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Fortnite – 9.40 Patch Notes | Tactical Shotgun – Epic & Legendary

Fortnite – 9.40 Patch Notes | Tactical Shotgun – Epic & Legendary


  • New Epic and Legendary Tactical Shotgun.
    • 83 / 87 maximum damage.
    • 1.5 shots per second.
    • Holds 8 shells.
    • Headshot multiplier of 2.25.
    • Available from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, Loot Carriers, and Vending Machines.
  • Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle now has reduced zoom while scoped.
    • This is a Quality of Life change to help improve the usability and feel of this weapon.
  • Combat Shotgun changes
    • Reduced Headshot multiplier from 1.7 to 1.5.
    • Reduced the long range effectiveness of the Combat Shotgun
      • Reduced the falloff curve ranges from:
        • 2.44 tiles (unchanged)
        • 4.88 tiles to 4.39 tiles.
        • 9.77 tiles to 6.84 tiles.
        • 19.53 tiles to 11.72 tiles.
    • After observing recent changes to damage falloff, we decided to further reduce its long range effectiveness and alter the curve to fall a bit more in line with other shotguns but still retain its unique flavor.
  • Vaulted
    • Suppressed Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
      • Epic and Legendary variants.
  • Unvaulted
    • Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
      • Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants.
Bug Fixes
  • Drum Shotgun now has the correct environmental damage falloff.
  • Fixed a bug in which a Launch Pad couldn’t be destroyed by a pickaxe.


  • Picking up an item that fills a stack and creates an overflow will no longer result in the currently equipped item being dropped.
    • Instead of causing the currently equipped weapon to be dropped, the overflow will be dropped.
  • Players will now automatically pick up a consumable if it is already in their inventory and not maxed out.
    • If the auto pickup fills a stack, the overflow will be dropped.
  • A new Glider and Harvesting Tool have been added for Save the World Founder's Pack owners.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue involving Supply Drone Boxes not being visible after players shoot down the Supply Drone.
  • Supply Drones no longer remain stationary after getting stuck for too long.
  • Changed Invert “Aircraft Keyboard Controls” to “Invert Airborne Keyboard Controls” in the Options menu to reflect the fact that airborne land vehicles’ controls become inverted in the air.
  • Fixed some edge cases involving damage number display rounding down for some shotgun hits.
  • Blueprint doors now consistently render when players are building.
  • Players can now pick up items more easily when standing on top of them.
  • Foot controllers now properly allow players to rotate the next and previous weapon.
  • Bushes no longer block players from being healed by a Chug Splash.
  • If a player using a Shadow Bomb enters a vehicle, the Shadow Bomb effect will no longer remain active after the effect should have ended.
  • The Chug Splash now properly auto-sorts to the rightmost inventory slot when picked up, like other consumables.
  • Fixed an issue in which players would experience abnormally slow gliding after using a Rift-to-Go.
  • Consumables associated with a bar (Shield Potion, Med Kit, etc.) are now consistently usable by players riding a Zipline.
  • Fixed a rare issue involving Shadow Bombs not allowing for wall jumps at certain angles.
  • Players can no longer wall jump off of the corn fields while using a Shadow Bomb.
  • Players can no longer wall jump off of Slipstreams while using a Shadow Bomb.
  • Fixed an issue in which the rings for Fortbytes 4, 67, 70, and 89 would not appear even though the player was wearing the correct cosmetic.
  • To prevent players from exploiting the Deep Dab emote, it now has a delay before players are able to shoot after starting it.
  • Fixed an issue in which damage done to shields was causing the VFX to appear larger than normal, blocking players’ vision.
  • Foot Controller support improvements
    • Switched over to use dead zone and max throttle end points.
    • Better vehicle controls for Quad Crasher.


