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H1Z1 – SEASON 2 Patch Notes

H1Z1 – SEASON 2 Patch Notes

All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 9AM PDT on Thursday, July 26 for an estimated 4-hour update to bring you Season 2, bug fixes, the new Fumigator Collection, and more!


  • Spawn select has been enabled in Solos, Duos, and Fives; however, the gas ring preview and player heat map have been disabled. This provides players with agency over their starting location while removing some of the predictability around where other players are spawning and where the safe zone will be.
  • Slightly increased ATV spawns and slightly decreased police car spawns.
  • A general consistency pass has been done on loot distribution, so that areas where there was blatanly too much (or not enough) loot have been improved.
  • Updated the rotating match lighting schemes:
    • Added Night to the rotation
    • Removed Smoky from the rotation
    • Toned down the amount of fog in the Foggy lighting scheme (now called "Gloomy")
    • The new lighting ratios based on survey results and feedback from the Test server are: Sunny (50%), Night (20%), Dusk (15%), and Gloomy (15%).
  • Removed the horizontal bar in the window of mobile homes.
  • Mini-map no longer closes when the Inventory is opened.
  • Added additional particle effects to the Apocalypse AK-47.
  • Various anti-cheat updates and improvements.


  • Removed collision from arrows that have been fired into objects, removing the ability to use them to climb up objects such as trees.
  • Jumping backwards and sideways now maintains expected movement speed.
  • Toggling mute (default: Control + M) now works when on loading screens.
  • Tribute and Royalty Tactical Helmets no longer incorrectly cause a bleed effect when shot off.
  • Numerous bug fixes and performance optimizations on the remastered Z1 "Outbreak" map.


Fumigator Collection

There's a new type of Crate available from the in-game Marketplace that's guaranteed to put a smile (or at least a stylish fumigator mask) on your face! The Fumigator Collection contains 10 helmets that match existing community favorite skins (such as Rasta, Anarchy, and Toxic) while providing a unique new look. This Collection has a few key similarities and important differences from standard Crates:

  • Like a standard Crate, you will receive one item at random for each Crate you open
  • Unlike a standard Crate, the Fumigator Collection is guaranteed to never grant a duplicate
  • If you get lucky and open a Crate containing the Legendary Rasta Fumigator Mask (a jackpot roll), you'll automatically be granted ALL of the helmets
  • If luck isn't on your side, don't worry - you're guaranteed to get all 10 helmets if you open 9 of these Crates
  • All of the helmets are no-trade/non-marketable, so be sure to open them on the account you intend to enjoy them on

Individual Fumigator Collection Crates are available for 500 Crowns each in the Marketplace, and a 9-pack guaranteeing all 10 helmets is available for 3500 Crowns (saving 1000 Crowns vs. buying them individually).


Starting on Friday, two NEW Rasta weapons will be available from the Message of the Day! To match the new Legendary Rasta Fumigator Mask from the Fumigator Collection, grab the Rasta AR-15 and AK-47 before these offers disappear at 11:59PM PDT on Sunday, July 29.

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