- New Bundles
- The following new bundles are only available for a limited time!
- Glory to the Firstborn Bundle
- Reaver Bundle
- The following new bundles are only available for a limited time!
- New Mount
- Reaver
- Solarite Reaver
- Tal’darim Reaver
- New Skins
- Fenix
- Crystalline Ruinwalker Fenix
- Arcane Ruinwalker Fenix
- Falstad
- Spectral Buccaneer Falstad
- Zagara
- Smoldering Desert Queen Zagara

- Level 1
- Legion of Beetles [Trait]
- Cooldown to spawn a Beetle increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds
- Legion of Beetles [Trait]
- Level 10
- Cocoon [R2]
- Health reduced from 32 to 28
- This reduces the time that the Cocoon naturally decays from 8 to 7 seconds
- Cocoon [R2]

- Jet Propulsion [E]
- Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 45 to 40
- Pyromania [Trait]
- Armor bonus increased from 35 to 40
- Level 4
- Oil Dispersal [W]
- Additional functionality: Each enemy Hero hit with Flame Stream reduces the cooldown of Oil Spill by 1 second and refunds 5 Mana
- Feeding the Flame [Q]
- Removed
- Level 10
- Bunker Drop [R1]
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 70 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 80 to 70
- Bunker Drop [R1]
- Level 13
- Suppressive Fire [Q]
- Spell Power reduction increased from 20% to 25% per stack
- Suppressive Fire [Q]
- Level 16
- Thermal Protection [E]
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds
- Thermal Protection [E]

- Level 1
- Guitar Hero [E]
- Additional functionality: Basic Attacks now increase the duration of Guitar Solo by .25 seconds
- Healing reduced from 50% to 40%
- Block Party [Trait]
- Physical Armor amount increased from 50 to 75
- Guitar Hero [E]
- Level 4
- Speed Metal [Trait]
- Bonus Movement Speed increased from 15% to 20%
- Speed Metal [Trait]
- Level 7
- Hammer-On [Passive]
- Bonus damage increased from 35% to 40%
- Hammer-On [Passive]

- Wrecking Ball [E]
- Cooldown increased from 14 to 16 seconds
- Level 1
- Unrivaled Strength [E]
- Damage bonus increased from 75% to 125%
- Body Check [Active]
- Slow amount reduced from 30% to 35%
- No longer deals bonus damage or Slow amount based on Armor Up’s bonus
- Additional functionality: Now causes enemies to receive 40% reduced Healing for the next 3 seconds
- Unrivaled Strength [E]
- Level 7
- Brute Force [Active]
- Removed
- Brute Force [Active]
- Level 10
- Decimate [R1]
- Slow amount increased from 30% to 40%
- Decimate [R1]
- Level 16
- Mortal Combo [Q]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 9 to 10 seconds
- Additional Functionality: Now also gives Garrosh cooldown reduction if an enemy Hero is hit by Groundbreaker within 3 seconds of being hit by Wrecking Ball.
- Mortal Combo [Q]
- Level 20
- Deadly Calm [R2]
- Damage reduction increased from 20% to 25%
- Deadly Calm [R2]

- Condemn [W]
- Damage increased from 55 to 58
- Level 1
- Hold Your Ground [Trait]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds
- Shield bonus increased from 50% to 60
- Hold Your Ground [Trait]
- Level 4
- Eternal Retaliation [W]
- Cooldown reduction per enemy hit increased from .5 to .75 seconds
- Maximum targets reduced from 10 to 8
- Zealous Glare [E]
- Shield Glare duration increased from .75 seconds to 1 second
- Eternal Retaliation [W]
- Level 20
- Radiating Faith [R2]
- Additional functionality: Additional enemies hit by Blessed Shield are now Stunned for its full duration
- Radiating Faith [R2]

