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Lineage 2: Revolutions – March 2021 Patch Notes | Minimap Issues Resolved!

Lineage 2: Revolutions – March 2021 Patch Notes | Minimap Issues Resolved!


In the latest build of the highly popular game, Lineage 2: Revolution, players can rejoice as numerous issues have been fixed to enhance their gaming experience. No longer will you have to worry about the game crashing when changing the language or pressing the back button from the character selection screen on AOS devices. Additionally, the Summoning Circle will now properly display monster's appearance information, and the minimap in the Honorable Battlefield will show up correctly. But that's not all! The developers have also addressed issues with the Courageous Battlefield, ensuring that the information of all five players will now appear upon matching, and the battle status tab will consistently display the necessary information. Say goodbye to the Victory text showing up when you lose, and hello to a properly functioning minimap upon re-entering the battlefield. Plus, the move button on the minimap will now work flawlessly. And for those eager to make purchases in the Courage Coin Shop, the player's rank restriction has been lifted, allowing for smooth transactions. Rest assured, other inconveniences that players have encountered will also be fixed and improved upon. In the meantime, the developers are diligently working to resolve the issue where the enemy's HP does not show in the Courageous Battlefield. They are committed to fixing this as soon as possible, ensuring a seamless gaming experience for all players. For Android users, the latest version of Lineage 2: Revolution will be available for download at specific times. So mark your calendars and get ready to manually update your game through the Google Play Store. Don't forget to check the top right of the title screen to confirm that you have the latest version, v1.25.14. Get ready to dive back into the world of Lineage 2: Revolution with these exciting updates and improvements.

▶ Issues that are fixed in the 2/25 latest build 

  1. We have fixed the issue in which the game crashes upon changing the language.
  2. We have fixed in the issue in which the game crashes on AOS devices when pressing the back button from the character selection screen.
  3. We have fixed the issue in which monster’s appearance information does not show up properly in the Summoning Circle.
  4. We have fixed the issue in which the minimap in the Honorable Battlefield does not show properly.
  5. We have fixed the issue in which only the information of 3 players shows up instead of 5 upon matching in the Courageous Battlefield.
  6. We have fixed the issue in which the information on the battle status tab does not show up sometimes when playing the Courageous Battlefield.
  7. We have fixed the issue in which the Victory text shows up upon losing during the Courageous Battlefield.
  8. We have fixed the issue in which the minimap does not show up properly upon re-entering the Courageous Battlefield.
  9. We have fixed the issue in which the move button does not work properly upon clicking on the minimap in the Courageous Battlefield.
  10. We have fixed the issue in which you cannot make purchases in the Courage Coin Shop due to the player’s rank restriction not being lifted.
  11. Other issues that have caused the players inconvenience will be fixed and improved upon.

* We are currently looking into the issue in which the enemy's HP does not show in the Courageous Battlefield, and will try to fix it as soon as possible.

▶ Android Manual Update Schedule

  • Date:The latest version will be available for download after the following times:


2/24 22:18 (PST) 

2/25 01:18 (EST) 

2/25 17:18 (AEDT) 


2/25 06:18 (GMT)  

  • How to manually update your game:

- Google Play Store > Search Lineage 2: Revolution > Manual Update 

* Latest version: v1.25.14

* You can check your game’s version at the top right of the title screen upon starting the game.

▶ iOS Manual Update Schedule

  • Date:The latest version will be available for download after the following times:


2/25 19:00 (PST) 

2/25 22:00 (EST) 

2/26 14:00 (AEDT) 


2/26 03:00 (GMT)  

  • How to manually update your game:

- iOS App Store > Search Lineage 2: Revolution > Update

* Latest version: v1.25.14

* You can check your game’s version at the top right of the title screen upon starting the game.

* We recommend that you update the game in order to run the game smoothly.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and promise to do our utmost to ensure that we bring you an enjoyable and stable experience.

  1. Slot Machine Event

The Slot Machine Event is back to give you amazing rewards!

Play the slot machine for your chance to win some incredible rewards.

  • Event Period: 


3/5 01:00 (PST) - 3/17 21:59 (PDT) 

3/5 04:00 (EST) - 3/18 00:59 (EDT)

3/5 20:00 (AEDT) - 3/18 15:59 (AEDT)


3/5 01:00 - 3/17 20:59 (GMT)

  • Details:

■ How to participate

- You can check the event by going to [Menu] > [Event ]> [Event]. - You can spin using the slot machine using coins acquired through missions. - If you spin the slot machine and the pictures match, you will receive a reward according to the winning pictures. - 10 Slot Machine Coins are required to spin the slot machine once. - When participating in the event, you can use all the coins you have at once with the "Use all event items" function. Items are sent according to the winning rewards of the coins used.