  • New Tournament: Xbox Cup (July 20th & 21st) [$1,000,000 in Cash Prizes!]
    • Solo Game Mode
    • This tournament is open to all players on Xbox One and does not require reaching any division in Arena.
    • The prize pool will be distributed across all server regions, with official rules and details released later this week. Check the tournament inside the game client for exact times.
    • Format:
      • July 20th - Round One: All Eligible Players
      • July 21st - Round Two: Top 3000 Players from Round One
  • New Tournament: Trios Cash Cup (July 21st) [$1,000,000 in Cash Prizes!]
    • Trios Game Mode
    • Participation in this event requires players to have reached Champion League in Arena play prior to the start of the event.
    • The prize pool will be distributed across all server regions, with official rules and details released later this week. Check the tournament inside the game client for exact times.
    • Format:
      • Single Day Tournament - July 21st
        • Round One: All Eligible Players
        • Round Two: Top 150 teams from Round One
  • Players can now choose a flag to display on their career profile.
    • This flag can be selected and changed from a player’s profile.
    • After changing or selecting their flag, players cannot change flags again for 30 days.
    • A player’s flag is visible to others when visiting a player’s profile and on tournament leaderboards.
    • For teams of two or more players, the flag chosen by the majority of the team will be displayed. If there is no majority, the globe flag will be displayed.
    • We are launching with an initial set of 37 total flags. Any additional flags added in the future will be announced in future updates.


  • Improved server performance of Zipline.
  • Improved client performance of Chug Jug.
  • Optimized the way pickaxes are spawned to reduce the chance of loading issues during the initial skydive landing.


  • Improved enemy footstep volume consistency, and changed volume falloff to logarithmic to make the sound diminish more naturally.
  • Decreased volume of a few sounds:
    • Chug Splash explosion.
    • Proximity Launcher explosion.
    • Ambient hum of the Slipstream platforms.
  • Added a wall impact audio layer for close quarters combat as an additional warning that an enemy is shooting a structure you’re on the opposite side of.
Bug Fixes
  • Wood/stone/metal bullet impacts are no longer silent on Mobile/Switch.
  • Revolver equip sound is no longer silent on Mobile/Switch.


  • Escape Menu & Social Panel updates:
    • The input action that would bring up either the Escape Menu or Social Panel will now bring up both of them in the lobby and while in a match.
    • A third tab has been added to the Social Panel. It contains all voice chat-related functionalities.
    • The Escape Menu and Top Bar received a visual update.


  • Added new Edit From Touch setting to enable/disable editing from touches (defaulted to enabled).
  • Bluetooth microphones have been enabled to support voice chat.
  • The emote wheel buttons are now bigger.
Bug Fixes
  • Air Strike shots no longer create large polygonal outlines.
  • Fixed an issue involving Pump and Combat Shotguns not correctly firing while Auto-Fire is selected.
  • Resolved voice chat issues when joining another player’s party.
  • The chest located in the Neo Tilted hotel is now openable.
  • Live spectating on mobile will display the spectator's UI.
  • Players no longer remain logged into their account when they close the game.
  • Wallet in the Lifetime Refund Screen will now correctly display.
  • Leaving the “Show Help” open in the Warm Up stage won’t cause the Button to remain present during the match.
  • The "Tournament Region" text in the Compete tab is bigger.
  • Map Marker HUD Layout won’t be displayed when in the Battle Bus.
  • Emote HUD Layout will be displayed only in vehicles where it is possible to emote.
  • Players will be able to rotate cosmetics when using a touchpad.
  • The proper SFX will be played when equipping the Revolver.
  • Graphical improvement on the Wonder outfit while playing the Llama Bell emote.
  • Storm Eye Glider and Storm Bolt Harvesting Tool will display proper VFX.
  • Graphical improvement of the Flutter outfit.
  • Graphical improvement on the String Lights contrail.
  • Lantern contrail will display properly in-game.