- Level 1
- Winged Guard [W]
- Physical Armor bonus increased from 50 to 75
- Vampiric Aura [Trait]
- Healing increased from 10% to 15% of Physical damage dealt
- Time to Feed [Passive]
- Healing increased from 48 to 52
- Winged Guard [W]
- Level 4
- Might of Sargeras [W]
- Armor bonus duration increased from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Might of Sargeras [W]
- Level 7
- Black Claws [Q]
- Damage bonus increased from 45% to 60%
- Spreading Plague [E]
- Duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
- Nightmare Fuel [Passive]
- No longer grants Mal’ganis 30% bonus damage while in a bush or after leaving a bush
- Additional Functionality: Increase the duration of Night Rush by .75 seconds when it is cast from a bush
- Bonus damage when waking Sleeping targets increased from 150% to 200%
- Black Claws [Q]
- Level 16
- Frenzied Assault [Passive]
- Bonus Attack Speed increased from 40% to 50%
- Bonus Physical damage increased from 15% to 20%
- Frenzied Assault [Passive]

- Level 1
- Changed the order of Muradin’s Level 1 talents to be the same as other Heroes (Q, W, E, etc.)
- Third Wind [Trait]
- Health Restoration rate increased from 83 to 90, and the improved rate from 166 to 180
- Level 4
- Sledgehammer
- Additional functionality: Enemy Heroes hit grant an additional stack of his baseline quest
- Reverberation [W]
- Additional functionality: Every enemy Hero hit reduces Muradin’s Heroic Ability cooldown by 5%Enemy
- Sledgehammer
- Level 7
- Heavy Impact [E]
- Slow duration increased from .75 to 1.25 seconds
- Skullcracker [Passvie]
- Bonus damage increased from 70% to 90%
- Heavy Impact [E]
- Level 13
- Thunder Strike [W]
- Additional functionality: Now also increases Muradin's Dwarf Toss Armor duration from 2 to 4 seconds
- Bronzebeard Rage [Passive]
- Damage increased from 19 to 20
- Additional functionality: Now also heals Muradin for 75% of the damage dealt
- Thunder Strike [W]

- Level 4
- Chop Chop [W]
- Duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Chop Chop [W]
- Level 13
- Digestive Juices [E]
- No longer increases the damage of Devour to enemy Heroes
- Additional functionality: Hitting enemy Heroes with Devour reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds
- Gas Flare [Passive]
- Bonus damage duration after hitting enemy Heroes with Hook increased from 4 to 8 seconds
- Digestive Juices [E]
- Level 16
- Meat Hook [Q]
- Bonus Healing increased from 16% to 20%
- Meat Hook [Q]

- Level 1
- Consuming Flame [W]
- Damage bonus changed from 125% to 100%
- This slightly reduces the bonus damage at Level 1 from 281 to 260, but at Level 20 will change from 454 to 54
- Consuming Flame [W]
- Level 7
- Flash of Anger [Q]
- Adjusted functionality: Consuming a mark from Celestial Charge deals damage around the target and gives Imperius a Shield for 300 over 4 seconds
- Damage reduced from 198 to 180
- Flash of Anger [Q]

- Level 4
- Throwing Shade [E]
- Quest requirement reduced from 15 to 12
- Throwing Shade [E]
- Level 10
- Tormented Souls [R1]
- Mana cost reduced from 100 to 20
- Tormented Souls [R1]
- Level 16
- Mortality [W]
- Damage increased from 6% to 8% maximum Health
- Mortality [W]

- Health increased from 2000 to 2075
- Health Regeneration increased from 4.168 to 4.323
- Basic Attack damage increased from 171 to 180
- Level 20
- Flames of Sulfuron [R1]
- Bonus Stun duration increased from .5 seconds to 1 second
- Slow duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
- Submerge [Active]
- Cooldown reduced from 90 to 60 seconds
- Flames of Sulfuron [R1]

- Misha’s Health reduced from 1762 to 1620
- Misha’s Health Regeneration reduced from 3.671 to 3.375
- Misha’s Health scaling increased from 4% to 4.75%
- Misha’s Health Regeneration scaling increased from 4% to 4.75%