■ How to obtain the Slot Machine Coins

- Coins can be acquired from the Slot Machine Shop or by hunting monsters. (Shop > Event Shop > Slot Machine Coin)
Mission Acquired Coins
Complete Participation in Arena 5
Auto-Clear the Tower of Insolence 7
Clear the Adena Vault (Auto-Clear Included) 7
Use a Quest Scroll 3
Watch an Advertisement (Once a day) 15
* Regardless of quest scroll level, the amount of coins obtained is the same. * You can check the advertisement viewing mission within the slot machine coin acquisition conditions in the [Menu > Event > Event] tab. * You can only acquire Slot Machine Coins by watching ads until the 3/16 update.  [Updated on 3/15 07:45 (PDT)]

■ Slot Machine Winning Rewards

- Winning rewards will be sent when 2 or 3 of the same pictures match.
Reward Type Reward Item Amount
Grade LR Crafting Material Selection Box (Blue Included) 1
LR Normal/Red Ether 1
LR Normal/Red Weapon Crafting Scroll 1
LR Normal/Red Armor Crafting Scroll 1 
Unconfirmed Spell Stone 1
AP Potion 2
Main Profession Essence Selection Box 3
Rainbow Garden Gift Profession Selection Box 3
Artisan Token 2
Maphr's Protection Fragment 10

※ Notes:

- Acquired Slot Coins will expire at the end of the event.

- Slot Coins can be sold for 1 Adena during the event period.

  1. Great Honorable Battlefield Grand Opening Celebration! 7-Day Check In

The new 5 vs 5 PVP battlefield, Great Honorable Battlefield, has come to our Heroes.

In order for the Heroes to enjoy Great Honorable Battlefield in a new way,

a check-in event will be held where you can obtain various rewards that help PVP equipment growth just by checking-in.

  • Event Period:

[Updated on 3/14 22:53 (PDT)]


3/4 21:00 (PST) - 3/17 21:59 (PDT)

3/5 00:00 (EST) - 3/18 00:59 (EDT) 

3/5 16:00 (AEDT) - 3/18 15:59 (AEDT)


3/4 21:00 - 3/17 20:59 (GMT)

  • Details:

- All rewards can be obtained by logging in for any 7 days out of the 12 days of the event period.

■ Check-in Rewards

Day Reward
1 Tier 2 High-grade Mana Stone Selection Box x1
2 Tier 2 Mana Stone Enhancement Scrap x2
3 Sayha’s Protection Random Box x1
4 Tier 2 Mana Stone Enhancement Scrap x2
5 Tier 3 Mana Stone Enhancement Scrap x1
6 Sayha’s Protection Random Box x1
7 Tier 4 Mana Stone Enhancement Scrap x1

  • Notes

- Only characters that access the game during the event period can participate for 12 days

   from the date of Check-in.

- Event Check-in rewards can be received once per character.

- Gifts received are sent to the character mailbox.

- This item is bound upon receipt.

- The cumulative access days are accumulated at the following times every day:


22:00 (PDT)

01:00 (EDT)

16:00 (AEDT)


21:00 (GMT)

  1. Ending Events/Events to be Concluded

- Dessert Wanderer Event

- Dessert Wanderer Ranking Event

1. Event Pass: Rare Equipment

Heroes, heads up! A new Event Pass will commence where you will be able to acquire Event Pass Exp. by completing various missions. Accumulate as much Exp. as possible to earn rewards in the end! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to win items that will help you in PVP! Please refer below for more details.

● Event Period:

After the 2/18 Update - Termination to be announced through a separate notice after the 5/11 Update

● Content:

- Check it in the menu on the top of the screen through [Event → Event]. - You can accumulate Exp. by using the Event Pass Exp. obtained through the mission, and you can get rewards based on the accumulated Exp. - The Event Pass gives you general rewards and can be upgraded to a Royal Event Pass. - When purchasing the Royal Event Pass, you will receive both the normal reward and the Royal Event Pass reward based on the accumulated Exp. - If you upgrade to the Royal Event Pass, you can also receive all Royal Event Pass rewards corresponding to previously-reached Exp. points. (Rewards for the accumulated Exp. that were not reached at the end of the event period cannot be received.) - Royal Event Pass benefits expire at the end of the event. - The Royal Event Pass is a product that is applied immediately upon purchase and cannot be refunded.

