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Neverwinter – 19 April 2023 Patch Notes | Deadly Allies: Companions Get a Major Upgrade!

Neverwinter – 19 April 2023 Patch Notes | Deadly Allies: Companions Get a Major Upgrade!

Patch Notes: NW.285.20230311a.8

Release Notes

Campaigns and Adventures


  • The kobold before the final boss in “Whispers in the Dark” has learned to properly walk around the wall instead of getting stuck attempting to walk through it.

Combat and Powers


  • The Ruthless Domination Artifact Set Bonus should now activate more reliably when using a Daily Power.


  • Blaspheme Assassin
    • Faerie Fire’s effect has been changed to increase enemy Damage Taken by 1% and reduce enemy Deflect by 2%, non-stacking.
  • Cyclops Drummer
    • Increased uptime on Percussion.
    • Increased activation chance of Repercussion.
    • Rebalanced as a Hybrid Companion.
  • Dwarven Battlerager
    • Now uses Ferocious Leap with regularity.
    • Rebalanced as a Hybrid companion.
  • Manticore
    • Updated Manticore's Swipe, Tail Spin, and Poisonous Spine skills to hit more consistent areas.
    • Revised Swipe to deal appropriate Multi-Target damage. It had been incorrectly setup as a Single Target power.
    • Revised Poisonous Spines to deal their full damage over a much shorter timeframe.
    • Rebalanced as a Multi-Target companion.
  • Wizard Companions (Wayward Wizard, Mystagogue, etc.)
    • Wizard companions now stay closer to their targets to hit both Slow and Chilling Cloud.
    • Increased radius of Chilling Cloud.


  • The Account wide versions of the Ruby, Sapphire, and Aquamarine Enchantments should now properly grant more total stats than a single stat enchantment.
  • The Epic Aquamarine Enchantment no longer grants an excessive amount of Outgoing Healing.
  • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment should no longer grant an excessive amount of Control Bonus.

Items and Economy


  • The tooltip for the Bregan D'aerthe Expert's Coif no longer has a typo on the power name: "Mystic Inspiration".
  • The Windsoul Genasi companion, when bound, is no longer called "Air Genasi" in the companion list or when summoned. It is now Windsoul Genasi in all appropriate places. This may affect sorting in the companion list.
  • The items listed below have had their tooltips altered. Functionality has not been modified.
    • Feet Armor from the Dark Maiden's Gear
    • Stormforged Weapons
    • The Weaver's Weapons
Those tooltips now describe total damage and total healing multipliers differently, to better differentiate between our different ‘Damage’ and ‘Healing’ stats.
  • Outgoing Damage -> Total Damage
  • Outgoing Healing -> Total Healing


  • The following items have had their Item Levels increased when the result is a +1:
    • Thorned Amulet +1 - Item Level 1300, up from 1200.
    • Feywood Amulet +1 -  Item Level 1300, up from 1200.
    • Thorned Sash +1 - Item Level 1300, up from 1200.
    • Feywood Sash +1 - Item Level 1300, up from 1200.
    • Dawn's Light Sash +1  Item Level 1300, up from 1200.
    • Hermit's Incense +1 - Item Level 95, up from 90.

Menzoberranzan Campaign

Players could previously claim Menzoberranzan milestones 2 and 4 rewards on all characters. This was an error on our part. As per our other campaigns, we intended these rewards to be reclaimable once per account. We have corrected this error, and, apologize for the inconsistency. Players whom had managed to get multiple characters through these campaign steps will get to keep their rewards, but future claims will be limited to once per account.
  • Campaign Milestone 2 and 4 rewards (Mount Tokens and Tradebars) can only be claimed once per account.

User Interface


  • Campaign tasks that award Boon Points will no longer display 0 Boon Points in the task tooltip.
    • An overlay of the count is also now on the item icon.

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