Release Notes
Content and Environment
Protector’s Enclave
- The fireworks show should no longer continue even though the Celebration of Lliira has ended.
- Heroic Encounters in the Dark Fey Mire should now display their timers on the map.
- Horrors Revisited: The quest flow should now be a bit clearer.
Dungeons and Trials
- Assault on Svardborg: Both chests can now properly accept Reward Reroll Tokens.
- Vault of Stars: Many fewer quicklings can be spawned at a time, and they spawn at a lower rate, which should help improve performance.
Future Events
Summer Festival
- All Summer Provisioning tasks can now properly proc the Dab Hand artisan bonus.
- Consumables: The Grand Summer Feast was overlooked in the previous consumables change. The buff amounts for Power and Accuracy are now reduced to 2.5% and 1.5%, respectively, down from 5%.
- This change will not affect the Grand Summer Feasts players have in their inventory and bank.
- All future sources of the food will drop the version with the changed values.
- Summer Provisioning will include a Simple Summer Feast and Lavish Summer Feast recipe that allows players to still craft the old version of the item if they desire to do so.
- Enemies should no longer sometimes spawn in the terrain.
Combat and Powers
- Repentant Cultist’s Discipline now properly grants up to 7.5% magnitude damage at Mythic quality.
- Repentant Cultist is now properly repentant, rather than “repentant.”
Item Powers
- Ring of Air and Ring of Darkness should now be closer in efficacy.
- Vintage Lightwine consumables now properly grant Awareness instead of Regeneration.
Items and Economy
- Avernus Hunts once again properly drop Zariel’s Favor.
- Vault of Stars: +5 Shirts and Pants can now drop from some of the Twisted Denizens.
User Interface
Home Page
- A new banner and several tips provide information about the upcoming module’s release.
Animation, Audio, Character Art, and Visual Effects
Character Art
- Crown of the Forest now properly displays on dragonborn characters.
- Summer Court and Gloaming Court fashion have received some minor visual touch-ups, including clipping fixes for the Summer Court set.
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