■ Event Pass Exp. Acquisition Mission


Obtainable Pass Exp.

Clear Temple Guardian

(Auto-clear Included)


Clear Daily Dungeon

(Auto-clear Included)


Clear Summoning Circle

(Auto-clear Included)


Clear Adena Vault

(Auto-clear Included)


Auto-Clear Tower of Insolence


Participate in Arena


Clan Check-in (Academy Clan Included)


■ List of rewards that can be obtained according to the accumulated Event Pass Exp.

Accumulated Exp.

Regular Rewards

Royal Event Pass Rewards


Red Diamond x1,000


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Red Diamond x200


Grade SR Annihilation Exclusive Weapon Box x1

Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Red Diamond x200


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Iron Wall Exclusive Headgear Box x1

LR Crafting Material Summon Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Varnish Selection Box x2

UR Attribute Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Varnish Selection Box x2

UR Attribute Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Varnish Selection Box x2

UR Attribute Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Iron Wall Exclusive Armor Box x1

LR Crafting Material Summon Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Attribute Stone x1

Grade UR Limit Break Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Attribute Stone x1

Grade UR Limit Break Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Attribute Stone x1

Grade UR Limit Break Stone x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Iron Wall Exclusive Glove Box x1

LR Crafting Material Summon Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Blessed Scroll: Weapon x10

Blessed Scroll Selection Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Blessed Scroll: Armor x10

Blessed Scroll Selection Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Blessed Scroll: Accessory x10

Blessed Scroll Selection Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Grade SR Iron Wall Exclusive Boot Box x1

*LR Armor Crafting Material Set x1


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Blessed Scroll Selection Box x10

Radiant Enhancement Scroll Selection Box x5


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Blessed Scroll Selection Box x10

Radiant Enhancement Scroll Selection Box x5


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x1


Radiant Enhancement Scroll Selection Box x5

Radiant Enhancement Scroll Selection Box x10


Maphr’s Protection Random Box x10

▶ LR Armor Crafting Material Set Components:

LR Armor Crafting Material Set

LR Armor Crafting Scroll Selection Box (Including Rare) x15

LR Armor Spell Stone Selection Box (Including Rare) x15

LR Ether Selection Box (Including Rare) x10

Radiant Armor Upgrade Stone x10

- You can acquire all of the above items when using the LR Armor Crafting Material Set.

※ Notes:

- You cannot receive rewards for grades that have not been achieved after the event ends. - Items acquired through the event will be bound. - Rewards are distributed to the character mailbox.

2. Dessert Wanderer Event

● Event Period: 


2/20 01:00 - 3/4 20:59 (PST)  2/20 04:00 - 3/4 23:59 (EST)  2/20 20:00 - 3/5 15:59 (AEDT) 


2/20 01:00 - 3/4 20:59 (GMT)

● Content:

- Go to the [Menu] > [Event] > [Event] tab. - You can enter the eating challenge by collecting 10 pieces of ice obtained through missions.. - 10 Ice Shards are consumed per participation. - Ice Shards disappear at the end of the event and can be sold at any time for 10 Adena. - You can practice in advance through the practice game button. - There is no limit on the number of practice games, but rewards cannot be obtained nor records reflected in the ranking while playing practice games.

■ Gameplay

- During the challenge, three colors of desserts will appear on the plate. - You must eat the dessert within a limited time by tapping the button of the same color as the dessert on the plate. - If you tap a dessert of a different color than the dessert on the plate, the tap button will be temporarily disabled. - You can get rewards according to the number of dessert bowls you ate during the game. - You can get a reward based on the number of rounds you have played.

■ Special Meal

- During the game, desserts of different colors appear on the golden plate, and you must tap the button of the corresponding color at the same time. (If multi-touch is difficult due to the playing environment, etc., it is also possible to tap in quick succession.) - For special meals, if the tap fails, the dessert disappears, and you cannot obtain a reward. * Obtainable Rewards from the Special Meal: Tool kit, High-grade Tool Kit

■ Fever Mode

- If the fever gauge is full while the game is in progress, Fever Mode will start. - During Fever Mode, the Dessert King will appear, and you can get rewards by tapping any button regardless of color. - Fever Mode ends when the buttons are tapped 10 times. * Items acquired in Fever Mode are not included in the number of rewards.

■ Ranking

- Your ranking will reflect the time it took for you to complete the challenge. - The ranking is calculated based on your best record. - Practice games are not reflected in the ranking.

