Base attack damage growth decreased. Q Chakram reset removed for Epic Monsters; turret range indicators no longer visible in Spectator. R follow-up attack critical damage decreased.
Aphelios has not waned with the moons—instead, he’s been a persistent star in professional play. We’re toning down his overwhelming strength in objective control and his formidable contributions to fights from a safe distance in later stages of the game.Base Stats
Q - Crescendum, the Chakram
R - Moonlight Vigil
E attack speed increased, attack speed duration increased.
Carefully nudging Mini Gnar in the right direction. We think his attack speed is a safe lever to bring up since he’s been struggling with a much wider range of fighter matchupsE - Hop
Base attack damage growth decreased.
Whether she's wreaking havoc in top lane or jumping around in her standard bot lane carry role, Kalista is an imposing force in pro play. We want this change to encourage players to rely more on her early power and will also take away some of her level scaling so she doesn’t gain as much from soaking up XP from side lanes.Base Stats
Q damage ratio increased. R damage ratio increased.
Although his standard build has been doing well, AP Kog’Maw hasn’t been oozing much confidence recently. We’re bringing some enzymatic excitement for players to experiment with alternative builds around his AP.Q - Caustic Spittle
R - Living Artillery
Q ability range increased.
Even with the specific marksman buffs he received earlier, Lucian’s been in a weak spot in the bot lane, mainly due to the fact that he’s often outranged by his enemies. Buffing his ability range so that he can dash back to the path of vengeance.Q - Piercing Light
Bugfix on Umbra Blades cooldown. Passive now always procs against monsters.
Midturne, Topturne, Laneturne are all outpacing Junglturne in terms of effectiveness by a decent margin. We’re giving Nocturne more tools to clear out his camps quicker and hopefully bring his roles closer in power.General
Passive - Umbra Blades
Q damage and healing ratio increased. R shield now includes AP ratio.
Just like with Kog’Maw, we’re throwing the boy and his yeti some ability power to empower their alternative builds. This way to adventure! (Willump noises)Q - Consume
R - Absolute Zero
Passive health and mana items now retain previous health and mana percentages.
We’d like to make Ornn less of an easy blind pick in pro, so we’re knocking down his early item sustain to decrease his safety in lane.Passive - Living Forge
W base damage increased later.
With a W that packs a bit more punch, Rakan can use this to play a more aggressive game while majestically dancing it out.W - Grand Entrance
Base magic resist and attack damage increased.
Cautiously bringing up Ryze’s magic durability and damage so that he can rise up against his enemies in lane and get that last blast on pesky minions.Base Stats
Q cost increased.
Following up from patch 10.11, we’re continuing to adjust Syndra’s power as we specifically target pro-facing changes. We're pulling out some sustained usage of Syndra's Q at early levels so she can't whittle down waves and champions as comfortably. Don't worry, though—the power is still hers to command.Q - Dark Sphere
Q cooldown decreased later.
Vi has been struggling to keep up with other junglers, so we're punching up her… punch! We’re hoping this will enforce her position as a mobile disruptor.Q - Vault Breaker
R range for Maiden of the Mist’s leash decreased.
Making it so the Maiden leashes more responsively when Yorick exits a fight. We suspect this will be a small amount of power that skews towards the upper echelons of play where Yorick is currently weak.R - Eulogy of the Isles
E cost increased.
We have nothing but love for felines here, but this cat’s E costs are currently too easily solved with systemic mana increases. We’re afraid this chapter needs to be shut.E - Zoomies
We’re happy with Conqueror’s current standing: a Keystone players gravitate to for elongated fights and utility for healing and DPS. That being said, we’ve been seeing the rune bleed into other archetypes and overrule its peers like Electrocute. As a result, we wanted to fine-tune the rune in a modest way where it maintained its intended strengths, so we’re shaving off some power to open up Keystone selection for a number of champions.Items
Death’s Dance
Base post-mitigation damage storing decreased for ranged champions.
Death's Dance has been overperforming on ranged champions, although we think its utility as a defensive measure should still be within reach. Looking to tone down the effect on ranged champions to open up builds while still leaving the item as a viable option.Base Stats
Champ Select Report & Mute Testing
- Champ Select muting blocks messages from the muted player in Champ Select and the mute carries over in-game.
- For now, Champ Select reporting is only in place to collect data. After the experiment ends, we'll use that data to plan out further investment in this type of penalty system.
Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- Updated the names of Gangster Twitch, Mafia Jinx, Mafia Graves, Mafia Braum, and Mafia Miss Fortune to Crime City Twitch, Crime City Jinx, Crime City Graves, Crime City Braum and Crime City Miss Fortune
- Miss Fortune's Q - Double Up now properly applies all on-hit effects like Press the Attack
- Miss Fortune's Q - Double Up now properly grants 2 stacks of Conqueror for her primary target and none for the secondary target regardless of whether Passive - Love Tap is applied or not
- Glacial Augment’s tooltip no longer references targets hit by Energized-empowered attacks
- Fixed a bug where Qiyana's Q - Elemental Wrath would not damage its target if Qiyana died before the ability landed
- Sylas now permanently gains health and increases in model size from successful kills with a stolen R - Feast from an enemy Cho'Gath
- Urgot's R - Fear Beyond Death's execute indicator no longer appears on enemies' health bars while the ability is on cooldown
- Zoe's E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble now properly applies its debuff on Baron regardless of where she casts it from
- Kai'Sa's W - Void Seeker now properly applies stacks of Passive - Second Skin on Baron regardless of where she casts it from
- When attempting to place a fourth ward on the map, the mini-map now properly indicates which of the first three wards will be replaced
- Yorick's Mist Walkers, Zyra's plants, and Shaco's Jack-In-The-Boxes are able to properly activate Manaflow Band
- Displacement effects like stuns, charms, etc. on Feared champions will no longer expire along with the Fear debuff when it times out
- Malphite's W - Thunderclap no longer reduces the amount of Hail of Blades stacks
- Nautilus' W - Titan's Wrath shield VFX no longer persists in the place where Nautilus enters Fog of War
- Sion's W - Soul Furnace tooltip now properly indicates that its passive grants 4 maximum health when activated
- Fiddlesticks' E - Reap tooltip now properly contains information about increasing mana cost
- Damaging with Jax’s Q - Leap Strike followed by two basic attacks will now properly activate Phase Rush and Electrocute
- Twitch's R - Spray and Pray empowered attacks now properly deal damage to the Nexus and enemy inhibitors regardless of range or angle
- Umbral Glaive now properly deals extra damage to revealed traps
- Caitlyn's W - Yordle Snap Trap properly empowers only one basic attack
- Multi-attacks from Runaan's Hurricane's unique passive, Wind's Fury, properly give the holder 1 stack of Conqueror instead of a stack per enemy hit
- Guinsoo's Rageblade's unique passive, Guinsoo's Rage, will not trigger on the target when the holder's basic attack is blocked or destroyed
- Fixed a bug where the champion details page didn’t close automatically when renavigating to the game select screen
- Enhanced data flows on the honor screen to provide better responsiveness
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