Farming And Herblore 120
- It is now possible to add noted insects to the Anachronia dinosaur farm troughs.
- Using the Powerburst of Vitality no longer keeps your updated max hp value.
- The scroll of cleansing now correctly saves 5 grenwall spikes, rather than 1.
- Super Growth potions will now work correctly on flower patches that have been watered.
- Primal Feasts and Portions can now be added to Beast of Burden inventories.
- Escape no longer puts Surge on cooldown if under the effects of the Powerburst of Movement.
- Feedback has been added and will display if a player tries to crush new fruits to create Primal Pulp without the required levels.
- The Anachronia build tick message now appears when players visit the Ranch out of Time.
- Animal buyers will no longer hang around at the farm once they have all the animals they're after.
- A number of changes have been made to do with the Blessed Flask: - Blessed sand and extra fine sand used for creating the Blessed Flask are now tradeable. - 1kg, 2kg, 5kg and 10kg sandstone have had their buy limit on the grand exchange increased to 10,000. - Left-clicking the extra fine sand will now bless the sand when stood in range of an altar. - Experience for grinding sandstone and blessing extra fine sand has been increased to 7xp per. - Blessing extra fine sand now requires level 20 Prayer.
- Using the powerburst of vitality no longer keeps your updated max hp value.
Yak Track
- Scattering ashes will now correctly add to the progress of the Prayer Tasks in Yak Track.
- Updated the Yak Track information buttons to make it easier to differentiate between locked and available tasks.
- The Dungeoneering Yak Track tasks will now correctly add progress when doing Occult Floors at high Dungeoneering levels.
- A stray select option was removed from the task skip confirmation screen in Yak Track.
- A full-stop was added to the fourth slide of the Yak Track tutorial to help break up the sentence.
- The Witch's Doll and Abyssal Prowler pets have had the word "pet" added on the Yak Track to help clarify what they are.
- Players who have finished a task, but it has not registered as complete will now be able to continue progressing with Yak Track after relogging.
- Changed Draynor Village to Draynor Market in the Yak Track.
- Count Yakula's position has now been moved to make him more centralized.
- Ores that are ported to the metal bank will now correctly add progress to Yak Track Mining tasks.
- Particle effects now correctly apply to the flaming skull cosmetic from Yak track.
- Drinking an Elder Overload potion and using a Berserker or Maniacal aura will now correctly boost combat stats to 130.
- The Shades of Mort'ton now respond when hit with ranged weapons.
- Fixed an issue where aggression/corruption scrimshaws could be rapidly activated/deactivated on the action bar to force the aggro of multiple NPCs.
- NPCs that have the default option as attack now display the NPC name in the mouseover tooltip.
- The Eat Food ability now works when transformed into Gregorovic on challenge mode.
- The Eat Food ability now works during the Arraxor's cocoon special attack.
- The Barrows amulet can no longer be used for Brothers in Arms.
- If you destroy the book "The End of Gara-Dul" and chop the idol in Karamja the achievement no longer triggers and no extra runescore is given.
- Players should now be able to world hop into VIP worlds if they have Premier Club access.
- Stopped players from being able to use items directly from their Beast of Burden when skilling such as making potions with ingredients from a pack yak.
- Creating unfinished potions will no longer provide duplicate vials.
- The Escape ability no longer turns the player to face the direction they have moved.
- Fixed an issue where the Valentine's Slam buff was being removed from the buff bar on logout.
- Lapis lazuli will now function with the Jack of Trades aura.
- Food and potions now function from the action bar in Stealing Creation.
- Converted error messages when trying to reclaim an item from Diango with insufficient money from a chat message to an error box. This improves visibility on mobile.
- Swimming animation is no longer occurring when heading to the top floor of the ship on Harmony Island.
- Dogs no longer appear as members only in the Summoning skill guide.
- Fixed an issue with the 'Choose A Tool' interface where the buttons would stop working after pressing on the arrow keys.
- Telegrabbing gems now correctly places the gems in a players gem bag.
- Churns now fill cooking urns as intended.
- Fixed a bug where butterflies were not filling hunter urns when caught with a net.
- Fixed a script error when adding a log to a bonfire for the first time.
- Treasure Hunter probabilities are now available on Desktop via the 'show probabilities' button.
- Ingots now take 2 ticks to make.
- The Smithing autoheater's message to tell you when your item has been reheated can now be filtered.
- The system message when another user is requesting assistance from you has changed from a hard to read dark purple to an easier to read light blue.
- Players can now consistently log into an instance shard world.
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