■ Where to obtain Ice Shards

Acquisition Location

Ice Shard Acquisition Amount

Clear Adena Vault


Auto-Clear Tower of Insolence


Clear Temple Guardian


Participate in Arena


Watch an Ad (Once per day)


* You can find the ad to obtain Ice Shards in the [Menu > Events > Events] tab.

■ List of rewards that can be obtained during Normal Mode





Deep-blue Dew Flower Powder


Silver Herb


Blood-red Dew Flower Powder


Tool Kit

(Special Meal)




High-grade Tool Kit

(Special Meal)


Deep-silver Herb



■ List of rewards that can be obtained during Fever Mode



Elixir Essence Shard


■ Round Rewards





Rainbow Garden Gift Profession Selection Box



Normal Harvesting Tool



AP Potion



Special Commission Ticket



Mandragora's Elixir Essence Selection Box



Main Profession Essence Selection Box



High-grade Harvesting Tool



AP Potion



Special Commission Ticket



Mandragora's Elixir Essence Selection Box


※ Notes:

- If the time limit elapses, the event will automatically end even if you did not obtain all the rewards. - If you are unable to proceed because the game ended abnormally while the mini-game was in progress, you can finish the game by continuing after reconnecting. However, you cannot continue after the event period has ended. - Ice Shards disappear at the end of the event and can be sold at any time for 10 Adena. - Rewards are sent to the character mailbox.

3. Dessert Wanderer Ranking Event

● Event Period:


2/20 01:00 - 3/4 20:59 (PST)  2/20 04:00 - 3/4 23:59 (EST)  2/20 20:00 - 3/5 15:59 (AEDT) 


2/20 01:00 - 3/4 20:59 (GMT)

● Content:

- Additional rewards will be provided according to the ranking of each server achieved at the end of the Dessert Wanderer Event. - You can check your ranking on the Event > Ranking > Record Ranking screen.

■ Ranking

- When participating in Dessert Wanderer, the ranking will be updated according to your best completion time. - The ranking is calculated based on your best record. - Practice games are not reflected in the ranking.

■ Ranking achievement reward list by server



Rank 1

Red Diamond x3,000

Maphr's Protection Random Box x10

Rank 2

Red Diamond x1,500

Maphr's Protection Random Box x5

Rank 3

Red Diamond 1,000

Maphr's Protection Random Box x5

Ranks 4 - 20

Maphr's Protection Random Box x5

Ranks 21 - 40

Maphr's Protection Random Box x4

Ranks 41 - 100

Maphr's Protection Random Box x3

Below Rank 100 - Top 50%

Maphr's Protection Random Box x2

Below Top 50% - Top 75%

Maphr's Protection Random Box x1

※ Notes:

- Ranking rewards will be distributed sequentially after the event ends. - Rewards will be distributed to the character mailbox of the character with the highest ranking among all the server characters in the account.

4. Ending Events/Events to be Concluded

- Warm Heartfelt Clan Event Shop - Field Bonus Time Event - Elite Dungeon Bonus Time Discount Event - Get it! Black Bear! - Free Auto-Clear Event (Extended)
  1. Three Kingdoms Magnadin, Zhuge Liang’s Special Gift Event
  • Event Period:After the 3/16 update - Before the 4/13 update
  • Details:

- You can meet the Zhuge Liang NPC at any time in Magnadin during the event period.

- You can receive the rewards listed below upon tapping on Zhuge Liang once a day.

Reward Daily Acquisition Limit * Content will be reset each day at the normal reset time
Zhuge Liang’s Blessing Once a day
Zhuge Liang’s Gift Box

- Upon obtaining Zhuge Liang’s Blessing, you will receive a buff for 180 minutes that increases your movement speed by 6% and increases damage to monsters by 5%.

- However, this buff does not apply in PVP content (including Hall of Greed).

- Upon using Zhuge Liang’s Gift Box, you can obtain one of the following.

Zhuge Liang’s Gift Box Components
Clan Hall Feast Material Basket x1 Jelly Selection Box x1
Battlefield Hero Buff Scroll x1 Clan Hall Potion Selection Box x1
Warrior’s Feast Ingredient Basket x1 Clan Hall Individual Potion Selection Box x1

* The Gift Box or its components do not expire even after the event is over.

