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League of Legends – 8.22 Patch Notes | PRE-SEASON is COMING

League of Legends – 8.22 Patch Notes | PRE-SEASON is COMING

Patch Highlights



Last-hit assistance removed. W cooldown increased early. R damage decreased early; increased late.


REMOVED CHEATER CHEATER No longer has 4 last-hit assistance

 W - Twilight Shroud

COOLDOWN 17/15.5/14/12.5/11 seconds  21/18.5/16/13.5/11 seconds

 R - Perfect Execution

BASE DAMAGE 100/150/200  85/150/215


Small improvement to Lunge targeting.

 Q - Lunge

PRIORITIES Lunge still prioritizes R Vitals then P Vitals, but now prioritizes an R-affected target next even without a Vital to proc
LESSER PRIORITIES After the above prioritization, Lunge looks for a low-health champion in range, last-hittable minion in range, champion in range, then nearest unit (unchanged)



 Passive - Whisper

ONE Jhin's movement speed bonus on crit is now determined based on his attack speed when the basic attack fires, rather than when it hits
TWO If Jhin crits multiple times in a row, his movement speed bonus is now recalculated for each crit, rather than each crit refreshing the duration of the first crit's bonus
THREE Fixed a bug where Jhin was getting an empowered haste off his first Hail of Blades attack (the one that procs it). This is a fix to the fix we released in 8.20 which only corrected the AD conversion portion of this interaction.
FOUR Fixed a bug where Jhin was NOT getting an empowered haste off his third Hail of Blades attack


W damage decreased.

 W - Distortion

BASE DAMAGE 85/125/165/205/245  75/115/155/195/235


E cooldown decreased; damage increased early.

 E - Sapling Toss

DAMAGE 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% target's max health  7/7.25/7.5/7.75/8% target's max health
COOLDOWN 11 seconds  10 seconds

Nunu & Willump

AD increased. Q heal from champs increased.

Base stats


 Q - Consume

BASE HEAL 37.5/60/82.5/105/127.5 (+0.35 ability power)(+5% bonus health)  60/96/132/168/204 (+0.56 ability power)(+8% bonus health)
HEAL VS NON-CHAMPS 200% base heal  125% base heal (values unchanged)


Grey health no longer scales with max health but scales harder off AD. W movement speed decreased; scales with lethality instead of AD. E stun scales with lethality instead of rank. R scales with lethality.



 Passive - Gift of the Drowned Ones

MAXIMUM GREY HEALTH 25% max health + 21% per 100 bonus attack damage, up to 50%  80 health + 8 health per 1 bonus attack damage, up to 60% max health

 W - Ghostwater Dive

COST 75 mana  50 mana
MOVEMENT SPEED 60/65/70/75/80% (+4% per 100 bonus attack damage)  40% at all ranks (+1.5% per 1 lethality)

 E - Phantom Undertow

COST 50 mana  40 mana
STUN 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds  1.1 seconds at all ranks + 0.1 seconds per 10 lethality

 R - Death From Below

NEW LETHALITY RATIO Execute threshold (and damage done if target isn't within the threshold) increases by 1.5 per 1 lethality


Q damage increased.

 Q - Chomp

BASE DAMAGE 20/30/40/50/60  20/35/50/65/80
RATIO 0/0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4 total attack damage  0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 total attack damage


Q discharge base damage decreased late; ratio increased. R damage decreased; ratio increased.

 Q - Siphon Power

DISCHARGE BASE DAMAGE 20/50/80/110/140  20/45/70/95/120
DISCHARGE RATIO 1.0 total attack damage + 0.5 ability power  1.0 total attack damage + 0.55 ability power

 R - Chaos Storm

BASE DAMAGE PER TICK150/250/350  130/210/290
RATIO PER TICK0.7 ability power  0.85 ability power


 UPDATED Time Warp Tonic

Potion and biscuit regen is front-loaded but no longer extended. No longer affects elixirs.

NEW CHUGGING Consuming a potion or biscuit grants 50% of its health and/or mana restoration immediately but prevents that consumable from being used again until the effect ends. Health/mana per tick is then reduced by half for the effect's regular duration.
REMOVED SIPPING Potions, biscuits, and elixirs no longer last 20% longer
SUGAR RUSH You still gain 5% movement speed while under the effect of a potion or biscuit
REMOVED BOTTLE SERVICE Time Warp Tonic no longer affects elixirs


  • Kennen no longer stops moving after casting W - Electrical Surge
  • LeBlanc is no longer missing VFX and SFX during Q - Sigil of Malice
  • Shaco boxes and Azir soldiers no longer play their respective champion's death audio instead of their own
  • Twisted Fate's E - Stacked Deck no longer breaks if TF uses the empowered attack on a Teemo shroom
  • Passive SFX are no longer missing when Ravenborn LeBlanc comes out of stealth.
  • SFX for Star Guardian Soraka have been restored
  • SFX have been restored for Count Kledula’s Q - Bear Trap on a Rope
  • Trick or Treat Ekko’s joke bat now remains a consistent size throughout the duration of the emote
  • Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger no longer has redundant death SFX
  • Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger is no longer missing dance SFX
  • Reconnecting during homeguard as a Star Guardian skin no longer causes SFX to linger
  • Officer Vi’s baton no longer flies up out of place at the start of the animation
  • Star Guardian and Pool Party Lulu’s R - Wild Growth VFX no longer clip on elevated terrain.

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