Patch Highlights
W has been redesigned.
UPDATED Ezreal and his skins have all received full visual and audio updates!
SPLASH Base, Frosted, TPA, Debonair, Ace of Spades, and Arcade Ezreal's splashes have been altered to match Ezreal's new design. Nottingham, Striker, Explorer, and Pulsefire Ezreal have received brand new splashes. You can find them all on League Displays!
LORE Ezreal's lore has been updated. Head to Universe to check it out!
NEWW - Essence Flux
Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it. Detonating with an ability refunds mana.
DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255 magic damage
RATIO 0.6 bonus attack damage + 0.7 ability power
RANGE 1150 (same as Q - Mystic Shot)
COOLDOWN 12 seconds
ORB DURATION 4 seconds
COST 50 mana
MANA REFUND ON ABILITY DETONATION 60 plus the cost of the ability that detonated Essence Flux
OBJECTIVE Essence Flux can stick to champions, epic monsters, turrets, inhibitors, and the Nexus
Q - Mystic Shot
RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
E - Arcane Shift
NEW ESSENCE ATTRACTION Arcane Shift now prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux
R - Trueshot Barrage
ICON ICNo balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!
Passive - Rising Spell Force
ICON ICNo balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!
Dark Harvest
Base damage decreased.
BASE DAMAGE 40-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 20-60 (lv 1-18)
End of Season Eligibility
Added an icon to your profile to check if you're eligible for this year's Victorious skin. Hover over it to find out what you'll earn!
- Fixed a bug where Jarvan's Passive - Martial Cadence was dealing less damage than intended when combined with Tiamat's passive
- Restored a bunch of Vi's VFX across a few skins
- Tristana's E - Explosive Charge passive no longer deals reduced damage when proc'd by Stormrazor's guaranteed critical strike
- Jumping out of Tahm Kench's belly directly into Taliyah's R - Weaver's Wall no longer causes you to lose control of your champ for an extended amount of time
- The channeling bar no longer displays weird text when Nautilus casts Q - Dredge Line
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