  1. Login Point Shop Event

  • Event Period:


3/18 02:00 - 3/31 21:59 (PDT)

3/18 05:00 - 4/1 00:59 (EDT) 

3/18 20:00 - 4/1 15:59 (AEDT)


3/18 01:00 - 3/31 20:59 (GMT)

  • Details:

- Login points are rewarded according to the amount of time you’ve spent logged in to the game. You can exchange them with items at the Login Point Shop.

- You can obtain 1 point for every 1 minute you are logged in.

* Login points are accumulated the same way in Offline Mode.

■ Login Point Exchange Shop

Item Login Points Required Purchase Limit
Cloak Limit Break Stone x1 500 2
High-grade Pattern Enhance Parchment x2 250 4
Cloak Strengthening Material Selection Box x1 200 4
Temporal Rift Ticket (Nightmare) x1 160 5
Cloak Yarn x500 120 5
Normal Pattern Enhance Parchment x2 100 5
Temporal Rift Ticket (Normal) x1 90 5
Maphr’s Protection Fragment x10 50 150
Rune Fragment x350 50 150

* Upon opening the Cloak Strengthening Material Selection Box, you can select one of the following items.

Cloak Strengthening Material Selection Box Components
Trisha’s Tear x100 Madness Fragment x100 Hagios’s Elemental Core x100
Dragon Scale x100 Earth Wyrm’s Nerve x100 Mutant Spore’s Source x100
Corrupt Blood x100 Dark Spirit x100 Printessa’s Rhapsody x100

* Login Points will expire once the Login Point Event is over.

  1. March Cherry Blossom Bingo! Event

  • Event Period: 


3/18 02:00 - 3/31 21:59 (PDT)

3/18 05:00 - 4/1 00:59 (EDT)

3/18 20:00 - 4/1 15:59 (AEDT)


3/18 01:00 - 3/31 20:59 (GMT)

  • Details:

- You can find this event in the menu at the top of the screen in [Event → Event].

■ How to Participate:

- You can use a Bingo Draw Ticket to open the square corresponding to the number that comes out of the ticket. You can then claim the reward within the square.

- When you complete a line of Bingo, you can receive a reward for completing that line.

■ Bingo Draw Ticket Types

Bingo Draw Ticket: Use to obtain a random Bingo number through the Bingo Draw.

Bingo Golden Chance Card: Use to select which square you want to unlock in the Bingo Event.

■ How to Acquire Bingo Draw Tickets

Acquisition Amount Obtained
Complete Arena Participation 1
Clan Check In (Including Academy Clan) 1
Clear Temple Guardian 2
Clear Summoning Circle 2
Auto-clear Tower of Insolence 3
Watch an ad (Once a day) 5
* You can find the ads to obtain Bingo Draw Tickets in the [Menu > Event > Event] tab. * Bingo Draw Tickets acquired through ads will be obtainable until the next update.

■ Items Available for Purchase in the Daily Limited Shop

Event Shop Daily Purchase Limit Adena
Bingo Golden Chance Card 2 50,000

* You can find the Daily Limited Shop in [Shop] > [Daily Limited Shop].

* The Daily Limited Shop will open on the day the event starts and will close at the following times:


3/31 21:59 (PDT)

4/1 00:59 (EDT) 

4/1 15:59 (AEDT) 


3/31 20:59 (GMT)

■ Bingo Square Rewards

Obtainable Rewards Upon Clearing a Bingo Square
SP x60 Normal Pattern Enhance Parchment x3
Radiant Upgrade Stone Selection Box x2 Normal Harvesting Tool x5
Greater HP Potion x2 High-Grade Harvesting Tool x3
Blessed Scroll Summon Box x2 AP Potion x1
Mount Equipment Enhancement Scroll x3 Artisan Token x2
Unconfirmed Accessory Bead x2 Main Profession Essence Selection Box x5
Grade SR Varnish Selection Box x1 Special Commission Ticket x2
Mount Exclusive Equipment Varnish (T1) x1 Lesser Giant’s Research Report x2
Advancement Stone x300 Grade R Mount Equipment Varnish Selection Box x1
Instant Revive Stone x10 Elixir Essence Selection Box (Not including Rare) x2
Ancient Shape Stone Fragment x15 High-Grade Tool Kit x2

* This is a list of items that can be obtained by clearing one Bingo square.

