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Mobile Legends – MINSITTHAR and HANZO Details | 1.3.30 Patch Notes

Mobile Legends – MINSITTHAR and HANZO Details | 1.3.30 Patch Notes
I. New Heroes & Revamped Heroes New hero - [Minsitthar] Diamond 599, BP 32000 launch week 30% diamond off. Available from 20th November (Server time) Free access to Minsitthar becomes unavailable when they're out in the Official Server. 2. Akuma ninja - Hanzo , will be available in December. Free access to Hanzo becomes unavailable when they're out in the Official Server. II.Weekly Free Heroes & New Skins 18 Free Heroes: Server Time 2018/11/16 05:01:00 to 2018/11/23 05:00:00 Karina, Akai, Franco, Argus, Roger, Irithel, Zhask, Angela 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Alpha, Cyclops, Helcurt, Karrie, Pharsa, Lesley 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 2018/11/23 05:01:00 to 2018/11/30 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) Fanny, Chou, Irithel, Vexana, Diggie, Grock, Lancelot, Valir 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Lolita, Johnson, Argus, Roger, Lapu-lapu, Hanabi 2. New skin (Minsitthar - King of War) Diamond 289. Launch week 30% diamonds off. Available from 00:00 20th, November. (Server Time) 3. Hero Minsitthar and hia new skin (King of War) will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00 20th November. Server time. 4. [Fanny and her Starlight Member skin [Royal Cavalry] will be available from 00:00 lst, December (Server Time). 5. [Irithel] Zodiac skin - [Sagittarius]  obtains in new Event [Zodiac summon] 6. [Sun skin - Street Legend] [Lucky shop] is coming. 7. To give back all the players for Thanksgiving ,the following heroes will be on a 30% BP discount on [Black Friday]. The event begins from 00:00 23rd November (Server Time). III. Hero Adjustments [Kimmy] Adjusted Magic Bonus to 0.4 from 0.5 Adjusted Basic HP to 2670 from 2570 [Hylos] Adjusted Basic HP Regen to 62 from 42. Adjusted HP Regen Growth to 8 from 3. [Hilda] Power of Wildness: Now the Damage will ignore 60% of the target's Physical Defense (adjusted from 40%) at max stacks. [Belerick] Nature's Shield: Now the Damage dealt to Belerick is reduced by 40%/42.5%/45% from 30%l35%/40%. Divine Judgment: Now the controlling effect of this skill can not be removed by Purify. [Moskov] Spear of Quiescence: Adjusted CD reduced by basic attack to 0.85 from 0.75. [Alice] Blood Ode: Now the regeneration effect is 70% (adjusted from 60%) when Alice uses this Skill and hits non-hero units. [Johnson] EIectro-airbag: Adjusted CD to 100s from 90s. [Helcurt] Shadow Rush: Adjusted the indicator to be the same as the real range of the skill. [Leomord] Phantom Steed : Reduced movement speed that is increased when in mounted state. [Balmond] Adjusted initial HP to 2716 from 2816. [Hanzo] Ninijutsu: Demon Feast: Enlarged the range of the skill. If the Attack Speed is fast enough, each attack of Hanzo can unlock two stacks. If Hanzo's body is under attack, the line between his body and the Blood Demon will show a warning. [Minsitthar] King‘s Calling: Removed the Physical Attack increase effect when Minsitthar is in the field. Adjusted the slowing effect to 20% from 30%. IV. Battlefield Adjustments [Skills] [Purify]: Fixed a problem where heroes can still be knocked up or knocked back when they should be immune to controls after using Purify. Adjusted the time of being immune to controls to 1.25 from 1.85. [Sprint]: Adjusted effect of reducing time being controlled to 40% from 30%. [Flicker]: Adjusted the increased Physical and Magic Defense to 6~20 from 11~25. [Emblem] 1. Custom jungle emblem. Brutal: Adjusted the extra Damage dealt to Creeps to 7% per level from 13% per level. Wild Power: Adjusted the obtained Gold to 50 from 75 when the target hero hit by Retribution is killed. Next time the Gold obtained in this way will increase by 10. Each player can obtain by Wild Power up to 1100 Gold. V. New Systems & Events All heroes are free to use in practice mode from 0:00. 20th November to 0:00, 4th December (Server Time). 1.Thanksgiving Collection Event Note: Thanksgiving Collection Event is available! All players can obtain Turkeys by logging in, partaking in matches, teaming up with friends and sharing event to others. Turkeys can be used to exchange for abundant rewards including Emblem Packs, Double BP Card, Hero Fragments, Premium Skin Fragments, Magic Dusts and Thanksgiving Exclusive Hero Chest containing Hero Pharsa, Lapu-Lapu. Hylos. Open the Chest and you can get any one of the Heroes among above three. 2.Double BP for the first match every day will be available from 00:00, 22nd November to 00:00, 27th November (Server Time). 3.The Lucky Shop of the Lucky Draw will be updated on 00:00, 20th November. The exclusive Skin of Sun Street Legend can be exchanged for only 3 month! 4.0ptimized the Hero Mastery Code: Optimized the animation when completing Hero tasks. Added the Share Button to the interface when the tasks are completed. Added tasks for Kaja, Lunox, Kimmy, Thamuz, Minsitthar. 5. Time limited - Chrkstmaa raffle:  During the event, you can purchase two different kinds of Christmas Tree and partake in different prize pools. A. Prize Pool: Normal Christmas Tree: Special Skins, Elite Skins. Normal Skins and Items. A skin is guaranteed in a 5X Draw. Premlum Christmas Tree: Starlight Skins, Special Skins. Elite Skins, Normal Skins and Items. A Starlight Skin is guaranteed in a 5X Draw. B. If you own all the Starlight Skins in the Premium Prize Pool, Draw 5X and a Special Skin or an Elite Skin is guaranteed. C. You can tap on the Christmas Trees for the details. D. If you obtain the Skins you've already owned in this event, they'll be converted into Skin Fragments accordingly. 6.[Frenzy] Mode: A. Reduced the HP of the Turrets and the Base. B. Adjusted the CD of some Items. C. Increased the Gold offered by the Turkey in the River. VI. System Adjustments 1.Optimized the display of Shop Recommendations. 2.Added the count down time to the Fragment Shop. 3.Fixed a problem where the Video Chest would trigger Red Dot. 4. Shortened the Team-up Inviting time. Now it takes effect in 90s and won’t work after expiration. 5.Optimized the notice for the New modes.

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