Get ready for some exciting updates in your favorite game! The latest patch notes bring a new 1×1 km map, Nusa, which promises fast-paced matches and abundant supplies. With beautiful views and interesting gameplay, Nusa is sure to become your new favorite hotspot. The map will be available in both Ranked and Unranked modes from September 15 at 2:00 (UTC+0).
But that's not all! The patch notes also introduce new mechanics, weapons, and vehicles. The Special Recall mechanic allows you to respawn once and quickly jump back into the battleground with a random weapon if you are defeated within the first 4 minutes of the match but still have surviving teammates. Ziplines have been added at specific locations on Nusa, allowing you to move around quickly, but be careful as they are easily damaged. The new Tactical Crossbow can be used to repair them. And if you're in Telepak Town, make sure to use the elevators strategically to flank your enemies. Get ready to explore and experience these exciting updates!
Key Updates
- New Map - Nusa: A new 1×1 km map with beautiful views and abundant in supplies. Enjoy fast-paced matches!
- Erangel Updates: Newly added weather system and bicycle sheds, as well as structural updates to numerous regions, provide an even better combat experience!
- New Mode - Gear Front: New mode with 8 skills to choose from launches for the first time on September 29! Plus, explore a medieval-themed area!
New Map - Nusa
A 1×1 km map for fast-paced matches!
Availability: 9/15 at 2:00 (UTC+0)
Playable in Ranked and Unranked Mode
Nusa is a new 1×1 km tourist island map set in the tropics. With abundant supplies, players can start fighting right after you land and get that chicken dinner with ease!
Nusa is teeming with beautiful sights and interesting gameplay for you to experience. This will soon be your favorite hotspot to show off to your friends. It's worth checking out and exploring!
Launch of New Mechanics, Weapons, and Vehicles!
New Mechanic: Special Recall
If you are defeated within the first 4 minutes of the match but still have surviving teammates, you will be able to respawn once and quickly jump back into the battleground with a random weapon. (Super Recall activates automatically when playing solo, without the need of teammates)
Many ziplines have been built at specific locations on Nusa. Just approach a zipline to use it and move around quickly.
Note that ziplines are very fragile and are easily damaged! So use them at your own discretion. The new Tactical Crossbow can be used to repair ziplines. So be sure to carry one for peace of mind.
An elevator has been installed in every hotel of Telepak Town. Use it to move between floors. Not only can it help you save energy, it can also be used to flank enemies tactically with your teammates.
New Weapon: Tactical Crossbow
Tactical Crossbow can shoot a rope to repair ziplines, or use flaming bolts to set certain buildings on fire.
New Weapon: NS2000 Shotgun
A weapon that shoots accurately at medium and short-range. It shoots 12 gauge shells when firing from the hip and 12 gauge slugs while aiming down sights.
A light and nimble 2-seater vehicle that can be used to move quickly through undulating terrain while retaining excellent stability and does not flip over easily.
It's perfect for going on a ride to sightsee around Nusa with a friend while moving across treacherous terrain quickly.

Apart from that, there's still lots of hidden gameplay, such as PvE battles, Beach Balls, combustible buildings, destructible water jars, and more for you to explore.
An all new map packed with new experiences that shouldn't be missed!
Major Update - Erangel
Map and building updates that elevate your battle experiences!
Availability: Releases with Version 2.2
Playable in Ranked and Unranked Mode
New Structure: Bicycle Shed
Bicycle sheds have been added to the edge of the map. Mountain Bikes will spawn here periodically. Players who prefer to gear up should not miss out on the chance to traverse the map on two wheels!
Hospital and Mylta Power Updates
The structures of the Hospital and Mylta Power have been updated to streamline combat and the search for supplies.
- In the Ferry Pier update, two new ports will be added to the southwest of the Farm and to the south of the Sosnovka Military Base.
The port layouts and amounts of resources have been optimized to add more open areas for players to gear up.
A new weather effect for Erangel to make things more visually pleasing and provide you with a suitable battleground.
A discount shop that pops up in Erangel from time to time. Don't miss it!
No more running out of fuel! Vehicles may now be refueled at the gas stations in Erangel. You no longer have to worry about running out of gas and ditching your vehicle. Of course, all things come at a price. So be sure you have the means to pay for it!
