushies to clip inside the player.
- Replaced some items dropped by creatures within the Godwars Dungeon with salvage.
- Fixed a tile near Champions' Guild that was playing wrong music.
- Allowed a player to escape from Legacy Mode during Burthorpe tutorial.
- Added a daily popup for Java to inform about the Java client being no longer supported.
- Smoothed the appearance of how objects fade out of view, when at the far edge of the view distance or close to the camera.
- Fixed graphical issues with some new materials.
- Fixed a lighting bug, which prevented certain areas of terrain from being lit correctly.
- Animations should behave more consistently over varying distances.
- Fixed bug with water reflections not updating correctly.
- Fixed a rare crash when compressing assets.
- Right clicking while dragging will no longer cancel the drag with NXT client.
- Fixed a bug preventing the uncompressed textures option from being available if too many other GPU heavy programs were running.
- Fixed a bug causing some housing decorations to appear inside walls.
- Tinsel scarf now has an inventory icon.
- Fps drops when scrolling through bank on mobile devices have been fixed.
- Fixed a crash on Mac OS 10.14 Mojave.
- Fixed a crash on Pixel devices.
- Fixed a crash which occurred if the active audio device was disabled or disconnected.
- Clipping through objects is now smoother.
- Fixed bug with minimap properly loading.
- Issue with objects not appearing on the minimap fixed.
- Graphical issues with specific lighting settings on mobile have been fixed.
- Added the same gold circle outline that exists for the Prayer globe to the Summoning globe on the combat HUD on mobile.
- The "drag and drop" areas that are part of the Backpack interface on mobile have been improved for user accuracy.
- Fixed double cancel op being displayed on player item examine.
- Fixed an issue where player appearance would cause a crash.
- Tidy up some legacy code on the back end systems
- Fixed a typo in Osman's dialogue during Our Man in the North.
- Fixed a typo in the Abyssal book.
- Fixed a typo in Zilyana's Notes.
- Fixed a typo in the Dimension of Disaster quest complete interface.
- Fixed a typo when trying to fill the hidey-hole at the Mausoleum.
- Corrected messaging when destroying a Master Thief's stethoscope.
Known Client Issues
- Minimap assets can take longer than expected to load in.
- Chance to crash when switching between mobile detail options.
- Game may hang when wifi gets disconnected.
- Possible crash on some devices on first boot-up.
- during Vindicta boss Vindicta & Gorvek's Dragonfire Wall will flicker but still cause damage.
- Your game can crash if you're running a Mac with OSx Mojave 10.14.1.
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