- Biotic Grenade [W]
- Allied Healing amount reduced from 166 to 152

- Flash Heal [Q]
- Mana cost reduced from 30 to 25
- Divine Star [Q]
- Mana cost increased from 45 to 50
- Level 1
- Renew [Q]
- Healing increased from 23 to 26 per second
- Pursued by Grace [Passive]
- Healing increased from 28 to 33
- Bold Strategy [Passive]
- Cooldown increase increased from 1 to 2 seconds
- Renew [Q]
- Level 4
- Holy Reach [E]
- Bonus Basic Attack damage increased from 50% to 75%
- Healing increased from 90 to 100
- Holy Reach [E]
- Level 7
- Binding Heal [Q]
- Healing increased from 80 to 95
- Power Word: Shield [W]
- Shielding increased from 165 to 172
- Binding Heal [Q]
- Level 10
- Light Bomb [R2]
- Shielding increased from 140 to 165
- Light Bomb [R2]
- Level 13
- Enchant Boots – Lion’s Speed [Trait]
- Movement Speed increased from triple to quadruple while Leap of Faith’s cooldown is available
- Push Forward [Passive]
- Maximum Movement Speed increased from 15% to 20%
- Movement Speed per enemy hit increased from 2% to 2.5%
- Enchant Boots – Lion’s Speed [Trait]
- Level 16
- Evenhanded Blessings [Q]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 40% to 50%
- Holy Nova [W]
- Damage increased from 100 to 105
- Healing increased from 100 to 105
- Inner Focus [Active]
- Cooldown reduction per Hero hit with Divine Star reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
- Lightwell [Active]
- Cooldown increased from 70 to 80 seconds
- Evenhanded Blessings [Q]
Deckard Cain

- Level 20
- Perfect Gems [W]
- Horadric Cube cooldown reduction increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Respect the Elderly [R1]
- Silence and Blind duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
- Morenados! [R2]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 6 to 10 seconds
- Perfect Gems [W]

- Radiant Dash [Q]
- Mana cost reduced from 30 to 25
- Deadly Reach [E]
- Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45
- Level 7
- Heavenly Zeal [W]
- Additional functionality: Radiant Dashing to an ally increases the healing they receive from Breath of Heaven by 50% for 3 seconds
- Now shows Crit kickers for when allies gain increased healing
- Blazing Fists [E]
- Additional functionality: Now also increases the duration of Deadly Reach by 100%
- Heavenly Zeal [W]
- Level 10
- Divine Palm [R1]
- Cooldown reduced from 60 to 50 seconds
- Divine Palm [R1]
- Level 13
- Fists of Fury [E]
- Removed
- Fists of Fury [E]
- Level 16
- Dash of Light [W]
- Removed
- Dash of Light [W]

- Level 1
- Fetid Touch [W]
- Additional functionality: After hitting 15 enemy Heroes with Weghted Pustule, remove half of its Mana cost
- Fetid Touch [W]
- Level 7
- Targeted Excision [Trait]
- Additional functionality: Also reduces the cooldowns of Stukov’s Basic Abilities by 1.5 seconds
- Targeted Excision [Trait]
- Level 13
- It Hungers [E]
- Enemy Heroes hit required reduced from 12 to 10
- Poppin’ Pustules [Trait]
- Additional functionality: Enemies hit by the explosion also have a Weighted Pustule applied to them
- It Hungers [E]
- Level 16
- Universal Carrier [Q]
- Healing reduction on Healing Pathogen reduced from 50% to 40%
- Universal Carrier [Q]
- Level 1
- Together We Are Strong [E]
- Damage done by allies per energy gained reduced from 6 to 5
- Maximum energy gain per Shield increased from 30 to 40
- Together We Are Strong [E]
- Level 20
- Gravity Kills [R1]
- No longer deals damage to enemy Heroes
- Additional functionality: Now Silences enemy Heroes for its duration
- Clear Out [R2]
- No longer increases Zarya’s maximum Energy
- Additional functionality: Now increases the duration of Expulsion Zone by 1.5 seconds
- Gravity Kills [R1]
Melee Assassin

