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RDR Online – Christmas Celebration !

RDR Online – Christmas Celebration !
The holiday season is here, and even though the frontier can be a cold and unforgiving place, the festivities are nonetheless alive and well in Red Dead Online. New decorations, winter weather, exclusive game modes and all sorts of gifts will be waiting for the players during the holidays, to help you spread glad tidings throughout the Wild West. Musicians in saloons and bars will change their tunes to typical holiday songs, townsfolk have decorated the major settlements of the game with Christmas ornaments, and the weather will turn colder. Many areas in Red Dead Online are snowy and chilly by default, but the winter weather will set in across the entire map for the next couple of weeks!


Spoils of War, Up in Smoke and Overrun will get special, limited-time Snowy Maps during the holiday season on all platforms, while PlayStation 4 players will also have access to Snowy Maps on Gun Rush, Make It Count and Last Stand in addition to the first three. All players who log into Red Dead Online between the 23rd and 25th of December will get a Christmas present. The Holiday Gift Chest can be claimed from your camp or a post office, and includes a 50% discount on a Shotgun or Coat of your choosing alongside the following gifts:
  • The Krampus Double Barrel Shotgun Variant
  • 30 rounds of Incendiary Buckshot Ammo
  • 100 Shotgun Slugs
  • 10 Thyme Big Game
  • 10 Minty Plump Birds
  • 20 Carrots
  • 20 Assorted Biscuits
  • 50 Candies
  • 10 Fine Brandies
  • 10 Special Miracle Tonics
  • 20 Volatile Fire Bottles
  • 2x Creek Plums
  • 2x Agarita
Additionally, anyone who logs into the game until the 6th of January will get some additional rewards:
  • 3,000 Club XP
  • RDO$200 for starting a new Role
  • 1x Free Trader Resupply Reward
  • 1x Free Weapon Component of your choice Reward
  • 1x Treasure Map Reward
  • 1x Free Moonshiner Mash Refill Reward
  • 30% off one Stable slot Offer
These have been live since the 13th of December and many players have already received them. Check your Benefits menu to claim the items. In case this is still not enough - you greedy bandits - then you can also claim a bonus of 1,000 Role XP for all four roles by logging into the game anytime between the 31st of December and the 6th of January. Additional Holiday discounts include 25% off from the Medium Delivery Wagon, the Bounty Hunter Schofield Revolver variant and the Collector Lancaster Repeater variant. The Butcher Table is also cheaper by 5 gold bars. Finally, Collectors can hunt down the Festive Feast and New Year collections for a major reward from Madam Nazar. Source:

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