Q minion damage reduction increased.
Q - The Darkin Blade
R2 max damage increased.
R - Perfect Execution
R2 MAXIMUM DAMAGE 195/420/645 ⇒ 225/450/645
E movement speed increased; cooldown now scales.
E - Molten Shield
MOVEMENT SPEED 25-50.5% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 30-60% (levels 1-18)
COOLDOWN 15 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
Passive slow increased. Q now an auto attack reset.
Passive - Frost Shot
SLOW 15-30% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 20-30% (levels 1-18)
Q - Ranger's Focus
J>PQ GOT ACNow is an auto attack reset
Q range increased. R max stacks increased.
Q - Rocket Grab
RANGE 1050 ⇒ 1150
R - Static Field
PASSIVE MAX STACKS 2 marks ⇒ 3 marks
Q can now hit turrets and wards. E2 can now crit turrets.
Q - Lunge
TOWER DEFENSE Can now hit turrets and wards (will prioritize champion vitals, ultimate targets, champs, dying minions, turrets, and wards, respectively)
E - Bladework
STONEHENGE The second basic attack can now deal bonus damage to turrets
W cooldown increased; damage ratio decreased.
W - Drunken Rage
COOLDOWN 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
DAMAGE RATIO 8% of target's maximum health ⇒ 7% of target's maximum health
Base attack damage increased. Rounding out some other base stats.
Base Stats
HEALTH 551.1 ⇒ 555
MANA 322.2 ⇒ 325
MANA REGEN 7.9 ⇒ 8
Q and R turret AP ratio increased. E stun duration increased.
Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
BASIC ATTACK RATIO 30% ability power ⇒ 35% ability power
E - CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
STUN DURATION 1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
R - H28Q Apex Turret
BASIC ATTACK RATIO 30% ability power ⇒ 35% ability power
Q1 AP ratio decreased.
Q - Inner Flame
Q1 DAMAGE RATIO 60% ability power ⇒ 40% ability power
W shield from damage dealt increased. Spectators can now see champions in the Death Realm as spirits.
W - Indestructible
DAMAGE DEALT POTENTIAL SHIELD 30% of the damage he deals ⇒ 35% of the damage he deals
R - Realm of Death
ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE ?Spectators now see the combatants in the Spooky Realm as appropriately spooky
R damage increased.
R - Command: Shockwave
DAMAGE 150/225/300 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 200/275/350 (+0.8 ability power)
Free Masterwork upgrades happen earlier.
Passive - Living Forge
MASTERWORK UPGRADE Masterworks upgrade for free when Ornn reaches level 13 ⇒ 12
Base magic resist decreased. W empowered damage now scales.
Base Stats
MAGIC RESIST 32.1 ⇒ 28
W - Shield Vault
EMPOWERED DAMAGE Deals 150% total attack damage over three hits ⇒ Deals 135-165% (levels 1-18) total attack damage over three hits
Base armor increased. Unburrowed Q now works on turrets.
Base Stats
ARMOR 33 ⇒ 36
Q - Queen's Wrath
FACE MY WRATH Rek'Sai's Unburrowed Q now works on turrets
Q cooldown increased. E cooldown decreased.
Q - Broken Wings
COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 13 seconds
E - Valor
COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Passive damage ratio flattened.
Passive - Fury of the North
ICE BREAKER DAMAGE RATIO 1 0/15/20% of target's maximum health (levels 1, 7, 14) ⇒ 10% of target's maximum health
W base shield increased.
W - Soul Furnace
BASE SHIELD 30/55/80/105/130 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150
Base armor and armor growth decreased. Passive damage ratio adjusted.
Base Stats
ARMOR 32 ⇒ 28
Passive - Petricite Burst
DAMAGE RATIO 9-60 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power), reduced by 50% for minions that aren't the primary target ⇒ (+1.1 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power) to the primary target, (+0.4 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power) to everyone else
Tahm Kench
E’s Grey Health heal now scales.
E - Thick Skin
GREY HEALTH HEAL 75% of Grey Health at all ranks ⇒ 30-100% of Grey Health (levels 1-18)
Twisted Fate
E attack speed increased; base damage increased.
E - Stacked Deck
ATTACK SPEED 10/15/20/25/30% ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40%
BASE DAMAGE 55/80/105/130/155 ⇒ 65/90/115/140/165
R base AD increased.
R - Final Hour
BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE 20/30/40 ⇒ 25/40/55
E cooldown decreased later.
E - Event Horizon
COOLDOWN 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds
Xin Zhao
Passive base heal increased. Q base damage increased later.
Passive - Determination
BASE HEAL 8-59 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 10-78 (levels 1-18)
Q - Three Talon Strike
BASE DAMAGE 20/25/30/35/40 ⇒ 20/28/36/44/52
Q slow strength now flattened, duration decreased, no longer decays over time.
Q - Prowling Projectile
SLOW 20/32/44/56/68/80% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
SLOW DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 seconds
CAT NAP Slow no longer decays over time
Bloblets restore more health.
R - Let's Bounce!
NEWGREEN POTION Bloblets restore an additional 1/2/3% maximum health
- Black Cleaver
- Black Spear
- Bloodthirster
- Dark Seal
- Hex Core mk1 and mk2
- Lightbringer
- Obsidian Cleaver
- Fixed a bug where Ultimate Hunter would not reduce Kayle's R - Divine Judgement's cooldown
- Fixed a bug where Rakan's self-only R marker would display in Spectator Mode
- Adjusted the default keybindings for some pings ("This is warded" moved to H, "Hold position" moved to J)
- Tibbers will properly draw turret aggro onto Annie if he deals damage to an enemy champion under turret
- Illaoi is properly able to cast W - Harsh Lesson even when Grounded
- Shyvana no longer loses her gained movement speed from W - Burnout when transforming via R - Dragon's Descent
- Yasuo is no longer able to cast R - Last Breath onto a non-knocked up target who's just been hit with Ornn's R - Call of the Forge God
- When Taunted or Silenced, Shyvana's Q - Twin Bite's empowered attack properly launches onto the target before being consumed
- Increased the recast lockout time for Pantheon's E - Aegis Assault so spamming the key doesn't accidentally, almost instantly, cancel the ability
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