The latest system update for the popular game has arrived, and it's shaking things up for Death Knight players. All Death Knight cards with three-rune requirements have been removed from Discover pools and random generation effects. According to the developers, this change is aimed at weakening the class overall and addressing player feedback about the frustration of facing multiple copies of these powerful cards. In addition to the system update, several cards have been adjusted to be less powerful, including Rowdy Fan. This card's Battlecry has been reduced from +4 Attack to +3 Attack, as it was deemed too efficient in a variety of decks. While this change may not be as extensive as some players were hoping for, it's sure to have an impact on the game's meta. Stay tuned for more updates and adjustments as the game continues to evolve.Hearthstone Updates
Dev Comment: Overall, we’re pretty happy with meta diversity and power in Standard right now. There are a few outliers that we’re looking to reign in with this patch, but the bigger focus is on raising the power level of some of the new Festival of Legends cards and archetypes, so that they can compete with the stronger stuff and people can feel better about trying out these fun new strategies.System Update
All Death Knight cards with any three-rune requirements (Frost-Frost-Frost, Blood-Frost-Unholy, etc.) are now removed from all Discover pools and random generation effects. Dev Comment: Death Knight is very strong as a class right now, and this change weakens the class across the board. We’ve also received a lot of feedback that one of the more frustrating parts of playing against Death Knights is when they are able to generate additional copies of their powerful triple-rune cards—particularly when the card is one the deck didn’t have access to in deckbuilding.
Card Updates
The following cards have been adjusted to be less powerful: Rowdy Fan- Old: Battlecry: Choose a minion. It has +4 Attack while this is alive.
- New: Battlecry: Choose a minion. It has +3 Attack while this is alive.
- Dev Comment: Rowdy fan has gotten a lot of attention in combination with Lady S’Theno, a powerful combo at high levels of play. But even outside of that combo, it’s a card that is just a bit too efficient at its rate in a wide variety of decks.

- Old: 5 Attack, 6 Health
- New: 3 Attack, 6 Health
- Dev Comment: Death Knight has several strong decks, and Frost Death Knight stands out as the strongest of the bunch. We wanted to shave a bit more power off it by bringing one of its best cards more in line with the rest of the deck.

- Old: Deathrattle: Gain 10 Mana Crystals.
- New: Deathrattle: Refresh your Mana Crystals.
- Dev Comment: Twig of the World Tree is the best card in a really good deck leading to some frustrating play experiences in Wild right now. The interaction between Twig of the World Tree and Sphere of Sapience didn’t exist when Twig was first printed, so this change is to curb this card’s power level and bring it back closer to the original play pattern.

- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]

- Old: [2 Mana]
- New: [1 Mana]

- Old: [6 Mana]
- New: [5 Mana]

- Old: 1 Attack, 2 Health
- New: 2 Attack, 3 Health

- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [2 Mana]

- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health
- New: 2 Attack, 3 Health

- Old: Rush. Deathrattle: Go Dormant. Cast a Fire spell to revive Thori-belore! (Revives 2 times.)
- New: Rush. Deathrattle: Go Dormant. Cast a Fire spell to revive Thori-belore!

- Old: Discover a spell. Finale: Return this to your hand at end of turn.
- New: Discover a spell. Reduce its Cost by (1). Finale: Return this to your hand at end of turn.

- Old: [3 Mana] 4 Attack, 3 Health
- New: [2 Mana] 3 Attack, 2 Health

- Old: [5 Mana] 2 Attack, 6 Health
- New: [4 Mana] 2 Attack, 5 Health

- Old: 1 Attack, 2 Health
- New: 1 Attack, 3 Health

- Old: [10 Mana]
- New: [8 Mana]

- Old: Battlecry: Give all Arcane spells in your deck Spell Damage +1.
- New: Battlecry: Give all Arcane spells in your hand and deck Spell Damage +1.

- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Durability
- New: 3 Attack, 2 Durability

- Old: Lifesteal. Deal 5 damage to a minion. Costs (3) less if you’re Overloaded.
- New: Lifesteal. Deal 6 damage to a minion. Costs (3) less if you’re Overloaded.

- Old: [2 Mana] 3 Attack, 2 Health
- New: [1 Mana] 2 Attack, 1 Health

- Old: Overload (2)
- New: Overload (1)

- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [2 Mana]

- Old: [5 Mana] 4 Attack, 5 Health
- New: [4 Mana] 3 Attack, 4 Health

- Old: [5 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]

- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Durability
- New: 3 Attack, 2 Durability

- Old: 3 Attack, 4 Health
- New: 5 Attack, 5 Health

- Old: [4 Mana] Deal 2 damage to all enemies. Restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
- New: [3 Mana] Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.

- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]

- Old: [6 Mana] 7 Attack, 6 Health
- New: [5 Mana] 6 Attack, 5 Health

Battlegrounds Updates
Armor Adjustments
Note: Aranna Starseeker, Silas Darkmoon, and Tess Greymane now has less Armor at higher ranks, but more Armor at lower ranks.

Magnus Manastorm (Millhouse Manastorm’s Buddy)

Nightmare Ectoplasm (Mutanus the Devourer’s Buddy)

And the quest gained from Shady Aristocrat (Sire Denathrius’s Buddy) has again been made harder to complete.