New System: Targeted Supply Crates
Crates inside buildings in Erangel have been updated to reflect 3 different types: medical, token, and military supplies. The supplies in these crates are better than what players can find on the ground.
Themed Mode - Gear Front
8 skills await in the new mode Gear Front!
Supported map: Nusa (Ranked), Erangel (Ranked), Livik (Ranked)
Availability: 9/29 at 2:00–11/14 at 23:59 (UTC+0)
With new skills comes new gameplay, so who will eventually come out on top?!
- Playzone Analysis: Tap the skill to display the location of the next Playzone on the mini-map.
- Vehicle Air Drop: Tap the skill and throw a beacon to call for a vehicle air drop.
- Supply Scan: Tap the skill to scan for advanced supplies nearby for 15 seconds.
- Gliding Doll: Tap jump while in the air to summon a puppet to glide for increased mobility.
- Black Market: Tap, hold and drag to summon an in-match shop for quick purchases.
- Trace: Enemies hit are marked for a period of time, during which they can be seen through walls.
- Lucky Backpack: Converts items in the backpack into other items. Also increases the default load of the backpack.
- Healing Smoke: Use the skill to throw special medicine which triggers smoke that restores Health and Energy.
European-Style Themed Area - Strange Town
Supporting map: Erangel (Ranked)
Availability: 9/29 at 2:00–11/14 at 23:59 (UTC+0)
Enter Strange Town to not only experience the medieval European-style town, but also admire the bright moon and stars in the night sky.
The town also has 2 pilotable flying Hot Air Balloons in the form of Andy's Puppet. Unlock and ride them to travel to other locations quickly.

On October 13, Halloweeks will descend upon Strange Town! So stay tuned!
Firearm Balancing
Balance adjustments of air dropped weapons:
- AUG: Increased the base damage, firing rate, and reload speed. Reduced the hip fire spread.
- Mk14: Slightly reduced the firing rate. Increased the bullet travel speed. Reduced the weapon damage drop off. Slightly reduced the recoil.
- Added a rate of fire compensation for the Mk14. The Mk14 will now have a similar rate of fire when shooting fully automatically with the Mk14 in clients with different frame rates.
Balance adjustments for Designated Marksman Rifles:
- Slightly reduced the recoil duration of single-shots, so that the crosshair returns quickly.
- Increased recoil recovery speed, so that the crosshair is closer to the firing direction upon returning, increasing the predictability of the crosshair return position.
- Reduced screen shake when firing with a scope.
- Increased the base damage from 53 to 55.
- Increased the damage multiplier of shots against the torso from 1 to 1.05.
- Reduced horizontal recoil multiplier slightly to reduce the chance of moving.
- Reduced the overall recoil growth when firing continuously.
- Increased the base damage from 46 to 49.
- Increased the damage multiplier of torso shots from 1 to 1.05.
New Season: Cycle 3 Season 8
- Season Period: 2022/9/20 at 2:00–2022/11/18 at 23:59 (UTC+0).
- New Legendary Rewards: C3S8 Glasses, C3S8 Set, C3S8 Parachute, C3S8 - SKS, C3S8 Mask, and C3S8 Cover.
- Added sub-tiers to Ace and above. Every 100 points is a mini-tier, and players can accumulate stars.
- Added titles to Ace Master and above. The title will be determined by the current season data, and will be displayed throughout the game.
- Tier Badge presentation has been improved, and the Badge page has been redesigned.
Other Gameplay
Metro Royale
- Increased the penetration resistance of the Cobra Helmet and Armor. Slightly weakened the explosion damage of the M203 Grenade Launcher.
- Added a new feature where players will take continuous damage when they're outside normal combat zones.
- Repaired a bug where the talents behave erratically in some situations.
Safety Improvements:
Penalties are now harsher to those that harm teammates. Please work together in battle!
- Players who harm teammates and are reported will be banned from playing multiplayer modes. Repeat violations will result in a longer ban time.
- The time players are banned from playing matches due to harming a teammate will only decrease when the player is online in the game.
- Increased the Merit deduction penalty for harming teammates. Repeat violations will result in the deduction of even more points.
