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Mobile Legends – 1.4.16 Patch Notes | UPDATED HERO PHARSA!**

Mobile Legends – 1.4.16 Patch Notes | UPDATED HERO PHARSA!**
I - New Heroes & Revamped Heroes
Revamped [Wings of Vengeance] - Pharsa is coming to Advanced Server as a free hero (Limited). Unavailable for purchasing. Developer Comments: We want to provide Pharsa with control ability and increase the hit rate of Feathered Air Strike and what's more, we've optimized the mechanism of Feathered Air Strike so that players won't be helpless when matched against Pharsa. During this period of time, the Mastery Code of Pharsa is unavailable. Skill 1 - Wings by Wings: [Passive]: Every once in a while, Verri deals extra Magic Damage and slows the target down when Pharsa is casting Basic Attack. Active: Pharsa turns to a mist around Vern, flying over terrain during the duration of the skill. Once controlled, this state will end immediately. If this skill is enhanced, the flying speed will be increased. Skill 2 - Energy Impact: Pharsa releases magic energy in the targeted direction, dealing Magic Damage to the enemies hit. If this skill is enhanced, it will deal more damage to enemies hit and immobilize them. Ultimate - Feathered Air Strike: Pharsa files into mid-air and launches several rounds of air raids on the target for a period of time. Each round of air raid deals Magic Damage to enemies in the area. If this skill is enhanced, it will deal more damage to enemies hit and immobilize them. Passive - [Energy Enhanced]: After casting 2 skills, Pharsa's next skill will be enhanced and gain extra effects.

II - Weekly Free Heroes & New Skins

1. [Khufra] New Skin - [Apophis]. Diamond 599. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, September 20th (Server Time).
[Khufra] and his new Skin - [Apophis] will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% diamonds OFF. Available from 00:00, September 20th (Server Time). 2.[Lunox] Zodiac Skin - [Libra]. Obtainable in Event [Zodiac Summon]. 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 2019/9/20 05:01:00 to 2019/9/27 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) Akai; Kaja; Lolita; Estes; Harley; Hylos; Lunox; Khufra 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Ruby; Roger; Fanny; Valir; Diggie; Leomord 8 Free Heroes: Server Time 2019/9/27 05:01:00 to 2019/10/4 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings button on the top-right corner of the home screen to check.) Bruno; Fanny; Moskov; Lapu-Lapu; Lesley; Hanabi; Selena; Guinevere 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Natalia; Hilda; Jawhead; Hylos; Hanzo; Minsitthar

III - Hero Adjustments

[Badang] Fist Break: The Basic Damage when hitting enemies adjusted from 200 + Skill Level*30 to 210 + Skill Level*20. The Basic Damage dealt to enemies by the obstacle adjusted from 110 + Skill Level*20 to 120 + Skill Level*10. If Badang casts this skill and doesn't hit enemy hero, 40% of CD Reduction will be returned. Fist Crack: Fixed an issue where Shield will not get bonus from Physical ATK. Increased the coefficient by 1.5. Optimized the animation in battlefields. [Grock] Power of Nature: The CD increased from 4s at all levels to 6s at all levels. Basic Damage increased from 240 + Skill Level*60 to 320+ Skill Level *80. [Tigreal] Sacred Hammer: The Basic Damage of airborne increased 100 at all levels. [Martis] Each time this skill is casted, the ATK Speed increases by 25% instead of 15%. [Hylos] Ring of Punishment: Basic Damage adjusted from 65 + Skill Level*30 to 90 + Skill Level*30. Damage increase offered by each stack adjusted from 7.5%-20% (Scales with levels) to 5%-20% (Scales with levels). Optimized the visual effects of his skills. [Jawhead] Smart Missiles: Basic Damage adjusted from 60 + Skill Level*20 to 110+ Skill Level*15. [Terizla] Body of Smith: Now every 1% of Terizla's HP lost will be converted to 2.5% Damage Reduction. Max Damage Reduction is 35%. [Kimmy] Basic Physical ATK decreased from 104 to 90. Optimized the visual effects of her skills. [Granger] Basic Physical ATK decreased from 110 to 100. [X.Borg] Fire Stake: The delay time while taking Fire Stakes back increased 40%. [Kagura] Rasho Umbrella Flee: Basic Damage adjusted from 180 + Skill Level*25 to 280+ Skill Level *20. [Ling] Increased the Basic Damage of his skills and decreased Crit Damage. [Vexana] Now players can easily distinguish the summoned puppets when Vexana casts Twisted Summoner. [Lesley] Optimized the performance when Lesley was invisible. [Franco] Optimized the animation in the battlefield. [Natalia] Optimized the visual effects of her skills.

