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Hearthstone – 18.4.2 Patch Notes

Hearthstone – 18.4.2 Patch Notes

Battlegrounds Hero Updates

  • Bartendotron has been removed from the Battlegrounds Hero Pool.

Ragnaros the Firelord

    • Old: After you kill 20 enemy minions, get Sulfuras. → New: After you kill 25 enemy minions, get Sulfuras.
Old Ragnaros Battlegrounds Hero Power Base Versioncardchanges_arrow.pngNew Ragnaros Battlegrounds Hero Power Base Version
  • Sulfuras
    • Old: At the end of your turn, give your left and right-most minions +4/+4. → New: At the end of your turn, give your left and right-most minions +3/+3.
Old upgraded Ragnaros Battlegrounds Hero Power cardchanges_arrow.pngnew upgraded Ragnaros Battlegrounds Hero Power

Maiev Shadowsong

  • Imprison
    • Old: Make a minion in Bob's Tavern Dormant. After 2 turns, get it with +1/+1. → New: Make a minion in Bob's Tavern Dormant. After 2 turns, get it with +1 Attack.
Old Maiev Battlegrounds Hero Powercardchanges_arrow.pngNew Maiev Battlegrounds Hero Power


  • Avalanche
    • Old: After you play 3 Elementals, reduce the cost of upgrading Bob's Tavern by (2). → New: After you play 3 Elementals, reduce the cost of upgrading Bob's Tavern by (3).
Old Chenvaala Battlegrounds Hero Powercardchanges_arrow.pngNew Chenvaala Battlegrounds Hero Power


  • All Patched Up
    • Old: Start with 50 Health instead of 40. → New: Start with 55 Health instead of 40.
Old Patchwerk Battlegrounds Hero Powercardchanges_arrow.pngNew Patchwerk Battlegrounds Hero Power


  • Stay Frosty
    • Old: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +1/+1. → New: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +2/+1.
Old Sindragosa Battlegrounds Hero Powercardchanges_arrow.pngNew Sindragosa Battlegrounds Hero Power

King Mukla

  • Bananarama
    • Now has a chance to give King Mukla a Big Banana that gives a minion +2/+2.

Battlegrounds Minion Updates

  • Whirlwind Tempest has been removed from the Battlegrounds minion pool.
  • Pogo-Hopper has been removed from the Battlegrounds minion pool.

Selfless Hero

  • Old: [Tier 1] → New: [Tier 2]
Selfless Hero used to be tier 1cardchanges_arrow.pngselfless hero is now tier 2

Deadly Spore

  • Old: [Tier 4] → New: [Tier 5]
deadly spore used to be tier 4cardchanges_arrow.pngdeadly spore is now tier 5

Salty Looter

  • Old: 3 Attack, 3 Health. → New: 4 Attack, 4 Health.
salty looter used to have 3 health and 3 attackcardchanges_arrow.pngsalty looter now has 4 health 4 attack

Bloodsail Cannoneer

  • Old: 4 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 4 Attack, 3 Health.
bloodsail cannoneer used to have 2 healthcardchanges_arrow.pngbloodsail cannoneer now has 3 health

Party Elemental

  • Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 3 Attack, 2 Health.
party elemental used to have 2 attackcardchanges_arrow.pngparty elemental now has 3 attack

Arcane Assistant

  • Old: 3 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 3 Attack, 3 Health.
arcane assistant used to have 2 healthcardchanges_arrow.pngarcane assistant now has 3 health

Majordomo Executus

  • Old: At the end of your turn, give your left-most minion +1 / +1 for each Elemental you played this turn. → New: At the end of your turn, give your left-most minion +1/+1. Repeat for each Elemental you played this turn.
Majordomo Executus oldcardchanges_arrow.pngMajordomo Executus new

Lil’ Rag

  • Old: [Tier 5] 4 Attack, 4 Health. → New: [Tier 6] 6 Attack, 6 Health.
Lil Rag was a tier 5 4/4 beforecardchanges_arrow.pngLil Rag is a tier 6 6/6 now

Gentle Djinni

  • Old: [Tier 6] 6 Attack, 8 Health. → New: [Tier 5] 4 Attack, 5 Health.
Gentle Djinni was a tier 6 6/8 beforecardchanges_arrow.pngGentle Djinni is a Tier 5 4/5 now

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