- To create a better gaming environment, increased the Merit requirement of Arena, Unranked - Classic Mode, Quick Match, Sniper Training, Arcade Mode - War, Payload, and other multiplayer modes to 80.
System Improvements:
Basic Experience Improvements
- Improved the logic when interacting with the Accounts tab in Settings and increased the account security rating.
- Added a trunk to all vehicles to make it convenient for players to exchange supplies while moving around.
- Added the Firearm Inspection feature. During combat, tap the emote to inspect the current active weapon.
- Firearm Inspection is available in the new version for the following firearms: AKM, M416, SCAR-L, M762, M16A4, SKS, UMP45, Thompson SMG, DP28, and VSS.
- This feature will be made available for more firearms in the future. Stay tuned.
- Added a recommended layout feature so that you can apply the custom layout recommended by the system with one tap when customizing the controls.
- Assists now count towards players' elimination calculation to encourage players to have better teamwork with their teammates.
- The Top Highlights generation page now has explanations.
- Training Grounds Improvements: Added damage and bullet trajectory display to stationary targets to more closely recreate situations players might face in matches. The most recently used firearms configuration in the Training Grounds will be automatically applied by default when entering the Training Grounds the next time.
- Control and Display Improvements
- Increased the display priority of the wheel when the throwing wheel is activated.
- The order of team members is now shown on the Results screen.
- The countdown is now displayed when the Playzone is shrinking.
- Adjusted the size of buttons on the Spectating screen to reduce the chance of tapping them by mistake.
- The feature to mark the battleground with light columns can now be used in the air after respawning or using the Emergency Pickup.
- Strengthened the feedback effect after successfully marking an item by tap and holding.
- Simplified the display of the description text of attachments on the Custom Attachments screen to make the screen more concise.
- Combined the buttons for MVP LIKEs and Summon Statue. Summoning a statue will automatically send a LIKE.
- The mark inside the scope has been adjusted to reduce impact on vision.
- Increased the number of device models that can support haptic feedback.
- Improved the categories for Reporting during matches.
- Vehicle Improvements: Improved the handling of the Coupe RB and reduced the chance of it sliding when it is driven or making turns. Improved the character's hand movements to make them better match the changes to the steering wheel.
- Combat Communication Improvements
- Voice messages will be automatically sent in some situations, such as when being knocked out, to improve communication between teammates. Toggles have been added to settings to control what types of messages are sent.
- Added a function where voice messages are converted to text, so that players who speak different languages may communicate during a match.
- Results Improvements
- Improved the layout of the results page
- Improved the MVP results emote
- Added the order and status of teammates to the results page.
- Added an assists counter to the results page
- Inventory UI improvements: Added an option in the Main Menu Display Settings to show or hide Ray in the Lobby.
- Shop UI improvements: Packs will support previews of what the outfit looks like when it is worn.
- New interactions and new gifts!
- Optimized pre-team-up chat function. Quickly send frequent messages.
- Lowered the threshold for friend reservations. Reservation messages are more obvious.
- Friends limit raised to 300. Added 3 Synergy gifts to share with friends.
- Updates to the Synergy system are here.
- Improved the visual presentation of Profile Cards.
- Increased the character limit of chat messages on the Lobby Chat channel from 64 to 96.
- Team-Up Improvements:
- Combined the recruitment messages from Team-Up Platform and Chat Recruitment. Players may now join teams from chat, and use filters in the Team-Up Platform.
- The Team-Up Platform entrance will change to sending recruitment messages when players are on a team. Tap to quickly send and manage current recruitment messages.
- Players can quickly join a team through recruitment messages in the chat. The interface and experience of the Team-Up Platform have been improved.
- Moments Improvements: Improved how unread messages are shown. Improved how notifications for LIKEs and comments are shown.
- Returning players and players who team up with returning players will get additional Energy.
Cheer Park
- Cheer Park now holds 40 players. The more, the merrier!
- Players may now sit on the chairs in Cheer Park to directly enter chat.
- Gift Center is now divided into requesting gifts and sending gifts.
- BP messages from friends will no longer be deleted automatically after claiming.
- Players may now add new friends or start chats with friends directly from the Notification Center.
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