APRIL 22, 2021

We are reducing Immortality Field's minimum health threshold and Baptiste's area-of-effect healing output as they were providing too much value overall for closely grouped teams. However, direct impacts with the healing grenade projectiles will now grant additional healing to the impacted ally to keep his single target healing effective, with a slightly higher skill requirement.
Biotic Launcher (Secondary Fire)
- Healing projectile explosion reduced from 60 to 50 health
- Healing projectile direct impact now restores an additional 20 health
Immortality Field
- Now protects teammates to a minimum health threshold of 10% maximum health, down from 20%

D.Va's respawn is often intentionally delayed by the enemy team if she is the last player alive from her team and without her mech. This change will make it more dangerous to be near the Call Mech arrival area for low health heroes.
Call Mech
- Damage increased from 50 to 250

This is a change picked up from the Community Experimental card. Since Echo gains an additional health pool through using her Duplicate ultimate, it seemed reasonable that she doesn't need to be healed to full upon it ending as well. The minimum health value is there so she doesn't instantly die to a small amount of damage when it ends, as often with a long duration ultimate it can be difficult to remember her starting health.
- When Duplicate ends, Echo will return to the health value she had prior to activating the ability, or to 100 health, whichever is higher

Moira has been underperforming in the support role even in team compositions and metas where we’d expect her to excel. Reducing the cooldown of Biotic Orb is a significant increase in Moira's potential to quickly adapt to many situations.
Biotic Orb
- Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds

We're reevaluating the cooldown for Orisa's 'Halt!' ability after previous changes have reduced its effectiveness to combo with other heroes. We'll keep a close eye on whether the increased frequency of this displacement ability ends up being too disruptive to gameplay.
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

Reinhardt has been overperforming since his last round of changes. To help increase tank diversity we are reverting his armor to its previous value while keeping the Rocket Hammer damage increase for now as it helps to balance out the reduced crowd control duration of Earthshatter.
- Armor reduced from 250 to 200 (Health/armor total reduced from 550 to 500)

Roadhog is a hero who has been underperforming lately with not much changing about him since late last year when he had a more dominant presence, though the balance of other heroes has indeed shifted around. We're partially reverting the reduction to his damage to help bring him back up to a more effective level.
Scrap Gun (Primary and Secondary Fire)
- Damage per projectile increased from 6 to 6.6

Sombra's gameplay usually involves a lot of time waiting for opportune moments to strike and using the Translocator to disengage at a safe distance. Speeding up her movement in Stealth should help get her back into the action more quickly.
- Movement speed bonus increased from 50 to 65%
APRIL 6, 2021
Experience the past. Fight for the future.
Find out how heroes made history as we take another trip through the Overwatch Archives from April 6 – April 27. Dive into story-driven co-op missions from pivotal moments in the past, test your mettle against new deadly new Challenge Mission modifiers, and earn historically-inspired loot along the way!
Season 4 of Competitive 6v6 Lockout Elimination has begun!
Nvidia Reflex
Added Nvidia Reflex support for PC users with supported Nvidia GPUs. Enabling Reflex from the graphics options screen can reduce input latency. Reflex enabled GPUs can also enable the flash indicator option to aid in measuring input latency when using Reflex Latency Analyzer equipped monitors, more details can be found in our technical support forums.
- Fixed a bug that caused specific ability effects to persist on targets after a player swaps off the hero that applied the effect
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from using the escape menu to leave a custom game under certain circumstances
- Fixed a bug that would cause heroes to become stuck against some buildings in midair
- Fixed a bug with the Bounty Hunter game mode that caused Sombra to be detected when invisible if the Bounty Target buff expires
- Fixed a bug that caused player ragdoll models to fall through the terrain when skipping kill cam playback
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes knocked back by Doomfist's Rocket Punch to not always break railings
- Fixed a bug when calculating the "Weapon Accuracy - Best" stat
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to grapple to an unintended location
- Fixed a bug that caused Echo Duplication visual effects to not appear properly in high resolution screenshots
- Fixed a bug that caused enemies to remain frozen during Blizzard after they were knocked out of the area of effect
- Fixed a bug that allowed her turrets to be placed in unintended locations
- Fixed a bug that allowed Winston to be knocked back during Primal Rage while being affected by Zarya's Projected Barrier
- Fixed a bug where the Create Dummy Bot action did not work for slots 13 through 23 (when the Spawn More Dummy Bots extension was enabled)
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