Neeko Boxes
- Blue Box: Neeko ⇒ Neeko + 2 Coins
- Gold Box: Neeko + 3 Coins ⇒ Neeko + 5 Coins
- Least negative health total.
- If negative health is tied, most health in the round prior to elimination.
- In the unlikely event that both of the previous measures are tied (!), the final standings for those tied players will be determined randomly.
- New Galaxy: Dwarf Planet - The first and last row of every board is disabled.
- Removed Galaxy: Little Little Legends.
Star Guardians
- Star Guardian Mana share: 25/40/55 ⇒ 15/25/45
- Poppy Starting/Total Mana: 60/100 ⇒ 50/90
- Zoe Starting/Total Mana: 70/100 ⇒ 40/80
- Neeko Starting/Total Mana: 75/150 ⇒ 25/100
- Syndra Starting/Total Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 0/40
- Soraka Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/120
- Janna Starting/Total Mana: 50/130 ⇒ 30/100
Other Traits
- Celestial Healing: 15/40/99% ⇒ 20/45/150%
- Cybernetic Bonus Health and Attack Damage: 350&40/600&75 ⇒ 300&35/550&70
- Sorcerer Spell Power: 20/45/75 ⇒ 20/40/70
Tier 1 Champions
- Jarvan Health: 650 ⇒ 700
- Jarvan Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55
- Jarvan Mana: 50/100 ⇒ 40/80
- Jarvan Ageless Standard Attack Speed Bonus: 0.65/0.75/0.85 ⇒ 0.75/0.85/0.95
- Xayah Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.9
Tier 2 Champions
- Mordekaiser Health: 650 ⇒ 700
- Mordekaiser Indestructible Damage: 50/75/125 ⇒ 75/100/200
- Rakan Health: 600 ⇒ 700
- Yasuo Total Mana: 90 ⇒ 80
Tier 3 Champions
- Ashe Health: 600 ⇒ 650
- Ashe Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85
- Ashe Enchanted Crystal Arrow Damage: 200/275/550 ⇒ 200/300/600
- Ashe Enchanted Crystal arrow Stun Duration: 2/2/2 ⇒ 2/3/4 seconds
- Ezreal Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50
- Ezreal Starting Mana: 50 ⇒ 30
- Karma Inspire Shield: 250/400/800 ⇒ 300/450/900
- Karma Attack Speed Boost: 50/75/125% ⇒ 70/90/150%
- Neeko Health: 800 ⇒ 850
- Neeko Armor: 45 ⇒ 50
- Shaco Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 70
- Syndra Unleashed Power Damage (per orb): 100/125/200 ⇒ 100/140/220
- Vayne Health: 550 ⇒ 500
- Vayne Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50
- Vi Assault and Battery Damage: 400/600/1200 ⇒ 350/550/1100
Tier 4 Champions
- Fizz Chum the Waters Damage: 450/600/5000 ⇒ 400/550/4000
- Irelia Health: 800 ⇒ 900
- Irelia Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 85
- Irelia Armor: 35 ⇒ 50
- Irelia Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 40
- Irelia Bladesurge Damage: 175/250/500% ⇒ 225/250/500%
- Jhin Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 85
- Jhin Attack Speed: 0.85/0.9/1.1 ⇒ 0.9/0.95/1.2
- Jhin 4th Shot Damage: 244/344/4444% ⇒ 350/500/4444%
- Jinx Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7
- Riven Shield: 225/375/1000 ⇒ 200/350/1000
- Viktor Death Ray damage (Second Part): 250/400/1500 ⇒ 200/325/1500
Tier 5 Champions
- Aurelion Sol Mana Drain: 15/25/50 ⇒ 10/15/50
- Aurelion Sol Mobilize the Fleet Damage: 110/150/1000 ⇒ 90/150/1000
- Janna Attack Speed Bonus: 100/150/500 ⇒ 80/125/500%
- Armor: 30 ⇒ 40
- Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 40
- Attack Range: 660 ⇒ 420
- Starting/Total Mana: 40/90 ⇒ 50/100
- Fear Beyond Death Targeting: Farthest within Attack Range ⇒ Farthest
- Fear Beyond Death now hits the first enemy it collides with instead of always hitting its intended target.
- Damage is now preventable (a unit with Guardian Angel will revive).
- Mana Reduction per cast: 10/20/90 ⇒ 20/30/100
- Time to reel the enemy in now scales with Star Level.
- Reel Duration: 1.5 sec ⇒ 3/2/1 second(s)
- Giant Slayer now does (premitigation) damage that matches its damage type (physical or magic).
- Ionic Spark Magic Resist shred: 50% ⇒ 40%
- Ekko’s slow is now displayed as a percentage instead of a decimal on his Tooltip.
- Champions pulled in by Thresh’s Temporal Passage can no longer be used to star-up other units
- Vayne’s bonus damage attacks during Final Hour can now properly proc Blademaster
- Lulu Polymorphed units will no longer hop around while Stunned
- Fixed an issue where Shaco could occasionally not receive Dark Star stacks if Stealthed when an ally would die
- Aurelion Sol can no longer cast while being reeled in by Urgot
- Buy XP and Shop buttons now animate when you zoom in and out !
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