- After gaining multiple Repair Pack charges, Brigitte was enabled to play at safer distances while still having a powerful impact on her team. Combined with her personal barrier, she ended up not needing as much survivability in terms of raw health.
- Inspire has also had a powerful team impact despite being hard to feel due to its passive nature, so we are lowering its team-wide healing output while making it more useful for Brigitte herself.
- Base health lowered from 200 to 150
- Total healing decreased from 130 to 90 (Healing reduced from 21 to 15 health per second)
- Self-healing is no longer reduced by half

The large radius of Orisa's Halt! ability made it too effective in setting up combos against large groups of enemies on a relatively short cooldown. The changes to the projectile speed and radius are aimed at shifting its use to be more effective at catching single targets.
- Base armor reduced from 250 to 200
- Radius reduced from 7 to 4 meters
- Projectile speed increased from 20 to 30

- We’re making some adjustments to Hover Jets that should increase her flight speed and make her more agile. To compensate for this change, we’re also lowering her hover uptime.
- Rocket Barrage has such immense damage output that the tail end of the duration was often more of a liability than a benefit, especially with fewer barriers around to blast through.
Hover Jets
- Movement speed increased 20%
- Regeneration rate reduced from 50 to 35 per second
- Duration reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds

These weapon changes are intended to make Roadhog's Chain Hook combo more consistent and bring back some of the heavyweight feeling it had in the past.
Scrap Gun
- Ammo reduced from 6 to 5
- Damage per projectile increased from 6 to 7
- Recovery increased from 0.7 to 0.85 seconds

Given Sigma’s offensive strength with Hyperspheres and Accretion, we have reduced some of his defensive tools to bring him more in line with other Tank heroes.
Experimental Barrier
- Health reduced from 900 to 700
- Regeneration rate reduced from 120 to 80 per second
Kinetic Grasp
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds

We're reducing the cooldown of the Teleporter to help lower the friction between needing to use it as both a personal and team-focused mobility tool.
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds

Zenyatta has low healing and mobility outside of his ultimate but makes up for it with high potential damage output. With the recently lowered barrier uptime resulting in an overall faster pace of the game, we want to make sure Zenyatta still excels at his strengths. This change will make his charged attack flow a bit better in combat.
Orb of Destruction
Secondary Fire
- Charge rate increased 15% (0.6 down to 0.52 seconds per orb)
- Rate of fire increased from 8.5 to 9 shots per second
Attention, athletes: It’s time for the 2020 Summer Games! Test your mettle in Lúcioball Remix, an all-new, even crazier version of your favorite ball-based sport. Sharpen your skills in the cutthroat competition of Copa Lúcioball Season 4. We’ve made major updates to our Busan and Sydney arenas, along with a variety of small updates to Lúcioball gameplay. Once you’ve worked up a sweat, hit the beach with legendary skins including Lifeguard Pharah, Surf’s Up Echo, and Tropical Baptiste. Unlock these and more, along with Summer Games items from previous years!
Lúcioball Remix is the wildest way to play Lúcioball yet. With two balls in play at once, plus periodic Bonus Balls worth three points each, scores will skyrocket and astounding plays will be made. Will you keep up, or will the barrage of balls break your brain?
Lúcioball Gameplay Updates
- Lúcio moves faster
- Lúcio has faster cooldowns
- Lúcio punch and boop range increased
- Lúcio punch and boop are now partially affected by your facing, to improve ball control
- Lúcio can crouch in the air to drop down to the ground
- Added new custom game options for Lúcioball
Priority Requeue for Backfilled Games
If you join a game after it has started to replace a player who has previously left, you are considered to have "backfilled" into that game. After finishing a game where you backfill, you are now granted a priority requeue the next time you queue to play. You will see a small icon on the interface to denote this status. When you queue for a game with priority requeue status, the matchmaker tries to prioritize finding an appropriate game for you. This normally results in significantly lower times waiting in queue.
Lopsided Teams
Further customize how many players can be on each team in a custom game. While games are still limited to 12 players in total, you are now able to choose any number of slots on Team 1 and Team 2. For Workshop users, this affects how many dummy bots can spawn on each team. If the total number of player slots is 12, that defines how many dummy bots can spawn on each team (e.g. a 4v8 mode would allow for 4 dummy bots on one team and 8 on the other). If the total number of player slots is less than 12, additional dummy bots may be added to either team as long as the total number of players is within 12 (e.g. a 4v0 mode would allow up to 8 additional dummy bots on either team). We're excited to see what asymmetrical game modes you all come up with!
Modification to High SR Grouping Restrictions
To match the new maximum SR of 3900 a player can achieve after finishing placements, you can no longer queue for Competitive Play in a group with more than 2 players if any player in the party is 3900 SR or higher.
New Workshop Actions
- Set Ammo
- Set Max Ammo
- Set Weapon
- Set Reload Enabled
- Disable Game Mode HUD
- Enable Game Mode HUD
- Disable Game Mode In-World UI
- Enable Game Mode In-World UI
- Disable Hero HUD
- Enable Hero HUD
- Disable Kill Feed
- Enabled Kill Feed
- Disable Messages
- Enable Messages
- Disable Scoreboard
- Enable Scoreboard
- Set Ability Charge
- Set Ability Resource
- Set Jump Vertical Speed
- Disable Nameplates
- Enable Nameplates
- Start Forcing Player Outlines
- Stop Forcing Player Outlines
- Enable Movement Collision With Environment
- Disable Movement Collision With Environment
- Enable Movement Collision With Players
- Disable Movement Collision With Players
- Start Modifying Hero Voice Lines
- Stop Modifying Hero Voice Lines
- Add Health Pool To Player
- Remove Health Pool From Player
- Remove All Health Pools From Player
- Set Player Health
New Workshop Values
- Ammo
- Max Ammo
- Weapon
- Is Reloading
- Event Was Environment
- Current Array Index
- Input Binding String
- Ability Charge
- Ability Resource
- Mapped Array
- Workshop Setting Toggle
- Workshop Setting Integer
- Workshop Setting Real
- Last Created Health Pool
- Fixed a bug with Brigitte's Repair Pack that caused interference with specific hero inputs
- Fixed a bug that could cause two Doomfists to trade Rocket Punches and both get knocked back
- Fixed a bug with cloned hero health bars not displaying status effects properly
- Fixed a bug with movement sounds not being reduced when crouching
- Fixed a bug that allowed Echo's Flight ability to continue after she was hacked
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes with movement abilities to pass through Mei's Cryo-Freeze ability
- Fixed a bug with Guardian Angel speed after triggering the Valkyrie ultimate ability
- Fixed a bug with Moira's Fade exertions and melee sounds playing at map origin
- Fixed a bug that allowed two Reinhardt's to collide during Charge and not knock each other down
- Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended places when using her Translocator ability
- Fixed a bug that would cause Sombra to get into a bad state if she lost her target just before Hack completes
- Fixed a bug that allowed Winston to trigger Primal Rage for a short duration when recovering from a stun effect
- Fixed a bug that allowed Wrecking Ball to launch out of a teleporter at high speed when using Grappling Claw
- Fixed a bug causing Disable Built-In Game Mode Completion to fail in Elimination
- Fixed a bug causing Set Max Health to apply the percentage change to your current health unnecessarily
- Fixed a bug preventing Ashe's self-knockback from Coach Gun from triggering Dealt/Received Knockback Events
- If the Last Of value is given an input value that is not an array, it now returns the value given to it instead of 0 (matching the behavior of First Of)
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