Welcome to Patch 8.16, the one where we buff up a few tanks, and some champions who have been terrorizing the Rift get taken down a peg. First, we've noticed that tanks are struggling on the Rift. We don't want to put power into their itemization, so we're taking this opportunity to add some baseline power into their kits. Then, there's a few outliers who need to be kept in check, like Aatrox, Fizz, and Tryndamere. Also, we're launching a two patch alpha playtest of Nexus Blitz, a new experimental game mode. It'll launch soon after the patch, so get out there and blitz the enemy Nexus! -League of Legends Devs
Patch Highlights
E passive healing against non-champions decreased. Charges granted on learning E decreased. R cooldown increased at early ranks.
E - Umbral Dash
R - World Ender
W damage ratio decreased. R damage ratio decreased.
W - Seastone Trident
R - Chum the Waters
Q base damage increased at later ranks. Q damage ratio increased.
Q - Rampage
Movement speed decreased. W cooldown increased at early ranks. R wall no longer grants vision.
Base Stats
W - Seismic Shove
R - Weaver's Wall
Q base damage decreased at later ranks. Q damage ratio increased at later ranks. Q attack damage sap duration decreased.
Q - Chomp
E cooldown increased at later ranks.
E - Spinning Slash
Q base damage decreased. Q damage ratio decreased.
Q - Crushing Blow
Passive damage decreased at all ranks. W damage ratio decreased.
Passive - More Sparkles!
W - Spell Thief
E passive now scales with bonus armor and magic resist.
E - Tantrum
W base shield decreased slightly early, increased at later ranks. W maximum health scaling decreased at later ranks. W duration and cooldown decreased.
W - Titan's Wrath
W bonus resists increased.
W - Defensive Ball Curl
W health gain increased.
W - Soul Furnace
Tahm Kench
Q slow duration and cooldown decreased. W duration decreased at later ranks. W cooldown significantly increased. W mana cost decreased. W cooldown now halved on enemy Devour.
Q - Tongue Lash
W - Devour/Regurgitate
Burst Runes
Summon Aery
Base damage decreased at early levels. Base shielding increased at early levels.
Base damage decreased. Damage ratio decreased.
Movement speed conversion into adaptive stat decreased.
Cheap Shot
Base damage decreased at early levels.
Sudden Impact
Lethality and magic penetration decreased.
Base damage decreased. Cooldown decreased.
Summoner Spells
Cooldown decreased.
In patch 8.6, Heal was crowding out other options in mid lane, so we lengthened its cooldown. This pushed both marksmen and mid laners onto teleport (which has had a much more notable impact on the meta), so we're reverting the Heal nerf.
Summoner Level
You can now show off your summoner level and borders on banners in game lobbies.
End of Game Lobby
- Players are no longer blocked from creating custom games if they have dodged from champ select.
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