Patch Highlights
Balance Framework
Q spell ranks decreased, shield removed, damage bonus now dependent on R. W now slows; Spell Flux bonus converts slow to root.
When Ryze is played optimally, he covers his weaknesses incredibly well. At the same time, he benefits highly from a coordinated team. Pro play relishes champions with these characteristics, which is why he's been such a strong pick in the space. We're chipping away at these strengths to quell his presence there, but at the same time, helping out those who are looking to pick him up and aren't as precise in their combos. With the removal of his shield, he'll have fewer means of survivability against bad match-ups, and by changing his CC to a slow, his gank targets should have better chances of escaping a 2v1 (especially a Flash > Rune Prison combo). As part of the general adjustments we're making to make him more welcoming to less experienced players, we're also opening up the bouncing game a bit more by making Spell Flux always bounce off its primary target, and placing some scaling into a passive on Realm Warp. Then there’s a bunch of tuning to account for those changes. It’s not what we would typically call a rework, but since it’s Ryze, we’ll count it. Looking forward to v7 (v8?)!Base Stats
Q - Overload
W - Rune Prison
E - Spell Flux
R - Realm Warp
Passive now stores up to 2 charges; base damage increased; AoE damage less effective against minions. Q detonation damage and AoE range decreased on minions. W heal increased. E shield adjusted and cooldown increased later.
Passive - Petricite Burst
Q - Chain Lash
W - Kingslayer
E - Abscond/Abduct
Base health increased. Passive mana refund decreased early; shield decreased. W shared adaptive force adjusted; dash now interruptible by all CC.
Base Stats
Passive - Bop N' Block
Q - Prowling Projectile
W - You and Me!
Quality of Life Changes
Simple Champion Changes
VFX on all abilities updated. E shield increased; cost decreased later.
VFX Updates
E - Help, Pix!
Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion
Q - Glitterlance
W - Whimsy
R - Wild Growth
W base damage increased. R knockback distance and chunk spawn adjusted.
W - Unstable Matter
R - Let's Bounce!
ARAM Balance Changes
9.12 Nerfs
9.12 Buffs
VFX Updates
- Warwick's Q - Jaws of the Beast tooltip now lists the correct AP ratio
- Split rewards now display on Ranked Armor on the Loading Screen
- The "End-of-Vote" flash on the Surrender box no longer re-appears when the timer expires for those who have already voted
- The Surrender box can now be properly be moved around
- Headhunter Nidalee's Q - Javelin Toss's javelins have been adjusted for colorblind players to better see them
- Jhin's Q - Dancing Grenade now properly bounces to other targets even after its damage is consumed by Sivir's E - Spell Shield
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