■ Bingo Line Completion Reward

Obtainable Rewards Upon Completing a Bingo Line
Magical Advancement Scroll T3 x1 Mount Equipment Upgrade Stone x1
Lesser Giant’s Tome x2 Unconfirmed Grade UR Mount Equipment Crafting Scroll x1
Magical Enchanting Stone T1 x1 Unconfirmed Rune Awakening Stone x1
Divine Einhasad’s Blessing x1 Accessory Recipe Selection Box x1 (Including Dynasty)
Grade S Quest Scroll Box x2 Mount Exclusive Equipment Varnish (T2) x1
Grade SR Mount Equipment Varnish Selection Box x1 Grade R Attribute Stone x1

* You can receive up to 3 Bingo Line Completion Rewards in one Bingo Card.

* When 3 Bingo Line Completion Rewards are acquired, you will automatically receive a new Bingo Card.

■ Bingo Cumulative Rewards

Amount Completed Rewards
1 Magical Limit Break Stone T1 x10
2 Torrential Magic Steel T1 x5
3 Ancient Beast’s Soul x5
4 Mount Exclusive Equipment Limit Break Stone T1 x10
5 Torrential Magic Steel T1 x5
6 Ancient Beast’s Soul x5
7 Mount Limit Break Stone x2

* You can obtain Cumulative Rewards every time you complete 3 lines on a Bingo Card. (Total of 7 times)

Additional Notes           

- The event items will be bound upon receiving them.

- The rewards will be sent to your character’s mailbox.

- Bingo Draw Tickets and Bingo Golden Chance Cards will expire once the event is over.

  1. Ending Events

- Slot Machine Event

- Great Honorable Battlefield Grand Opening! Mana Stone 7 Days Check-in Event

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
Three Kingdoms Costume & Red Hare Mount Set Bundle Three Kingdoms Outfit Costume x1 Three Kingdoms Weapon Costume x1 Three Kingdoms Hair Fashion x1 Three Kingdoms Token: Hero of a Turbulent Age x1 Red Hare Summoning Stone x1 Advancement Stone x1,000 Mount Equipment Enhance Scroll x20 Adena x200,000 Topaz x70 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 4/13 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above
Zhuge Liang Agathion Bundle Grade SR Zhuge Liang Soul x1 Zhuge Liang Charm Set Box x1 Strategist Token: The Brush is Mightier than the Sword x1 Topaz x100 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* These bundles and their components may be available for purchase again in the future.

* When the Three Kingdoms Costumes are equipped, you may receive the following effects.

Costume Name Stats
Three Kingdoms Outfit Costume P.Def. 186, M.Def. 186, Rare Skill Damage Decrease 370
Three Kingdoms Weapon Costume P.Atk. 153, M.Atk. 153, Evasion 344
Three Kingdoms Hair Fashion Crit. 367, Crit. Resist 367
Three Kingdoms Token: Hero of a Turbulent Age MP 1033, MP Regen 512

* Depending on the existing character’s stats, the increase in CP may vary 1-2 by title.

* The Red Hare Mount can be enchanted and its exclusive equipment can be activated. It has the following effects.

Mount Name Effects
Red Hare Grade SR Level 20 Stats: Atk. 2196, HP 3168, MP 3168, MP Regen 1761

* The Zhuge Liang Agathion has the following effects.

Agathion Name Effects
Zhuge Liang Agathion Basic Stats: Def. 424, HP 857, Evasion 880 Additional Stats at Maximum Strengthening: Def. 1423, HP 2871, Evasion 2947
Upon activating [The Brush is Mightier than the Sword] Token P.Def. 370, M.Def. 370, CP 1110

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Bundle Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Grade S-UR Summon Box x15 Red Diamond x2,000 Topaz x30 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 5 times per character/Lv.120 and above
Full of Cherry Blossoms Bundle Summon Box Draw Ticket x200 Cherry Blossom x1 Topaz x10 3 times per character/Lv.1 and above
Costumes one more time! Bundle Costume Set Return Box x1 Topaz x30 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* If you purchase the Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Bundle 5 times, you will receive 1 Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Selection Box.

* You may not purchase Hero Card Summon Boxes or Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Boxes with the Summon Box Draw Tickets acquired in the Full of Cherry Blossoms Bundle.

* These bundles and their components may be available for purchase again in the future.

* Upon using the Cherry Blossom item within the Full of Cherry Blossoms Bundle, you can obtain one of the following items by chance.

Cherry Blossom Components
Maphr’s Protection Random Box x2 Unconfirmed Rune Awakening Stone x2
High-Grade Pattern Enhance Parchment x2 Unconfirmed Accessory Bead x4
Lesser Giant’s Tome x5 Grade S Quest Scroll Box x3
Rune Awakening Stone Selection Box x1 Divine Einhasad’s Blessing x3
Mount Limit Break Stone x2 Treasure Guard’s Flute x3
Cloak Limit Break Stone x1 Scroll of Escape x40

* Upon using the Costume Set Return Box, you can select one of the following sets.

