Hearthstone players, get ready for some exciting updates! The latest patch notes bring a few changes to the game, including card updates and adjustments to Battlegrounds Buddies. In the Construct Quarter, players will notice a decrease in durability for some cards, such as Vengeful Walloper and Lightray. Meanwhile, Battlegrounds players will see some Buddies become more powerful, like Snow Elemental and Vaelastrasz, while others, such as Nightmare Ectoplasm and Shady Aristocrat, will become less powerful.
In addition to these updates, the patch notes also include bug fixes and game improvements. For example, a bug causing mouse-over tooltips to disappear has been fixed, and new Core Set cards are now eligible in the Arena card pool. So, whether you're a seasoned Hearthstone player or just starting out, these updates are sure to add some excitement to your gameplay.
Card Changes
Construct Quarter
- Old: 3 Durability
- New: 2 Durability

Vengeful Walloper

Buddy Updates
The following Buddies have been adjusted to be more powerful:
Snow Elemental (Chenvaala)
- Old: Tavern Tier 4
- New: Tavern Tier 3

Vaelastrasz (Alexstrasza)
- Old: Tavern Tier 4
- New: Tavern Tier 3

Talent Scout (E.T.C., Band Manager)
- Old: Tavern Tier 5
- New: Tavern Tier 3

Coilfang Elite (Lady Vashj)
- Old: [Tavern Tier 2] 4 Attack, 3 Health
- New: [Tavern Tier 1] 3 Attack, 2 Health

Sub Scrubber (Ini Stormcoil)
- Old: Tavern Tier 5
- New: Tavern Tier 4

Piloted Whirl-O-Tron (Sneed)
- Old: Tavern Tier 3
- New: Tavern Tier 2

Festergut (Professor Putricide)
- Ticking Abomination has been removed from the Festergut minion pool. (It is still in the minion pool for Professor Putricide’s hero power, Build-An-Undead).
The following Buddies have been adjusted to be less powerful:
Nightmare Ectoplasm (Mutanus the Devourer)
- Old: [Tavern Tier3] 5 Attack, 4 Health
- New: [Tavern Tier 4] 4 Attack, 3 Health

Raging Contender (Captain Hooktusk)
- Old: Tavern Tier 4
- New: Tavern Tier 5

Living Nightmare (Kurtrus Ashfallen)
- Old: [Tavern Tier 2] 5 Attack, 3 Health
- New: [Tavern Tier 3] 6 Attack, 4 Health

Waxadred, the Drippy (Heistbaron Togwaggle)
- Old: Tavern Tier 4
- New: Tavern Tier 5

Shady Aristocrat (Sire Denathrius)
- The Quest Discovered will now be more difficult to complete.
Minion Updates
Dr. Boombox
- Old: Tavern Tier 4
- New: Tavern Tier 5

Card appearance rates were adjusted. High power class cards for Death Knight, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, and Shaman will appear less frequently. High power class cards for Demon Hunter and Warrior will appear more frequently. The Countess, Fel’dorei Warband, Deal with a Devil, and Astalor, Bloodsworn are no longer be able to be drafted.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Sketchy Stranger would only offer 2 options if you were playing as a Secret class.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where cards gained by Fight Over Me were not tagged as copied from your opponent.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug causing mouse-over tooltips to sometimes disappear. This bug fix includes a temporary mitigation until the next full client patch.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug where Scourge Strike was sometimes literally unplayable.
- [Arena] Fixed a bug where new Core Set cards were not in the eligible card pool.
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