- Level 4
- Chaos Reigns [Q]
- Damage bonus after hitting 15 Heroes increased from 50 to 60
- Damage bonus after hitting 2 Heroes with a single Discord Strike increased from 50 to 60
- Damage bonus for hitting 3 enemy Heroes in a single Discord Strike increased from 80 to 100
- Negatively Charged [E]
- Damage bonus per stack reduced from 5% to 4%
- Show of Force [Trait]
- Damage reduced from 80 to 68
- Additional Functionality: Hitting an enemy Hero with 3 of Alarak’s abilities within 2 seconds also grants Alarak 2% Sadism, up to 20% maximum. This bonus Sadism is lost on death
- Chaos Reigns [Q]

- Spirit of Vengeance [E]
- Damage reduced from 180 to 150
- Level 4
- Sudden Vengeance [E]
- No longer requires Maiev to Blink within .35 seconds of the Spirit of Vengeance hitting an enemy Hero for its effect to proc
- Sudden Vengeance [E]
- Level 7
- Ruthless Spirit [E]
- New functionality: Hitting an enemy Hero with Spirit of Vengeance causes Maiev to deal 15% increased damage for 4 seconds. This can stack up to 2 times.
- Ruthless Spirit [E]

- Cleave [Q]
- Damage reduced from 212 to 200
Ranged Assassin

- Level 1
- Pursuit of Flame [Q]
- Quest requirement reduced from 40 to 30
- Chaotic Energy [W]
- Regen Globes required for quest reduced from 20 to 15
- Pursuit of Flame [Q]
- Level 7
- Bound by Shadow [Q]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
- Curse of Exhaustion [W]
- Slow amount increased from 35% to 50%
- Bound by Shadow [Q]
- Level 10
- Rain of Destruction [R2]
- Adjusted functionality: Now has a 1.5 second cast time. No longer requires Gul’dan to channel for its duration
- Cast range reduced from 15 to 10
- Rain of Destruction [R2]
- Level 16
- Darkness Within [Trait]
- Bonus damage increased from 25% to 30%
- Darkness Within [Trait]

- Level 7
- Ice Lance [Q]
- Cooldown reduction reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds
- Icefury Wand [Passive]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
- Ice Lance [Q]
- Level 13
- Storm Front [W]
- Cast range increase reduced from 100% to 75%
- Additional functionality: Now also increases the radius of Blizzard by 30%
- Storm Front [W]
- Level 16
- Snowstorm [W]
- New functionality: The second wave of Blizzard deals 20% bonus damage. The third wave of Blizzard deals 60% bonus damage.

- Level 1
- Hippity Hop [Z]
- Out of combat requirement for the Movement Speed bonus reduced from 5 to 4 seconds
- Hippity Hop [Z]
- Level 4
- Blossom Swell [Q]
- Movement Speed bonus increased from 12% to 15%
- Blossom Swell [Q]
- Level 7
- Choking Pollen [Q]
- Damage bonus to targets with Nature’s Toxin increased from 85% to 100%
- Damage bonus to targets with 3 stacks of Nature’s Toxin increased from 135% to 150%
- Choking Pollen [Q]
- Level 10
- Thornwood Vine [R1]
- Damage increased from 164 to 176
- Thornwood Vine [R1]
- Level 13
- Abolish Magic [Active]
- Cooldown reduced from 35 to 30 seconds
- Endless Spores [W]
- Cooldown reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- Abolish Magic [Active]
- Level 16
- Accelerated Contamination [Q]
- Additional functionality: Now also reduces the Mana cost of Noxious Blossom from 60 to 40
- Accelerated Contamination [Q]

- Level 7
- Fuel the Rush [Passive]
- Additional functionality: Reduce the Mana cost of Adrenaline Rush from 75 to 50
- Fuel the Rush [Passive]
- Level 13
- Debilitating Roungs [Passive]
- Additional functionality: Also reduces the Mana cost of Pentetrating Round from 65 to 45
- Debilitating Roungs [Passive]

- Shadow Dagger [W]
- Damage reduced from 32 > 30
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some display issues with Season Time Remaining
- Garden Terror Spawning Vines will no longer get stuck at Gates while trying to path through them
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