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Mobile Legends – 1.3.64 Patch Notes | NEW HERO TERIZLA

Mobile Legends – 1.3.64 Patch Notes | NEW HERO TERIZLA

1 - New Heroes & Rewamped Heroes (NEW HERO TERIZLA)

1. Executor - Terizla is coming to the advanced server as a free hero (limited time) - Unavaialble for purchasing Hero Speciality: Terizla is a fighter with slow attack and high damage Skill 1 - Revenge Strike: Terizla cracks the ground and the fissure will spread out, dealing Physical Damage. After the fissure hits the first target, it will drill into the target and slow them. At the same time, Terizla's movement speed will increase. The fissure on target will be exploded and dealing Physical Damage. Skill 2 - Execution Strike: Terizla swings the gammer in sector area and releases many times continuously. Each time he will deal Physical Damage to the enemies and slow them. (This slow effect can stack) Ultimate - Penalty Zone : Terizla jumps to the designated area to smash down, causing Physical Damage and slowing enemies. Meanwhile, he summons Scaffold, which will reach out a hook to the enemies and pull the target, pulling once for a period of time, and causing Physical Damage. Passive - Chaotic Barrier: Chaos energy is summoned by Terizla to protect his body when his HP is low. Damage taken beyond a certain range is reduced. Terizla's extra Attack Speed will not be increased and per 1% extra Attack Speed will be transformed into Physical Damage. 2. Astrologer - Esmeralda, Diamond 599, BP 32.000, Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Avaiable from April 3rd (Server Time) Note: Free use in Advanced Server will be closed before it's launched.

2- Weekly Free Heroes & New Skins

1. [Esmeralda] New Skin - [Ruddy Dusk] - Diamond 269, Launch Week 30% Diamonds OFF. Avaiable from April 3rd (Server Time) 2. [Esmeralda] and her New Skin - [Ruddy Dusk] will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Avaiable from April 3rd (Server Time) 3. [Gatotkaca] New Skin - [Spark] - Diamond 599, Launch Week 30% Diamonds OFF. Avaiable from April 3rd (Server Time) 4. [Gatotkaca] and his New Skin - [Spark] will be in a bundle. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF. Avaiable from April 3rd (Server Time) 5. [Hanabi] and her Starlight Member Skin - [Fiery Moth] will be avaiable from 00:00, April 1st (Server Time) 6. [Alucard] - [Fiery Inferno] has been revamped ! 7. 8 Free Heroes Server Time: 2019/3/29 05:01:00 to 2019/4/5 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings Button on the Top-Right Corner to the home screen to check) Clint, Lolita, Gatotkaca, Uranus, Harley, Aurora, Yi Sun-Shin, Alpha 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Estes, Aldous, Diggie, Lesley, Hanabi, Leomord 8 Free Heroes Server Time: 2019/4/5 05:01:00 to 2019/4/12 05:00:00 (Tap the Settings Button on the Top-Right Corner to the home screen to check) Vexana, Akai, Kagura, Hylos, Grock, Lesley, Sun, Gusion 6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes: Alpha, Pharsa, Uranus, Zhask, Kimmy, Minsitthar

3- Hero Adjustments

[Granger] Rhapsody: Adjusted Physical Bonus to 0.8 from 0.7 Rondo: Optimized the Skill description. Adjusted reduced CD to 0.5s from 0.4s each time "Rhapsody" hits an enemy. Death Sonata: Fixed a problem where Granger can move while casting the skill. [Yi Sun-Shin] Adjusted Physical Bonus of One-wave Sweep to 1 from 0.5, and to 1 from 0.8 after taking Turret Ship. [Khufra] Bouncing Ball: This skill will deal an extra damage while casting. [Harith] Synchro Fission: Adjusted Damage of this skill to 0.7 from 0.5 and Explosive Damage to 2.1 from 1.8 Zaman Force: Removed the immobilized effect. [Rafaela] Light of Retribution: Adjusted Damage increased to 20% from 10% while hitting the same target in a row. [Diggie] Auto Alarm Bomb: Slightly decreased the movement SPD while chasing. Time Journey: Adjusted Shield to 400/750/1100 from 500/900/1300 [Chang'e] Starmoon Shockwave: Adjusted CD to 7s from 8s of all levels. Trouble Maker: Adjusted Damage increased to 2% from 1%. Adjusted the increased limit to 40% from 20%. [Kaja] Divine Judgement: Adjusted the control time of this skill to 1.5s from 1.8s. Adjusted Basic Physical Defense to 16 from 20. [Uranus] Consecration: Adjusted Shield and HP Regen effect improved to 60%/70%/80% from 40%/50%/60% [Vale] Windstorm: Adjusted CD to 40/36/32 seconds from 45/40/35 seconds. [Angela] Love Waves Increased 25% of the recharging speed. [Ruby] Don't run, Wolf King!: Adjusted Basic Damage to (20 + skill level*25) to (35+skill level*25). Adjusted the Extra Damage of the outer circle to 20% from 30%. [Miya] Modena Butterfly: Added the Voiceover while casting Ultimate. [Saber] Optimized the display effects of his skills. [Chou] Optimized the display effects of his skills. [Karina] Optimized the display effects of his skills.

4- Battlefield Adjustments

[Skills] 1. Recall: Optimized the camera animation of the recalling skill. [Battlefield] 1. Slightly increased EXP gained from killing enemy hero. 2. If the outer turret is destroyed, the next one will increase its Physical Defense to 80 from 50 for a period of time. 3. Evolve: a. Added [Dark Turtle] and it refreshes every several seconds. [Dark Turtle] will leave many Energy Crystals. b. Added an icon beside the HP bar of Elite creep. The creep shown the icon will leave Giant Energy Crystal. (Giant Energy Crystal can stack Attribute Bonus.) c. Adjusted some heroes' attributes. d. Adjusted some creeps' attributes and dropped items.

5- System Adjustments

1. Optimized the Voice Chat: a. Switching between premade Team Voice and Team Public Voice is now avaiable. b. Placed the Microphone permission Judgement of Voice Chat in the game when the Microphone button is on. Optimized the feedback performance when the system microphone permission is not obtained. 2. Profile Interface: Upgraded a new Profile Interface in the previus version. By collecting Players' feedback and comments, The functions are optimized and fixed some problems: a. Improved the loading speed of Popularity and Thumbs-ups Info. b. Improved the loading speed of Albums photos. c. Optimized the rules of Personal Profile. d. Fixed the bug where the title can't be fully displayed when viewing other players' profile. e. Fixed the bug that the player cannot go to the thumbs-up list by clicking on players' profile. 3. Lite Setting: Changing Lite Settings to High/Middle/Low is avaiable now. Now it only supports to change outside the battlefield, and the switch will immediatly cause to exit the game, the incremental resources will be downloaded again after logging in. 4. Survival: Optimized the chat of this mode. When displaying the chat content, Elimination Notification will now be replaced. 5. For widescreens devices, optimized the display of the left side button in Shop.

6. Bug Fixes

1. Fixed the following bugs in Hero Display: a. After Purchasing the currently uncselected skin, the Display page isn't refreshed. b. The icon of colored skin will incorrectly show up on the card of non-stained skin. c. When the coloredd skin is selected, the interface state of the orhinal skin is wrong. 2. Fixed a bug where chances are that the sound effect of Zilong doesn't play in the first Classic. 3. Fixed a bug where the Japanese battle Voiceovers of [Bane] may disappear. 4. Fixed a bug where the CV function button failed in hero display pages when selecting the hero -- Japanese voice.

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