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League of Legends – 8.21 Patch Notes

League of Legends – 8.21 Patch Notes



Health decreased.

Base stats

HEALTH 613  573


Passive slow increased. E pings enemy champions it spots.

 Passive - Frost Shot

SLOW 10% - 20% (lvl 1-18)  15% - 30% (lvl 1-18)
SLOW CRIT MULTIPLIER Triple  Double (slow amount unchanged due to base slow buff)

 E - Hawkshot

HEY Hawkshot now pings enemies it spots if your team didn't already have vision of them
FEATHERY Hawkshot vision trail duration very slightly increased to address a bug where the trail sometimes wouldn't show up on the minimap (vision duration at the destination unchanged)


FROSTY Fixed a bug that made Runaan's Hurricane bolts fired by Q - Ranger's Focus invisible

Aurelion Sol

Health decreased. Health regen increased.

Base stats

HEALTH 562  510


Q bugfixin'.

 Q - Spinning Axe

BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Draven's basic attack couldn't crit if it switched from a normal basic attack to a Q-empowered attack during wind-up due to Draven catching an axe
BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Draven would lose his Spinning Axe if his basic attack switched to a Q-empowered attack during wind-up and was then cancelled due to Draven's target dying the instant the attack would have fired. (This fix went out in 8.19. Did you notice?)


W damage increased late.

 W - Essence Flux

BASE DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255  75/125/175/225/275


KEEP MOVING Double-pressing Ezreal's abilities no longer cancels movement commands


Movement speed reduced.

Base stats



Movement speed increased. E shield increased. W on-hit damage increased early.

Base stats


 W - Brushmaker

ON-HIT DAMAGE 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.3 ability power) 30/37.5/45/52.5/60 (+0.3 ability power)

 E - Triggerseed

SHIELD 75/110/145/180/215  80/115/150/185/220


Passive proc scaling decreased. Ultimate shield duration decreased.

 Passive - Second Skin

PROC DAMAGE 15% (+3.75% per 100 ability power) target's missing health 15% (+2.5% per 100 ability power) target's missing health

 R - Killer Instinct

SHIELD DURATION 3 seconds  2 seconds


W root duration increased early.

 W - Focused Resolve

ROOT DURATION 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds  1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 seconds
EMPOWERED DURATION BONUS +0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds at Mantra ranks 1-4 (unchanged)


W cooldown and cost decreased. R cost decreased.

 W - Wall of Pain

COOLDOWN 18 seconds  15 seconds
COST 100 mana  70 mana

 R - Requiem

COST 150/175/200 mana  100 mana at all ranks

Nunu & Willump

Bugfixin' and rescriptin'.

 Passive - Call of the Freljord

FOLLOW THROUGH Nunu & Willump's basic attack no longer cancels if Call of the Freljord expires during the attack's wind-up

 Q - Consume

BROKEN TOOTH Nunu no longer heals if Consume is blocked by a spell shield

 W - Biggest Snowball Ever!

(SNOW)DRIFT Snowball hitbox and steering controls updated to make using W smoother and fix various bugs around the snowball colliding (or not) with stuff
SQUISH Rolling into small pets (ex. Shaco boxes, Yorick Mistwalkers) no longer causes the snowball to explode

 R - Absolute Zero

CONSISTENCY Fixed a bug causing Absolute Zero's damage and slow to sometimes be slightly off at full channel


Q damage increased.

 Q - Stretching Strikes

BASE DAMAGE 30/40/50/60/70  40/55/70/85/100


Q damage increased late. E cooldown decreased late.

 Q - Paddle Star

BASE DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150  50/80/110/140/170

 E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble

COOLDOWN 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds  16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Gragas Audio Clarity Updates

BASIC ATTACKS Audio now changes based on whether Gragas hits stone, wood, metal, or people
Q - BARREL ROLL New audio on barrel roll and when max charge state is reached
W - DRUNKEN RAGE Activation audio is clearer
E - BODY SLAM Collision audio updated
R - EXPLOSIVE CASK On-cast audio clarity improved


CAN'T HIDE Turrets no longer block line of sight for camouflage abilities, meaning if a camo'd enemy champ is on the other side of a turret from you, you'll now be able to see them if they're in range.
AFFECTED ABILITIES Evelynn's Passive - Demon Shade, Rengar's R - Thrill of the Hunt, Pyke's W - Ghostwater Dive, and Twitch's Q - Ambush


Edge of Night

Costs less. Veil channel time decreased.

COST 3100 gold (725 gold combine cost)  3000 gold (625 gold combine cost)
VEIL CHANNEL TIME 1.5 seconds  1 second

Essence Reaver

Costs less.

COST 3200 gold (450 gold combine cost)  3000 gold (250 gold combine cost)

On My Way Ping Audio

WHERE ARE YOU OMW ping audio processing now indicates the distance between the ping and the player who pinged. The further away the player is from their ping, the more muffled and slightly delayed the audio will be.
WHERE AM I OMW ping volume indicates now the distance between the ping and you, the listener

HUD Font Size

HUD FONT SIZE Increased!


  • Fixed a bug where, while changing your secondary runes one after another, you could end up changing the same selection twice rather than changing both rune selections
  • Ziggs' R - Mega Inferno Bomb tooltip now indicates the amount of damage done in the outer ring
  • Boots of Swiftness now properly reduce the self-slow on Pyke's Q - Bone Skewer
  • Zyra's plants no longer attempt to target stuff without health bars (ex. Jarvan's flag, Thresh's lantern)
  • The Surrender countdown bar has been visually restored. Not that you noticed this bug anyway because you'd never surrender, right?
  • A bunch of other bugfixes sprinkled throughout the rest of the patch notes above!

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