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Mobile Legends – Splat Queen Kimmy | 1.3.22 Patch Notes

I. New Heroes & Revamped Heroes  1.[Splat Queen] Kimmy. Diamonds 599, BP 32000. Launch Week 30% Diamond Discount. Available to the whole Official Server from 23rd, October. Free access to Kimmy becomes unavailable when she is out in the Official Server. 2. Time traveller - Harith. Diamonds 599 BP 32000. Launch Week 30% Diamond OFF Estimated release date: November. Free access to Harith becomes unavailable when he is out in the Official Server. 3. Ocean Goddes - Kadita is coming to the Advanced Server as a free hero (Limited). Unavailable for purchasing Hero Speciality: As a mage she has amazing DPS as well as the ability to interrupt the positioning of the enemy team. Skill 1 Ocean Oddity: Kadita becomes a mermaid and summons an ocean wave. She then rides on the wave, dealing Magic Damage and slow the enemies She can re-cast this skill or use other skills to immediately get off the wave, then the wave would travel itself in the current direction to deal continuous damage. Skill 2 Breath of the Ocean: Kadita summons an ocean wave to mark a designated area. After a period of time, the wave surges out of the ground to deal Magic Damage and knocks an enemy into the air. Ultimate Rough Waves: With the might of the ocean at her command, Kadita summons a tsunami to crush nearby enemies. Each wave deals Magic Damage. The more waves an enemy takes. the more damage they take. The tsunami then returns to her and deals Magic Damage to enemies on the path. Passive Thalassophobia: Enemies are intimidated by Kadita's ocean waves. As a consequence, the attack speed of enemies who take damage from the waves are slowed. II. Weekly Free Heroes & New Skins  1.8 Free Heroes: Server Time 2018/10/12 05:01:00 t0 2018/10/19 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) Franco; Hayabusa; Yi Sun-Shm; Aurora; Dlggle; Gatotkaca; Angela 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Fanny; Lancelot; Jawhead; Martis; VaIIr; Hanabi 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 2018/10/19 05:01:00 to 2018/10/26 05:00:00 Karia;Bruno; Akai: Lolita; Vexana; Harley; DiggIe; Jawhead 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Alpha; Johnson; Zhask; Roger; Helcurt: Pharsa 2. New skin kimmy - Steam researcher. Diamond 269 Launch week 30% diamonds OFF. Available from 00: 00 23rd October. (Server Time) 3 [Kimmy] and her new skin [Steam Researcher] will be available as a bundle. Launch week 30% diamond OFF. Available from 23rdth. October (Server Time) 4. New Skin Karrie - Jester. Diamond 749. Launch week 30% diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00 30th, October. (Server Time) 5. Claude & his skin - Plunderous pirate. Exclusive for November Starlight Members. Stay tuned for more! 6. Revamped the color solution to the Passive of [Jawhead] [Space Explorer] 7.Hero Fragment Shop: Now available ~ [Gusion]; Now unavailable [Grock] Rare Skin Fragment Shop: Now unavailable Gord [Professor of Hell]; Now unavailable [Rock and Roll]. III. Hero Adjustments 1.Fixed a bug where the Recall effect for some of the heroes are invisible. 2.Improved the battle effects for the following heroes: Lapu-Lapu, Ruby Yi Sun-Shin, Franco. Sun, karrie. Estes, Diggie, Hanabi, Hayabusa, Natalia, Chou, Johnson. lrithel, Leomord, Pharsa, Aurora. [Kagura] Seimei Umbrella Open: Increased the range by 5%. Adjusted Magic Scaling Ratio to 1.5 from 1.3. [Karrie] Speedy Lightwheel: Adjusted the damage of Basic Attack (when entering double wheel state) to 50%l55%/60% from 50%/53%/56%. [Hanabi] Adjusted Physical ATK (From the beginning) to 105 from 115. [Claude] Blazing Duet: Adjusted Bonus on Shield to 0.04 from 0.05. [Thamuz] Adjusted HP Growth to 213 from 203. [Gatot Kaca] Steel Bones: Adjusted Ratio regarding converting HP loss to Physical Defense to 3% from 4%. Adjusted HP Growth to 225 from 230. [Hayabusa] Ninjutsu: Shadow Heal: Adjusted damage increased to 5% from 4% [Natalia] CoId-blooded Strangling: Adjusted Physical Bonus to 0.7 from 0.8. Assassin Instinct: Fixed a bug where the effect to alert enemies stay when Natalia has already left the area. Fixed a bug where the Recall effect for some of the heroes are invisible. [Leomord] Fixed a bug where Leomord steals life from attacking Turrets. [Miya] Fission Shot: Now creeps take the Explosive Damage from this skill. IV. Battlefield Adjustments :  Equipment items 1.[Hunter's Knife] Unique Passive Greed: Adjusted Extra EXP gained from jungling to 20% from 15%. Battle spells A. Adjusted CD to 1205 from 1505. 2.[Retribution]: Adjusted the duration of Damage Reduction to 85 from 55 (When carrying jungling equipment items). 3.[Purify]: Adjusted CD to 905 from 1105. 4.[Sprint]: Adjusted the buff on Movement Speed to 56% from 42%. Emblems Custom Jungle Emblem Adjusted: Bravery is renamed to Thrill. Greed is renamed to Balance. V. New Systems & Events  1.We have also prepared a brand new system Twilight Code for all players. In the Twilight Code. players can check the path of growth for all heroes. as well as completing the tasks within it to improve Mastery on all heroes. Take a little peek on the history of Land of Dawn! A. Mastery: By completing the plot-related tasks written in the Twilight Code or partaking battles using a heroes. players can improve the Mastery on that hero. Mastery reflects the proficiency on a certain hero. B. Plot-related Tasks: Based on the history of the Land of Dawn, we have designed 4 tasks for each hero. By completing the previous task, players can unlock the tasks for the coming chapters. C. This feature is now under test in the Advanced Server. Please stay tuned and don't miss out! For any suggestions, please feel free to contact the Dev Team! VI. System Adjustments 1.lmproved the display for EXP and Gold growth under the spectator's view. 2.Players can now delete friends added from Facebook. 3.Added a limit on the numbers of players in the Public Chat Channel. 4.Improved the control and artwork display on the button that allows players to change their avatar. 5.Revamped : The logo of Moonton! VII. BUG Fixes 1.Fixed the abormal display of KDA that may sometimes occur in Profile Statistics Details. 2.Fixed a bug where AI still takes control when the player returns.

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