Welcome, one and all, to the first patch of 2019! We hope the holidays treated you well and you're rested up and ready for a fresh new year of League. Let's get into it! At the top of the notes you'll see a special section for Kalista, Ornn, and Sejuani, all of whom have been much stronger in pro play than regular play. In all three cases, we're reducing the utility they offer to coordinated teams and offering them strength that's less tied to perfect timing, positioning, or communication. From there, we move into the bulk of our champion changes which feature direct buffs to a bunch of marksmen. In each case, we accentuated the unique strengths or highest moments they're picked for, but the impetus for all of them is the same: Marksmen on the whole ended 2018 in a rough spot. We've got some item work in the patches to come as well, so 9.1 isn't the end of the road to recovery. After that, the balance updates wrap up with rune adjustments, including a usability buff to Hail of Blades for champs with attack resets.
Kalista, Ornn & Sejuani
Base AD, AD growth, attack speed growth increased; W Oathsworn AD bonus removed. Q damage increased. E deals less damage to epic monsters.
Base Stats
Q - Pierce
W - Sentinel
E - Rend
Base durability increased. Ornn's items upgrade at level 13 (2 max); he can upgrade one ally's item per level at level 14+. More upgrades added. Q cost, damage, slow decreased. W doesn't shield but makes Ornn unstoppable. R slow, knockup decreased.
Base Stats
Passive - Living Forge
Frozen Fist
Youmuu's Wraithblade
Might of the Ruined King
Luden's Pulse
Q - Volcanic Rupture
W - Bellows Breath
E - Searing Charge
R - Call of the Forge God
Base durability increased. Passive grants fewer stats but lasts longer. Q damage increased. W2 damage increased but slow falls off immediately. E deals more damage but range and stun decreased.
Base Stats
Passive - Fury of the North
Q - Arctic Assault
W - Winter's Wrath
E - Permafrost
E teleports immediately; cast time now entirely post-teleport. Hextech Gunblade's active can be buffered.
E - Shunpo
Jungle Items
Unenchanted jungle items reduce gold received from minions if their owner has too much minion gold.
Funneling's made a small comeback, so we're adding a new version of Monster Hunter that's more graceful than last season's check on who had the highest CS.
Rune Stats
Attack speed rune stat increased.
Turret Assists
Local gold proximity radius on turret takedown increased. Additional radius for assists added.
Ability Ping Improvements
Long-Range Abilities
- Galio's R - Hero's Entrance
- Nocturne's R - Paranoia
- Pantheon's R - Grand Skyfall
- Yasuo's R - Last Breath
- Caitlyn's R - Ace in the Hole
- Lux's R - Final Spark
- Twisted Fate's R2 - Gate
- Jhin's W - Deadly Flourish and R - Curtain Call
- Ziggs' R - Mega Inferno Bomb
- Xerath's R - Rite of the Arcane
Abilities with Detailed Information
- Draven's Passive - Adoration: Current stacks
- Heimerdinger's Q - H-28G Evolution Turret: Number of turrets available or time until next turret if none are available
- Kassadin's R - Riftwalk: Time until stacks expire if Kassadin is unable to cast Riftwalk due to having too many stacks
- Kayn's Passive - The Darkin Scythe: Time until other form is available if Kayn's already unlocked a form
- Kog'Maw's R - Living Artillery: Time until stacks expire if Kog'Maw is unable to cast Living Artillery due to having too many stacks
- Mordekaiser's R - Children of the Grave: Remaining ghost duration
- Nasus's Q - Siphoning Strike: Current stacks
- Soraka's W - Astral Infusion: Now indicates when Soraka is unable to cast Astral Infusion due to having too little health
- Veigar's Passive - Phenomenal Evil Power: Current stacks
- Smite, Challenging Smite & Chilling Smite: Amount of damage dealt to monsters
Ability Icon HUD
Remaining duration bar
- Alistar's E - Trample and R - Unbreakable Will
- Braum's E - Unbreakable
- Corki's E - Gatling Gun
- Dr. Mundo's R - Sadism
- Illaoi's R - Leap of Faith
- Jax's R - Grandmaster's Might
- Karthus's Passive - Death Defied
- Kayle's E - Righteous Fury
- Master Yi's R - Highlander
- Miss Fortune's W - Strut
- Mordekaiser's R - Children of the Grave ghost duration
- Nasus' R - Fury of the Sands
- Olaf's W - Vicious Strikes and R - Ragnarok
- Rammus' Q - Powerball, W - Defensive Ball Curl, and R - Tremors
- Renekton's R - Dominus
- Rengar's R - Thrill of the Hunt
- Shyvana's W - Burnout
- Singed's R - Insanity Potion
- Sivir's R - On the Hunt
- Tristana's Q - Rapid Fire
- Tryndamere's R - Undying Rage
- Twitch's Q - Ambush and R - Spray and Pray
- Vayne's Q - Tumble empowered attack window and R - Final Hour duration
- Viktor's R - Chaos Storm
- Volibear's R - Thunder Claws
Time to recast border
- Garen's Q - Decisive Strike empowered attack window and movement speed
- Gragas's Q - Barrel Roll
- Kassadin's W - Nether Blade empowered attack window
- Kha'Zix's R - Void Assault
- LeBlanc's W - Distortion and R - Mimic'd Distortion return window
- Lux's E - Lucent Singularity
- Nasus' Q - Siphoning Strike empowered attack window
- Renekton's E2 - Dice
- Riven's R2 - Wind Slash
- Twisted Fate's W - Pick a Card and R2 - Destiny
- Volibear's Q - Rolling Thunder empowered attack window and movement speed
- Yasuo's Q2 - Steel Tempest
- Zed's W - Living Shadow and R - Death Mark return window
- Xin Zhao's R - Crescent Guard no longer deals more damage than intended when Xin Zhao hits multiple enemies
- Neeko's minimap and announcement banner icons no longer gets stuck for enemies as the ally she transformed into if her Passive - Inherent Glamour breaks in fog of war
- Varus' E - Hail of Arrows slow zone VFX no longer fail to appear if Varus cast Hail of Arrows from fog of war
- Sterak's Gage's tooltip now shows the exact amount of damage required to trigger its shield as well as the exact shield granted
- Jarvan IV's Passive - Martial Cadence no longer deals damage through Pantheon's Passive - Aegis Protection
- Death's Dance no longer grants Urgot an excessive amount of healing against Tryndamere's R - Undying Rage or Anivia's Passive - Rebirth
- Rengar's hands once again glow when he reaches maximum Ferocity
- Fixed Q - Savagery activation and trail VFX for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
- Fixed Empowered Q - Savagery stab splash VFX for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
- Fixed R - Thrill of the Hunt activation VFX for Headhunter and Night Hunter Rengar
- Rengar's target once again glows during R - Thrill of the Hunt for base, SSW, Headhunter, and Night Hunter Rengar
- Zombie Brand's VO lines no longer overlap
- Battle Boss Ziggs' R - Mega Inferno Bomb no longer uses classic VFX for long-range casts
- Fixed an issue where Ranked Armor would occasionally appear blurry at some resolutions
- Fixed summoner icons not being properly centered in Ranked Armor
- Fixed the "Add Friend" button overlapping with the game header in lobby when looking for a match
- Fixed Ranked Armor hiding the speech indication from League Voice when looking for a match: The armor's faceplate will now be backlit when players are speaking
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