Passive now heals for less against minions. Q damage to minions reduced and flattened.
Passive - Deathbringer Stance
HEAL Heals for bonus physical damage dealt to anything ⇒ Heals for 25% of the damage dealt when stabbing a minion (healing vs. other targets unchanged)
Q - The Darkin Blade
DAMAGE TO MINIONS 50-100% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 40% at all levels
R cooldown increased early. R1 stun removed. R2 base maximum damage decreased early.
R - Perfect Execution
REMOVEDR1 STUN Akali no longer stuns her enemies for 0.5 seconds
R2 MAXIMUM DAMAGE 255/450/645 (+0.9 ability power) ⇒ 195/420/645 (+0.9 ability power)
COOLDOWN 120/110/100 seconds ⇒ 160/130/100 seconds
E now grants decaying movement speed; damage reduction decreased; cooldown increased.
E - Molten Shield
NEW MOVEMENT SPEED Annie gains 25% + 1.5% per level decaying bonus movement speed over a 1.5 second duration
DAMAGE REDUCTION 16/22/28/34/40% ⇒ 10/13/16/19/22%
COOLDOWN 10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 15 seconds at all ranks
R empowered damage amplifier and max empowered damage increased.
R - Last Caress
EMPOWERED DAMAGE AMPLIFIER 100% against enemies below 30% of their maximum health ⇒ 140% against enemies below 30% of their maximum health
EMPOWERED DAMAGE 250/500/750 (+1.5 ability power) ⇒ 300/600/900 (+1.8 ability power)
Q and W quality-of-life changes. R mushroom adjustments with more charges and infinite bounce.
Q - Blinding Dart
THAT GREEN LIGHT, I WANT IT Blinded targets will now see a green light around their screen when they are affected by Teemo's Q
W - Move Quick
DID YOU SCREENSHOT Move Quick's ability icon will now have a bar above it to show its active duration
R - Noxious Trap
EAT ME Mushrooms will now trigger more responsively, especially on enemies dashing through them quickly
SCUTTLE AWAY Rift Scuttler no longer triggers mushrooms when it's not in combat
LEAP FROG Mushrooms can now bounce once off of each other ⇒ infinitely off of each
MAX CHARGES 3 mushrooms at once at all ranks ⇒ 3/4/5 mushrooms at once
Video Accessibility Options
ENABLE SCREEN SHAKE On by default, but turning it off will remove the screen shake caused by things like Pulsefire Ezreal's recall or Ornn's ultimate.
VISUAL SLIDER SAllows players to control the Color Level, Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast of games. These options will change the overall appearance of the game except for the UI, allowing you to either diminish or highlight visual differences in-game quickly
- Jayce's E - Acceleration Gate now properly functions when cast on top of Jayce
- Pinging Pantheon's R - Grand Starfall will tell Pantheon's teammates which enemies are in range
- Wolf no longer grants additional, non-functional vision to Kindred when circling her
- Champions affected by Stasis no longer move during the effect
- Allies on their way to enter Tahm Kench's R - Abyssal Voyage will no longer be stuck when Tahm Kench is hit by an enemy
- When Shaco fears a target with W - Jack in the Box, he'll properly receive an assist if the target is killed shortly after
- Diana's Passive - Moonsilver Blade's tooltip now properly updates when she ranks up E - Moonfall
- Jinx's E - Flame Chompers now properly prevent Akali from moving when she uses R - Perfect Execution through them
- Taliyah's Q - Threaded Volley now properly consumes the full mana cost after she walks out of an area of Worked Ground
- Illaoi can no longer dash a short distance using W - Harsh Lesson when snared or rooted
- Bard's Meep cone attacks now properly break spell shields
- When Karthus is under his Passive - Death Defied effect, his W - Wall of Pain now properly grants vision around the wall
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