Costume Set Return Box Components Available for Selection
Item Components
Fairy Tale Costume Set Fairy Tale Outfit, Fairy Tale Weapon, Fairy Tale Hair
Revolution School Costume Set Revolution School Uniform, Revolution School Weapon, Revolution School Hair
Rider Costume Set Rider Outfit, Weaponized Tool, Rider Hair
Horror Costume Set Horror Outfit, Horror Weapon, Horror Hair
Frost Knight Costume Set Frost Kingdom Outfit, Front Kingdom Weapon, Frost Kingdom Hair
White Valentine Costume Set White Valentine Outfit, White Valentine Weapon, White Valentine Hair
Cowboy Costume Set Cowboy Outfit, Cowboy Weapon, Cowboy Hat
Streetwear Costume Set Streetwear Outfit, Streetwear Weapon, Streetwear Hat
Air Lineage Costume Set Air Lineage Outfit, Air Lineage Weapon, Air Lineage Hair
Detective Costume Set Detective Outfit, Detective Weapon, Detective Hair
Summer Holiday Costume Set Summer Holiday Outfit, Summer Holiday Weapon, Summer Holiday Hair
Royal Pirate Costume Set Royal Pirate Outfit, Royal Pirate Weapon, Royal Pirate Hair

* If you select a set that you already own, you will receive the set box but not the costume itself.

* If you select a costume set that you already own, a message will be displayed notifying you that the set is already in possession. Please select carefully.

* If you select a costume that you already own and would like to exchange it with another costume, please submit a 1:1 inquiry to our CS Center.

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
Leopard Treasure Chest Bundle Leopard Treasure Chest x1 Topaz x10 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* Upon using a Leopard Treasure Chest, you will obtain (NEW) Mount Summon Box: Leopard x2.

* You can use a Leopard Treasure Chest once a day, for a total of 20 times.

* The Leopard Treasure Chest’s cooldown period will reset every day at the normal reset time.

* This bundle and its components may be available for purchase again in the future.

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
NEW Diamond Treasure Chest Bundle NEW Diamond Treasure Chest x1 Treasure Exchange Ticket x1 Red Diamond x300 Topaz x5 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* Upon using a NEW Diamond Treasure Chest, you will obtain Red Diamond x500, and Summon Box Draw Ticket x2.

  However, you may not purchase Hero Card Summon Boxes or Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Boxes with the Summon Box Draw Ticket.

* You can use a NEW Diamond Treasure Chest once a day, for a total of 20 times.

* The NEW Diamond Treasure Chest’s cooldown period will reset every day at the normal reset time.

* You can sell 1 Treasure Exchange Ticket for 100,000 Adena.

* This bundle and its components may be available for purchase again in the future.

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
NEW Adena Treasure Chest Bundle NEW Adena Treasure Chest x1 Treasure Exchange Ticket x1 Red Diamond x300 Topaz x5 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* Upon using a NEW Adena Treasure Chest, you will obtain 100,000 Adena Box x2, and Summon Box Draw Ticket x2.

  However, you may not purchase Hero Card Summon Boxes or Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Boxes with the Summon Box Draw Ticket.

* You can use a NEW Adena Treasure Chest once a day, for a total of 20 times.

* The NEW Adena Treasure Chest’s cooldown period will reset every day at the normal reset time.

* You can sell 1 Treasure Exchange Ticket for 100,000 Adena.

* This bundle and its components may be available for purchase again in the future.

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
NEW PK Treasure Chest Bundle NEW PK Treasure Chest x1 Treasure Exchange Ticket x1 Red Diamond x300 Topaz x5 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* Upon using a NEW PK Treasure Chest, you will obtain Greater HP Potion x30, Instant Revive Stone x50, and Summon Box Draw Ticket x2.

  However, you may not purchase Hero Card Summon Boxes or Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Boxes with the Summon Box Draw Ticket.

* You can use a NEW PK Treasure Chest once a day, for a total of 20 times.

* The NEW PK Treasure Chest’s cooldown period will reset every day at the normal reset time.

* You can sell 1 Treasure Exchange Ticket for 100,000 Adena.

* This bundle and its components may be available for purchase again in the future.

