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Mobile Legends – 1.4.76 Patch Notes | Lou Yi

Mobile Legends – 1.4.76 Patch Notes | Lou Yi

New Heroes & Revamped Heroes

[Yin-Yang Geomancer] - Luo Yi Note: Log in on May 16 and claim Luo Yi for Free. Hero Feature: A Mage who roams between the binary of Yin and Yang, excels at dealing damage and inflicting CC effects from distance. Skill 1 [Dispersion]: Luo Yi casts the energy of "Yang/Yin in a designated direction, dispersing upon the first target hit and dealing damage to the target and enemies behind in a fan-shaped area, applying Mark of "Yang"/"Yin" to enemy Heroes hit. This skill have multiple charges. Luo Yi Shifts the state of this skilt upon skill cast. Skill 2 [Rotation]:Luo Yi summons "Fire of Yang"/"Aqua of Yin in a designated area, dealing continuous damage to enemies in the area and slowing them, causing continuous Yin-Yang Reaction with nearby heroes. Llio Yi shifts the state of this skill upon skill cast. Ultimate [Diversion]: Luo Yi creates a teleport circle around herself and sends allied heroes to another location on the battlefield after a short channeling. Passive [Duality]: Luo Yi's skills create marks of "Yin" and "Yang" on the battlefield. Yin-Yang Reaction happens whenever two bearers of opposite marks come close to each other, dragging them towards each other, causing Magic Damage and stun. Luo Yi gains a stack of Dispersion in the meantime. Each time Luo Yi applies a new mark to a mark bearer, she also gains shield and Movement Speed.

Weekly Free Heroes & New Skins

1. Nana's Skin "Wind Fairy" will be available for 14 days starting May 9 (Server Time). Diamond 749. 2. Grock's Skin "Codename: Rhino" will be available on May 12 (Server Time). Diamond 899. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. 3. Grock and his Skin "Codename: Rhino" will be in a bundle and available on May 12 (Server Time). Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. 4.8 Free Heroes: Server Time 5/8/2020 05:01:00 to 5/15/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Silvanna: Sun; Bruno; Estes: Khufra; Chou; Selena; Akai 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Lapu-Lapu; Kimmy, Lancelot: Helcurt; Lesley: Argus 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 5/15/2020 05:01:00 to 5/22/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Lapu-Lapu: Yi Sun-shin: Leomord: Harley: Roger; Chou: Selena; Akai 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Dyrroth; Belerick: Baxia; Helcurt: Fanny, Lylia 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 5/22/2020 05:01:00 to 5/29/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Karina: Khufra; Cyclops: Grock; Claude, Valir; Thamuz, Kadita 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Sun, Lancelot, Natalia; Selena; Badang, Guinevere 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 5/29/2020 05:01:00 to 6/5/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Minotaur; Clint; Ruby: Belerick: Karrie; X.Borg; Harith; Gusion 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Hanabi: Yi Sun-shin, Argus; Bruno, Grock; Hanzo 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 6/5/2020 05:01:00 to 6/12/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Bane: Bruno: Argus: Estes: Wanwan; Harley: Ling; Vale 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Silvanna; Angela: Hylos; Alpha; Franco; Martis 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 6/12/2020 05:01:00 to 6/19/2020 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the main page to check.) Lolita; Rafaela; Vexana; Karrie: Hanzo, Jawhead; Hylos, Masha 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Kagura; Lylia; Aurora; Kadita; Lunox, Esmeralda