IV - Battlefield Adjustments

[Modes] CHESS-TD: [Synergy] A. Fighter: Splash Damage decreased from 60%-100% to 40%-70%. The splash range of 6 Fighters increased from 3 to 4. Optimized the logic of splash. Now more targets will take splash damage. B. 2 Tanks: Basic Damage increased from 150 to 300. Extra damage of Max HP increased from 2% to 4%. Fixed an issue where the first attack would deal twice the damage. C. 4 Tanks: Basic Damage increased from 400 to 700. Extra damage of Max HP increased from 4% to 6%. Fixed an issue where the first attack would deal twice the damage. D. 4 Celestials: ATK Speed decreased from 50% to 45%. E. 3 Demons: Now Skill damage to all heroes dealt by 3 Demons changed to True Damage. F. Assassin: The Skill Cost of Assassin increased from 50 to 60. The CD Reduction adjusted from 30%-80% to 20%-70%. [Heroes] Leomord: Now if target's HP is lower than 30%, Leomord deals Crit Damage Helcurt: The Skill Damage decreased 20%. Increased Skill Range. Lancelot: Now his Skill Damage will no longer be decayed based on the units hit. Odette: The Skill Damage increased 40%. Kadita: The Skill Damage increased 30%. Johnson: The Skill Damage increased 30%. Ruby: The Skill Damage decreased 30%. Fixed an issue that she would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Angela: The Skill Damage decreased 20%. Fixed an issue that she would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Vexana: The Skill Damage decreased 20%. Fixed an issue that she would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Eudora: The Skill Damage decreased 30%. Fixed an issue that she would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Cyclops: The Skill Damage decreased 10%. Gusion: The Skill Damage increased 10%. Martis: The Skill Damage decreased 10%. Fixed an issue that he would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Kaja: The Skill Damage decreased 20%. Fixed an issue that he would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Zhask: The Skill Damage increased 10%. Selena: The Skill Damage increased 30%. Thamuz: The Skill Damage increased 30%. Khufra: The Skill Damage decreased 30%. Fixed an issue that he would occasionally deal twice the damage when hitting multiple targets. Terizla: The Skill Damage increased 20%. Slightly decreased the Slowing Effect of this skill. Zhask: Now Zhask's Nightmaric Spawn will be automatically deployed on the slot where it can deal more damage. Moskov: Now he will choose the most proper target to cast his skill. Khufra: Now he will choose the most proper target to cast his skill. Terizla: The duration of his skill decreased from 3s to 2s. Decreased the times and the range to pull enemies. Roger: ATK Speed Bonus after Transformation adjusted from 100%/200%/300% to 100%/150%/200%. Natalia: The Slowing Effect of this skill decreased from 60% to 40%. Ruby: The Stunning Effect of this skill decreased from 0.8s to 0.5s. [Spoils] A. Added the following Spoils  Last Stand: 5s before the end of the battle, all heroes on the battlefield will enter a rage state, increasing Movement Speed by 100% and gaining the immunity to all CC. Mainstay of Eliminating: The last deployed Hero can deal 200% damage to the enemy player. Winter Cold Wave: All heroes deal 1 extra damage to the enemy player. Deceiver’s Mask: The holder will get 1 star upgrade temporarily when attacking. (The holder be upgraded to up to 3 stars.) Wrath of Tank: Tank Heroes taunt enemies periodically and reduce damage taken. B. Adjusted the following Spoils Invincible Shield: The invincible time decreased from 6s to 5s. Talent of Celestial: ATK Speed Reduction adjusted from 40% to 30%. Changed the level of some Spoils. Now effects offered by Spoils that would affect attributes can be stacked. All Spoils can be equipped automatically. [Strategy] A. Slightly increased the HP of the Bosses of Wave 25 and Wave 30. B. Heroes will be automatically deployed to Hero Capacity at the beginning of the Battle. C. The preparation time decreased from 25s to 22s except Round 1.

V - New Systems & Events

1. Prince of the Abyss - Dyrroth is ready to invade the Moniyan Empire. Pre-register and join the fight during September 21st - September 27th, you'll get 300 tickets for FREE by logging in on September 28th! Please refer to the in-game rules for details. 2. Heroes with "Try" logo cannot be banned in Draft Mode in Advanced Server. The purpose of this design is to better evaluate the performance of new heroes and adjust the balance of heroes.

VI - Bug Fixes

1. Fixed a bug where some heroes displayed incorrectly in Hero - Skill Demonstration. 2. Survival Mode: Fixed an issue where players' names will be replaced with text “123”.

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