■ Welcome/Welcome Back/Hot Deal

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
NEW Strengthening Treasure Chest Bundle NEW Strengthening Treasure Chest x1 Treasure Exchange Ticket x1 Red Diamond x300 Topaz x5 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above

* Upon using a NEW Strengthening Treasure Chest, you will obtain Divine Einhasad’s Blessing x2, Grade S Quest Box x3, and Summon Box Draw Ticket x2

  However, you may not purchase Hero Card Summon Boxes or Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Boxes with the Summon Box Draw Ticket.

* You can use a NEW Strengthening Treasure Chest once a day, for a total of 20 times.

* The NEW Strengthening Treasure Chest’s cooldown period will reset every day at the normal reset time.

* You can sell 1 Treasure Exchange Ticket for 100,000 Adena.

* These bundles and their components may be available for purchase again in the future.

  1. Common Shop

    ■ Summon Box

Bundle Name Price Sales Period Purchase Limit
Ivory Tower Wizard Artifact Summon Box Red Diamond x120 After the 3/16 Update - Until Further Notice No Purchase Limit /Lv.120 and above

* You may not use Summon Box Draw Tickets for this item.

  1. Event Shop

■ Summon Box 1+1 Shop

Item Name Price Sales Period Purchase Limit
LR Crafting Material Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x120 America 3/23 18:00 (PDT) 3/23 21:00 (EDT) 3/24 12:00 (AEDT) Europe 3/24 01:00 (GMT) - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 50 times per day per character/Lv.1 and above
Mount Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x80
Agathion Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x80
Elysium Research Team Artifact Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x120
Silverlight Mercenaries Artifact Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x120
Radiant High-grade Talisman Summon Box x2 Red Diamond x100

* These products may be available for purchase again in the future.

* You may not use Summon Box Draw Tickets for these items.

■ Summon Box 1+1 Shop

Bundle Name Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
Surprise Blue Diamond Bundle Blue Diamond x500 Topaz x5 America 3/23 18:00 (PDT) 3/23 21:00 (EDT) 3/24 12:00 (AEDT) Europe 3/24 01:00 (GMT) - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per day per character/Lv.1 and above

* The Double Purchase Count feature from Revolution Plus does not apply to this bundle, so please purchase with caution.

* This bundle may be available for purchase again in the future.

  1. Renewal & Purchase Reset Items

- The components and names for some items have been updated and their purchase limits have also been reset.

Item Name Updated Components Sales Period Purchase Limit
1 Time Bonus! 1,000 + 1,000 Diamonds - After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per account/Lv.1 and above *Purchase Reset
1 Time Bonus! 2,000 + 2,000 Diamonds
1 Time Bonus! 5,000 + 5,000 Diamonds
Special! Monster Card Collection Bundle Grade R Monster Card Selection Box x5 Grade S Monster Card Selection Box x10 Grade A Monster Card Selection Box x15 Grade B Monster Card Selection Box x30 Grade C Monster Card Selection Box x50 Universal Card x5 Lesser Giant's Research Reports x35 Premium Monster Card Summon Box x30 Topaz x30 After the 3/16 Update - Until Further Notice 5 times a month per character/Lv.1 and above *Purchase Reset

* The product name for [Monster Card Collection Bundle] has been changed to [Special! Monster Card Collection Bundle].

- The purchase limits for the following products have been reset.

Item Name Price Sales Period Purchase Limit
5,000 Red Diamond Box Treasure Exchange Ticket x4 After the 3/16 Update - Before the 3/30 Maintenance 1 time per character/Lv.1 and above *Purchase Reset
Double Red Diamond Exchange Box Blue Diamond x100 - 200 times a month per character/Lv.1 and above *Purchase Reset

  1. Improvements

1) The Prize Wheel rewards have been updated.

- The Prize Wheel reward Agathion Rare Charm Summon Box has been updated. It can be used to obtain rare charms for [Gryphon, Spica, Stuffed Teddy Bear, Dryad, and Snake].

* Previously owned Agathion Rare Charm Summon Boxes will have their names changed to (Previous) Agathion Rare Charm Summon Box, and you may not obtain rare charms for [Gryphon, Spica, Stuffed Teddy Bear, Dryad, and Snake] with them.

  1. End of Sales Period

- Flower Costume & Bunny Blossom Mount Set Bundle

- Warm Spring Breeze Bundle

- Clan New Mount Bundle

- Diamond Treasure Chest Bundle

- Adena Treasure Chest Bundle

- PK Treasure Chest Bundle

- Strengthening Treasure Chest Bundle

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