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Path of Exile – 3.4.0e Patch Notes

Path of Exile – 3.4.0e Patch Notes
  • Lily Roth has returned to Lioneye's Watch in Act 6.
  • Temporarily disabled Orb of Storms being supportable by Mines, Traps and Totems. We will re-enable this in a future patch.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Atlas completion of the Belfry and Mao Kun maps.
  • Fixed a bug where various Fragments which dropped from Delve chests were not stackable in the Fragment Tab.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Close All User Interface" hotkey did not close the Instance Manager panel.
  • Fixed a bug where disabling Shadows on DX9 did not save your setting correctly.
  • Fixed a rare bug preventing some players from entering the Azurite Mine.
  • Fixed two instance crashes.
This hotfix has been applied without a server restart. You should restart your game client to get the client side of these fixes. Source:

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