Nexus Blitz Alpha
The Nexus Blitz Alpha ends with patch 8.18. Thanks to everyone who tried out the mode and gave us feedback! We'll be back soon with a rundown of how things went and where we're going next. [embed][/embed]
Smite Auto-Select
Minimap Icons
OK 4KMinimap icons now scale with minimap size on Summoner's Rift, Howling Abyss, and Twisted Treeline. Players with 4K monitors, rejoice!
- Fixed a bug where Nunu was sometimes invisible to enemies while rolling his W - Biggest Snowball Ever! out of fog of war
- Fixed an FPS hitching issue that occurred when Voidbringer Illaoi sucessfully Teleported while her W - Harsh Lesson attack buff was active
- Ravenous Hunter's tooltip no longer counts healing done while you're already at full health
- Alt-tabbing out of the loading screen while on Fullscreen settings no longer causes loading screen images to disappear when you tab back in
- Omega Squad Veigar's W - Dark Matter warning indicator is now much clearer for colorblind players
New Game Mode
Odyssey: Extraction
Available until October 9, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. PT
Join the crew and Ziggs as they fight their way through hordes of aliens in the co-op game mode Odyssey: Extraction. Head to the game mode primer to learn more.

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