Release Notes
Content and Environment
Leveling Content
- Tower District: Merchant Guild Hall and Orc Barracks instances are now balanced for 3,000 Item Level, reduced from 4,000. (Merchant Square Sewers and the open-world zone were already 3,000 Item Level.)
- Various other instances have had their difficulty reduced to match their related open-world zones.
- Nest Egg: Enemies in this quest’s instance are now balanced for 4,000 item level, reduced from 6,000.
Combat and Powers
Classes and Balance
- Level 66 Oathkeeper Paladins now properly have a max Divinity greater than 0.
- Wizard
- Arcane Singularity: The magnitude has been increased to 800.
- Evocation: The effect of this class feature has been increased to 10%.
- Icy Terrain: The magnitude has been increased to 350.
- Magic Missile: The magnitude has been increased to 40.
Combat Scaling
- Content that scales players up to 30,000 Item Level now properly scales down to 36,000, reduced from 40,000.
- Con Artist’s Discipline: This power no longer gets stuck in a state where it deals 0 damage.
- Pig: The Mudsling power now properly deals AoE damage, instead of single-target damage.
Enchantments and Enhancements
- Shadowclad Enchantment: This enchantment once again functions as described.
Item Powers
- Defense Preparation: This item-granted effect now properly grants defensive percentage, instead of rating, to match the tooltip.
- Wisps of the Shadow Demon: This item’s proc effect now properly grants percentage values, rather than ratings.
Mounts and Insignias
- Protector’s Camaraderie no longer incorrectly mentions Armor Penetration when the bonus is applied.
- Regal Insignias of Prosperity no longer grant immense XP and Gold Bonus values.
- A few more tooltips have been adjusted, including typo fixes.
Enemies and Encounters
Castle Ravenloft
- Once this instance is available again, it will be temporarily removed from the Random Epic Dungeon queue.
- The Arcolith now has less health.
- The chapel’s encounter structure has been adjusted to lower the number and difficulty of enemies.
- The Portal of Power in the Sisters of Strahd encounter now has less health.
Infernal Citadel
- This instance has been temporarily removed from random dungeon queues. (It can still be queued for individually.)
Lair of the Mad Mage
- The Bore Worm’s “group up and soak the damage” power has had its damage reduced.
Manycoins Bank Heist
- An attack used by Rust Monsters has been lowered in magnitude.
- The enemy item level has been lowered.
- Bandit Cutthroats are now much less cutthroat.
- Minion-rank (“one-dot” difficulty) critters have had their health slightly reduced.
Items and Economy
- Envenomed Storyteller’s Journal: The AP gain and damage boost from this artifact is no longer double the expected value.
- Siegebreaker’s Banner: Armor Penetration is no longer mentioned in this artifact’s tooltips.
- Bent Ring of the Lords, Kings, and Guard now grant the correct rating values (including Combined Ratings).
- Greater Ostorian Rings now grant the correct rating values (including Combined Ratings).
- Rings from Rage of Bel and Avernus Hunts once again properly have stats in line with other rings of similar item level.
- Text for the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales is now properly up-to-date, aside from the Siegebreaker’s Banner tooltip change in this version.
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