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Overwatch – 18 August 2020 Patch Notes

Overwatch – 18 August 2020 Patch Notes


  • Fixed a bug that caused player names to not appear properly when viewing a replay
  • Fixed a bug allowing turrets to get placed in invalid locations
  • Fixed an issue with the Union Jack spray appearing incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug where Swift Strike would not deal damage if used on a target that is against a wall
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ice Wall to boost characters upwards inconsistently
  • Fixed a bug allowing Ice Wall to be placed on top of Mei's Cryo-Freeze
  • Fixed a bug that caused yellow orbs to not display over deceased allies
  • Fixed a bug that caused Zenyatta’s melee animation to not appear properly when using melee to cancel out of a secondary fire charge
  • Fixed a bug that caused primary and secondary fire to not activate properly after dying, in rare cases

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