Combat Recap
- The Combat Recap panel has new capabilities: it will now display total damage blocked, shields, and healing for your team.
Round Timer
- Removed the extra 5 seconds of planning per round for the start of each Set.
Champion Shop
Aided by the Chosen mechanic, we're seeing 3-star Tier 4 champions too frequently for their power level. We're dialing down their frequency of showing up at level 8 to make sure that their rarity is more appropriate.
- Champion probability by Tier at level 8: 14/20/35/25/6% ⇒ 14/25/35/20/6%
General Balance
- Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125
- Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Health: 1800 ⇒ 1600
- Dusk Team Spell Power: 20/20/50 ⇒ 20/20/40
- Dusk Spell Power: 0/50/75 ⇒ 0/50/70
- Keeper Shield: 175/250/325 ⇒ 175/250/400
- Mage Spell Power: 70/110/180% ⇒ 80/110/180%
- Spirit Attack Speed: 35%/90% ⇒ 35%/80%
Increased the approximate gold value of Fortune 3 at all levels, and also removed the “All Gold” drops at higher levels of losses. Spatulas can also drop from 5+ losses.
- 0 Losses: 2g ⇒ 3g
- 1 Loss: 4.5g ⇒ 6.5g
- 2 Losses: 8g ⇒ 11.5g
- 3 Losses: 13g ⇒ 17g
- 4 Losses: 18.5g ⇒ 24g
- 5 Losses: 23.5g ⇒ 31g
- 6 Losses: 29g ⇒ 38g
- 7 Losses: 35g ⇒ 45g
- 8 Losses: 41.5g ⇒ 55g
- 9 Losses: 55g ⇒ 70g
We also generally increased the payouts from the Fortune 6 loot table:
- Average Value: 9.25g ⇒ 10.25g
- Removed the all Gold drop
- Added a Spatula drop
- Added a very rare “Jackpot”...think items...lots of items.
Tier 1
- Diana number of orbs: 3/4/6/10 ⇒ 4/5/6/10
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers damage: 300/400/600/900 ⇒ 350/450/600/900
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 150/200/300/450 ⇒ 175/225/300/450
- Nami Aqua Prison Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 2.5/3/4 seconds
- Vayne Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.9
Tier 2
- Annie Burst Shield Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 250/350/450
- Annie Burst Shield: 400/600/900 ⇒ 500/700/900
- Aphelios Turret Duration: 6/7/9/11 ⇒ 7/8/9/11
- Hecarim Spirit of Life Healing: 250/350/500 ⇒ 250/400/600
- Jax Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.75
- Jax Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/100
Tier 3
- Jinx's spell is now an actual spell instead of an auto-attack override.
- Xin Zhao Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 30
- Xin Zhao’s spell now properly flows through the Basic Attack system. (He no longer heals from Hextech Gunblade, but instead benefits from Bloodthirster. Additionally, his spell cast will count as a single attack for Statikk Shiv and Rageblade)
- Yuumi Zoomies Healing: 30/45/60% ⇒ 30/45/75%
- Yuumi Zoomies Attack Speed: 30/40/50% ⇒ 30/40/60%
- Veigar now targets lowest current health instead of lowest percent health.
- Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 500/650/1150 ⇒ 500/650/1000
- Veigar Dark Blossom Spell Power gain on kill: 1/2/5 ⇒ 1/2/4
Tier 4
- Riven Sweeping Strikes Shield: 175/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750
- Riven Sweeping Strikes Damage: 180/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750
- Riven Sweeping Strikes Wave Damage: 300/450/2000 ⇒ 300/450/1500
- Shen Armor: 50 ⇒ 60
- Shen Starting/Total Mana: 60/125 ⇒ 50/100
- Shen Shadow Dash Shield and Taunt duration: 4/4/4 ⇒ 4/4/8 seconds
Tier 5
- Lee Sin Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 40
- Sett Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 70/175
- Yone Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 80
- Zilean can no longer cast his ultimate on himself. (He may still cast on other Zileans)
- Luden’s Echo Damage: 180 ⇒ 200
- Statikk Shiv Damage: 80 ⇒ 85
- Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: 80 ⇒ 85
- Sunfire Cape Burn damage cadence: 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
- Aphelios’ turrets will now die exactly when he dies instead of lingering for up to .24 seconds.
- Sett will no longer casually walk back onto the stage only to disappear when knocked out by Lee Sin.
- Yone can now properly cast Unforgiven while Disarmed.
- Thresh, Warwick, and XinZhao’s clickboxes have been extended vertically to better represent the size of the units.
- Nami’s CC can no longer be overridden by other knock-up effects (like Lulu).
- Vi can now cast her spell at long range when equipped with a Rapid Firecannon.
- Azir’s Soldiers no longer have 5.00 Attack Speed which could cause units to target them with their spells
- Lee Sin will no longer knockout units who are immune to CC
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