Hero Adjustments

[Popol and Kupa] We’ve fixed some issues with the hero. In order to maintain a good hero balance, we adjusted Kupa's HP during the ultimate. a. We Are Angry!: Kupa's HP boost reduced by 500 at all levels. b. Slightly shortened the cast animation of skill 2 "Kupa, Help!". c. Fixed an issue where Popol was not able to revive Kupa if Kupa died while Popol is being resurrected by Immortality. d. Fixed an issue where Kupa wasn't able to benefit from equipment items that Popol purchased while waiting for respawn. e. Optimized Kupa's animation in battle. [Masha] As a melee range Fighter, we've figured that it is fairly difficult for Masha to get in a close range to her target. Thus, we significantly reduced the CD of her ultimate so that she would have less trouble getting into the combat range. Moreover, we also boosted her early game fighting potential, hoping she can pose a threat after receiving her first damage equipment item. In return, we slightly reduced her late game potential and her damage reduction duration. Basic Physical Defense increased from 12 to 20. Physical Defense Growth decreased from 3.5 to 2.9. Wild Power: While active, basic damage bonus for each Basic Attack adjusted from 60-80 to 150 at all levels. Movement Speed boost adjusted from 25%-35% to 30% at all levels. Additional damage adjusted from 3%-5.5% to 1%-4% of the target's max HP. Thunderclap: CD reduced from 30-24 to 20-16s. Damage Reduction adjusted from 25%-35% to 30%, its duration adjusted to 3s. [Freya] Although consuming all Sacred Orbs with Freya's skill 1 provided a higher skill cap, it broke the continuity of her combo and limited her ability of fast-moving. Thus, we limited the number of stacks that she is able to consume with her skill 1 so that players can make better use of her other skills. Since she shines too much with her bursting potential in the early game, we decided to tune down a bit the damage of effect of her skill 1, as well as the attack range of her ultimate. Players should try to add more Basic Attacks in between of skill casts in order to make full use of her great sustainability. Leap of Faith: She can only use no more than 1 Sacred Orb to improve the skill once. Leap distance increased. Spirit Combo: Basic Damage reduced by 30 at all levels. Valkyrie Descent: Attack Range increased. [Badang] Stun duration caused by Qigong Fist and Fist Crack increased from 0.5 to 0.8s. [Chang'e] Meteor Shower: Magic Power bonus of each Meteor increased from 20% to 25%. Mind Eater: Basic Damage decreased from 360-570 to 300-540. Fusion Enhanced damage adjusted accordingly. Hive Clones: Basic Damage adjusted from 140-200 to 110-200. [Helcurt] Deadly Stinger: Basic Damage of each stinger decreased by 40 at all levels. [Natalia] Attack Growth decreased from 10.5 to 8.75. ATK Speed Ratio decreased from 80% to 60%. [Hayabusa] Ougi: Shadow Kill: Basic Damage of each attack adjusted from 160-200 to 180-210. [Hanzo] Basic Attack decreased by 10. [Khufra] Bouncing Ball: Additional damage when he hits the ground decreased from 6% to 5% of his max HP. Basic Damage adjusted from 30-105 to 50-100 [Gord] Mystic Projectile: CD adjusted from 9-7 to 10-7.55. [Uranus] Basic Physical Defense decreased from 20 to 14. [Harley] Role changed to Mage/Assassin. [Wanwan] Fixed an issue where the passive effect of Endless Battle can be triggered when players tap Wanwan's ultimate while it's still not learned. [Thamuz] Fixed an issue where Thamuz may be able to toss 2 scythes in certain extreme instances [Ling] Optimized animation of Tempest of Blades on the battlefield. [Chou] Only Fast: Damage of the Enhanced Basic Attack reduced from 200% to 180%.

Battlefield Adjustments

Battlefield Optimized Lord's animation in Imperial Sanctuary. Equipment 1. Dominance Ice: Unique Passive - Arctic Cold: Multiple Arctic Cold effects do not stack now. 2. Endless Battle Physical Lifesteal decreased from 15% to 10%. Unique Passive - Divine Justice: Additional true damage reduced from 70% to 60% of Physical Attack.

New Events & Features

Midnight Summoning is available for a limited time. Silvanna's all new Skin "Midnight Justice" is available from the event for a limited time. a. During this event, you may obtain the permanent skin "Midnight Justice" or other rewards from each draw. b. The first time that you partake in this event will be Free. The participation cost increases gradually afterward. c. The permanent skin "Midnight Justice will be guaranteed on the 8th participation if you didn't obtain it from the previous 7 times. The total Diamond cost will be no more than 599. d. If the permanent skin isn't obtained from the draw, a common reward will be granted accordingly. (Common rewards include Midnight Justice Skin Trial Card (1 day)*1, Magic Dust 10, Hero Fragment*2, Midnight Justice Skin Trial Card (3 days) 1. Premium Skin Fragment*5. Magic Dust*20, Rare Skin Fragment*1). e. Duplicate skins obtained from this event will be converted into Skin Fragments accordingly. f. Obtaining skin from this event doesn't unlock the corresponding hero. g. You will have to unlock the corresponding hero before you can use the skin you have obtained from this event.

System Adjustments

1. Fixed the issue where sometimes live stream is unavailable due to streamer's battle time being a negative number. 2.Optimized sound effects and music volume performance, 3.MCL Gifting feature is now available for live streams: Audience can send diamond gifts to your favorite players during MCL stream. Players will receive Diamond bonus in 15 minutes after the match. New Feature - Squad Pre-register. After pre-registration, squad players that are offline will receive notification before MCL match starts. 4.Like button removed from the Report Un in the Post-game screen. 5.Optimized the description of the Grading rules in the Post-game screen.

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