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Neverwinter – 15 June 2021 Patch Notes | Protector’s Jubilee: Unlock the Secrets!


Release Notes


Events: Protector’s Jubilee

  • A new locksmith has arrived and fixed the door to the Protector's Garden that the last locksmith failed to fix! It should work precisely as it did prior to originally breaking.
  • Known issues
    • The Summer Court fashion head piece currently does not display on Dragonborn. This will be fixed in a later build.
    • The Summer Court fashion set may incorrectly display human skin on non-human characters. This will be fixed in a later build.

Events: Summer Festival

  • Decanters of Endless Water and Decanters of Limited Water now properly count for water fight scoring.
  • Consumables: Food items including Caprese, Squash Soup, and Watermelon Sorbet are outside the planned range for event food, and therefore future drops of these will grant 5% buffs, down from 10%.
    • This change will not affect the food players already have (e.g. in inventory and bank).
    • All sources of these food items will drop the food items with their updated values.
    • Summer Provisioning will include a Grand Summer Feast recipe that allows players to still craft the item with their old food items if they desire to do so.

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