Lichborne Might (Death Knight – Sai Shadowstorm)
Warmaster’s Frenzy (Neutral – Drek’Thar)
Ace in the Hole
Collector’s Ire
Gift of the Old Gods
Reno’s Crafty Lasso
Sr. Excavator
Runed Soulblade
Brittle Bones
Avenging Armaments
Righteous Reserves
Mummy Magic
Endurance Training
Arctic Armor
Edge of Dredge
Unholy Gift
Buddy Updates
Dev Comment: This is our last expected patch of this Buddies meta. Battlegrounds Season 4 is coming soon with Patch 26.2. When it does, Buddies will be removed again to make room for a massive minion shakeup. But don’t worry, we’ll see our Buddies again one day. For now, hang tight. Season 4 details are right around the corner! Bilgewater Mogul (Trade Prince Gallywix’s Buddy)- Old: [Tavern Tier 3]
- New: [Tavern Tier 4]

- Old: [Tavern Tier 4]
- New: [Tavern Tier 5]

- Old: [Tavern Tier 4] 4 Attack, 3 Health. When you ‘Devour’ this, spit its stats onto 2 extra minions.
- New: [Tavern Tier 3] 5 Attack, 4 Health. When you ‘Devour’ this, spit its state onto 1 extra minion.

Duels Updates
Card Pool Updates
- Sister Svalna, Linecracker, Clockwork Automaton, Elwynn Boar, Edwin VanCleef, and Tamsin’s Phylactery have been banned from the eligible card pools.
Hero Power Updates
No Guts, No Glory (Warrior)- Old: [1 Mana]
- New: [2 Mana]

- Old: [1 Mana]
- New: [2 Mana]

- Old: [1 Mana]
- New: [2 Mana]

Signature Treasure Updates
Devout Blessing- Old: Add a copy of each Deathrattle minion that died this game to your hand. Allied: Priest.
- New: Add a copy of each friendly Deathrattle minion that died after your last turn to your hand. Allied: Priest

- Old: [2 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]

- Old: [3 Mana] At the end of your turn, add a random Eclipse spell to your hand. Your Eclipse spells cost (0).
- New: [4 Mana] At the end of your turn, add both Eclipse spells to your hand. Your Eclipse spells cost (0).

- Old: [7 Mana]
- New: [6 Mana]

- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]

- Old: 3 Attack, 2 Durability
- New: 2 Attack, 3 Durability

- Old: [6 Mana] Battlecry: Draw 2 cards. Any minions you draw cost (2) less.
- New: [5 Mana] Battlecry: Draw 3 cards. Any minions your draw cost (2) less.

- Old: [4 Mana]
- New: [3 Mana]

Treasure Pool Updates
- Ancient Reflections, Bag of Holding, and Mask of Mimicry have been temporarily removed from all Treasure Pools.
- Royal Gift and Location, Location, Location have been moved to Treasure Pool 2.
Passive Treasure Updates
Eerie Stone- Old: After you destroy a minion with a Shadow spell, add a copy of that minion to your hand. Reduce its Cost by (2).
- New: After you destroy an enemy minion with a Shadow spell, add a copy of that minion to your hand. It costs (2) less.

- Old: After you destroy an enemy minion with a spell, summon a Volatile Skeleton.
- New: After you cast a spell that kills an enemy, summon a 2/2 Volatile Skeleton.

- Old: After a friendly minion loses its Divine Shield, give it +2/+2.
- New: After a friendly minion loses its Divine Shield, give it +2/+1.

- Old: After you play a minion with Divine Shield, give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.
- New: After you play your first Divine Shield minion each turn, give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.

- Old: After you play a Deathrattle minion, give it Reborn.
- New: After you play your first Deathrattle minion each turn, give it Reborn.

- Old: Your Taunt minions cost (3) less, but not less than (2).
- New: Your Taunt minions cost (2) less, but not less than (2).

- Old: After the first time you Freeze an enemy each turn, gain 1 Armor.
- New: After the first time you Freeze an enemy each turn, gain 2 Armor.

- Old: After you Dredge, draw a card and shuffle your deck.
- New: After the first time you Dredge each turn, draw a card.

- Old: At the start of the game, shuffle 5 Death Knight cards into your deck.
- New: At the start of the game, shuffle 5 Lich King cards into your deck.
- Dev Comment: Unholy Gift and Rune Helmet now use the updated version of Obliterate.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Arcanite Ripper’s effect was not improving when damage and healing occurred at the same time (such as hitting yourself with Cheaty Anklebiter’s effect).
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Screaming Banshee did not work property when healing and taking damage at the same time (such as while attacking your Ashbringer into an enemy minion).
- [Duels] Added missing Festival of Legends and Rastakhan’s Rumble cards to Discover pools.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug where one version of Crimson Clergy was banned while the other version was not.
- [Collection] Corrected in-collection “how to obtain” descriptions for various products.
- [Progression] Fixed a bug where the first phase of the *Melomaniacal Laughter* achievement granted Battlegrounds Track XP instead of Rewards XP.
- [Localization] Fixed various localization issues.

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