Release Notes
Content and Environment
Echoes of Prophecy
- The Echoes of Prophecy battle pass intro quest, “A Subtle Curiosity,” has been changed to only award currency once per account.
- The portal that takes you between Scar Keep and the Jagged Approach now supports Echoes of Prophecy content correctly.
- The respawn timer on the Plaguetouched Maws in Burning Road has been reduced by 50% to ease in Echoes of Prophecy quest completion.
Combat and Powers
Classes and Balance
- Bard: Certain buff songs no longer incorrectly stack upon themselves under certain conditions. This has introduced an issue in which the song buffs can display incorrectly; we are looking into this issue, but it does not have a gameplay effect.
Items and Economy
- Masquerade of Liars: The maximum stack count of Handful of Enchanted Bristles is now 25, up from 20.
Reward Claims Agent
- (PC clients only) Because there was an issue preventing some players from claiming the 25 Reward Reroll Tokens between October 26 and November 2, all players may claim a set of 25 Reward Reroll Tokens from the Reward Claims Agent between this update and November 23.
Zen Market
- As of this update, Unbind Tokens can now be purchased from the Zen Market in packs of 10 or 100, under the Supplies category.
User Interface
Campaigns / Adventures
- An outdated unlock condition for accessing the Well of Dragons map has been updated.
- The Campaign icon no longer glows after all available rewards are claimed.
- Opening a reward pack or lockbox, while a different type of reward pack is currently open, no longer incorrectly displays a blank page.
- (Console systems only) Selling to a vendor once again consistently shows the cursor highlight.
Performance and Stability
- A recently-introduced crash in the inventory system has been addressed.
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