Minecraft Snapshot 23w40a
We are now releasing Snapshot 23w40a, the first snapshot for 1.20.3! This snapshot contains improvements for shields, changes to chat component serialization and bug fixes.
- When a player is blocking with a shield, the arm with the shield now follows the direction the player is looking at, when viewed from third person perspective
Technical Changes
- The Data Pack version is now 19
- A few minor changes to chat component serialization
- Plain-text chat components are now always serialized as string instead of {"text': "blah"}
- Chat components now serialize to NBT when sent over network
- Chat components now have an optional type value to speed up parsing and improve error checking
- id field in show_entity hoverEvent style now also accepts UUID as an array of 4 ints
- Numeric and boolean arguments for translate component are no longer converted to string
- Errors in the following style fields are no longer silently ignored: color, clickEvent, hoverEvent, and more
Data Pack Version 19
- Added can_breathe_under_water entity type tag which disables drowning
- Added can_break_armor_stands damage type tag for damage types that can incrementally knock down armor stands
Fixed bugs in 23w40a
- MC-47607 - Barrier particles aren't shown if particles are set to minimal
- MC-50647 - Slime mob spawners spawn slimes only in slime chunks
- MC-78314 - (Marker) Armor stands create bubbles in water
- MC-109101 - Shields do not block damage while the player faces straight up
- MC-114761 - Area effect cloud applies effect to dying mob
- MC-172398 - Fire texture renders according to the player's rotation in the player inventory
- MC-221558 - Light particles aren't shown if particles are set to minimal
- MC-227255 - Beehives and bee nests do not rotate/mirror correctly in structure blocks
- MC-236946 - Shield attack vector is normalized incorrectly
- MC-253819 - Bells don't rotate correctly when loaded by structure/jigsaw blocks
- MC-254850 - An operator can kick a host of a LAN world
- MC-255173 - Nether portal teleportation is inaccurate at large coordinate values
- MC-261303 - Decorated pots have an unused "cracked" block state
- MC-263123 - Mending incorrectly calculates overflow after full repair
- MC-264748 - GLX._initGlfw Treats Pointer as a String
- MC-265353 - Clocks and Compasses in Item Display Entities don't show correct time/direction
- MC-265462 - Sending resource pack during play phase shows loading terrain screen for a long time
- MC-265519 - Game minimizes when certain areas of the screen are clicked on Mac in fullscreen mode
Get the Snapshot
Snapshot are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the
Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Report bugs
Want to give feedback? For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.20 features, head over to the dedicated
Feedback site category. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the
official Minecraft Discord.

Written By
Java Team
For more details, visit the source website.
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