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Rainbow Six Siege – New Anti-Cheat System Revealed

Rainbow Six Siege – New Anti-Cheat System Revealed
Our next steps to combat cheating has been a priority in both the community and on the development team as of late. As such, we have been working towards the implementation of a few different tactics to bolster our anti-cheat. Over the last couple of weeks, we have increased our internal penetration testing efforts. This will allow us to discover more weak points in our architecture and correct them prior to their exploitation by cheat makers. Today, we have deployed a hotfix to address one of the hacks that has popped up recently. We have improved our process in a way that allows us to deploy hotfixes on PC once we have a validated hack fix available. Beginning the week of July 16th, we will initiate the first ban wave for players that have been boosted by cheaters. Based on our data, this will impact approximately 600 accounts globally. As a reminder, being boosted by cheaters is a bannable offense under the Code of Conduct, found here. Moving forward, our primary focus is on requiring all PC players to enable Two Factor Authentication in order to play Ranked. We are in the process of testing the tech that will allow this to happen, and will provide you with dates and more details once those tests are complete. We are also exploring the viability and feasibility of several features around restrictions of players’ Match Making Rank (MMR). The main one being negating MMR gains and losses from matches where a banned cheater was present. Another option is putting a restriction on skill gap in parties when queuing into Ranked, meaning high ranked players will not be able to queue with low rank players. Reactive measures we are looking into is improved reporting options in-game, and taking legal actions. This list is not exhaustive, but are some of the top priorities we are working on. As mentioned above, we will not be sharing ETAs until we have a confirmed live date for each item. We are committed to delivering a fair and balanced experience for all players, and providing visibility on where our efforts are focused is the first step to improving that experience. Source:

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