Patch Highlights
NEW HERO Yuumi !!
Meow meow meow. Meow mew. Meow cat meow mew 9.10, mewo.
W now blocks Braum's and Kennen's stuns rather than preventing them from proccing.
W - Riposte
INTERACTIONS WITH DEBUFF SRiposte prevents Braum and Kennen from applying the last stack of their passives ⇒ allows Braum and Kennen to apply the last stack of their passives, blocking the stun (and still blocking the damage from the attack)
Master Yi
Q cast time removed, adjusted target scanning. W cast time removed. E no longer grants AD while not on cooldown. R movement speed increased and adjusted.
Q - Alpha Strike
REMOVED CAST TIME No longer takes 0.1 seconds to cast
NEW BETA STRIKE If Master Yi has struck fewer than the maximum amount of times he can with Alpha Strike and there are no other nearby eligible targets, he will now strike the same target for 25% of the damage before checking for nearby targets again
W - Meditate
REMOVED CAST TIME No longer takes 0.05 seconds to cast
E - Wuju Style
REMOVED No longer grants 10% attack damage while not on cooldown
R - Highlander
MOVEMENT SPEED 25/35/45% total movement speed ⇒ 35/45/55% bonus movement speed
R casts adjusted.
R - Hallucinate
APPEAR Random position 50-250 range in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction ⇒ 200 range in the direction of Shaco's cursor, facing the clone
CLONE APPEAR Random position 50-250 range in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction ⇒ 200 range in the opposite direction of Shaco's cursor, facing Shaco
Plants no longer take additional damage from basic attacks that do not trigger on-hit effects.
Passive - Garden of Thorns
FERTILIZER Damage from basic attacks that doesn't trigger on-hit effects (ex. Corki's Hextech Munitions, Miss Fortune's Love Tap, etc.) no longer deals a separate instance of damage to Zyra's plants
ARAM Balance Changes
ADDITIONAL TURRET DAMAGE Champion damage to turrets increases after the first 15 minutes, maxing at +15% at 25 minutes ⇒ 18 minutes, maxing at +25% at 30 minutes
MINION WAVE FREQUENCY Minion waves spawn faster after the first 15 minutes of the game, maxing at 15 seconds between waves at 25 minutes ⇒ 18 minutes of the game, maxing at 13 seconds between waves at 30 minutes
MINION MOVEMENT SPEED Minions speed up after the first 15 minutes of the game ⇒ 18 minutes of the game
DEATH TIMER AT LEVEL 1845 seconds ⇒ 40 seconds
9.10 champion nerfs
AATROX+10% damage done & -10% damage taken ⇒ No changes
JANNA+10% damage taken ⇒ +10% damage taken & -8% shielding done
MAOKAI-8% damage dealt & +8% damage taken ⇒ -12% damage done & +12% damage taken
SONA-10% damage dealt & -25% healing done & +12% damage taken ⇒ -10% damage dealt & +12% damage taken & -15% shielding done & -15% healing done
9.10 champion buffs
AZIR+5% damage done
KALISTA+5% damage done
KATARINA+8% damage done & -8% damage taken
MORDEKAISER+5% damage done & -5% damage taken
TALIYAH+5% damage done
TRISTANA+5% damage done
ZAC+5% damage done & -8% damage taken
ZOE+5% damage done
9.10 rune adjustments
GATHERING STORM Adaptive force every 7 minutes ⇒ Adaptive force every 6 minutes
DEMOLISH 100 (+0.35 of your maximum health) bonus physical damage to structures at max stacks ⇒ 50 (+0.2 of your maximum health) bonus physical damage to structures at max stacks
- Rakan can now properly recast E - Battle Dance even when his mana is lower than the ability's cost
- Tahm Kench's W - Devour's tooltip now properly displays its AP ratio
- Gun Goddess Miss Fortune now properly laughs during R - Bullet Time
- Papercraft Nunu & Willump no longer uses base Nunu & Willump's W - Biggest Snowball Ever!
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