Kevin’s Floating Island
  • Build a floating fortress on a new island! Kevin is back.
09CM_Theme_KevinFloatingIsland_Social-.jpg Ball Spawner
  • Play ball! Add physics-based balls to your world to create a whole slew of new game types and player interactions.
09CM_PropPhysicsBall_Social.jpg More Channels To Triggers & Receivers
  • The number of channels for Triggers & Receivers have been increased so you can automate even more mayhem in your maps.


Bug Fixes
  • Published islands no longer rotate 180 degrees on the mini-map causing the lighting to be inconsistent.


  • Updated My Island settings
    • Added new option to Environment Damage
      • Player Built Only - during a game, players can damage player-built structures (wood, stone, metal) which have been built during map creation while in a game.
    • Added Building Damage option
      • Determines who has the ability to damage player-built structures built during a game.
      • All, Self Built, Team Built, Enemy Built, Enemy & Self Built, None (Default: All)
    • Added new options to Max Resources
      • 10,000, 50,000, 99,999
Bug Fixes
  • Player-built structures can be edited prior to placing when Environment Damage settings are active.
  • Players will no longer experience jump fatigue when the Jump Fatigue setting is set to Off.
  • Unmanned vehicles will no longer phase through objects.
Known Issue
  • Coins collected during a game do not appear while in Create mode during the same Creative session.
    • The coins remain interactable and appear in subsequent game starts.


  • New Epic and Legendary Tactical Shotgun.
    • 83 / 87 maximum damage.
    • 1.5 shots per second.
    • Holds 8 shells.
    • Headshot multiplier of 2.25.


Bug Fixes
  • Geyser from the Air Vent Gallery can now be interacted with correctly when using the Phone.


  • Added the Kevin Crater to the Air Vent Gallery.
  • Added Ice Cream to the Consumables Gallery.
  • Added the Soccer Goal to the Sports Gallery.
  • Added the Pizza Pete Picture Frame and Wood Shavings to the No Collision Gallery.
  • Added an additional tree to the Haunted Hills Nature Gallery.
  • Added Blue Counters to the Diners Prop Gallery.
  • Added more Ground Floors to Grass & Dirt Galleries A & B.
  • Added more Sidewalks to Street Gallery B.
Bug Fixes
  • Castle Banners can once again be destroyed while Environment Damage is OFF.
  • Fixed the trash bag from clipping through the Paradise Palms steps.
  • Bushes in the Indestructible Gallery are no longer destroyed by player building.
  • Health bar no longer appears when copying the Bush in the Desert Nature Gallery.
  • The Pueblo Trio Prefab now has the correct grid placement.
  • The Kevin Cube Gallery now has two different Cube versions.
  • Replaced some ceiling tiles in the Mega Mall Prefab.
  • Fixed Cliff Gallery assets which were auto-destroying themselves when exiting the Phone.
  • Prefab Grenades now explode on impact instead of bouncing.


  • Increased the number of available Trigger channels to 24 and the number of available Receivers to 30.
  • Added Ball Spawner device.
    • Spawns a ball with physics properties.
    • Size: Sets the size of the ball being spawned.
      • Small, Medium, Large, Super (Default: Medium)
    • Type: Sets the physical properties of the ball.
      • Default, Light, Heavy, Slick, Sport.
    • Player Force Multiplier: Determines how much force the player will apply when hitting the ball.
      • None, Low, Medium, High (Default: Medium)
    • Player Knockback Amount: Determines how much force will be applied to the player when they are hit by the ball.
      • None, Low, Medium, High (Default: None)
    • Respawn Delay: Determines how long the device will wait before spawning a new ball after the previous one has been destroyed.
      • None, 0.5 seconds, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 5 seconds (Default 3 seconds)
    • Gravity: Determines whether the ball is affected by gravity.
      • Off, On (Default: On)
    • Eliminate Player When Touched: Controls whether a player is eliminated when the ball touches them.
      • Off, On (Default: Off)
  • Added Prop-O-Matic Manager device.
    • Controls Prop-O-Matic behavior and Prop Hunt game and UI settings.
    • Show Props Remaining: Yes, No
    • Prop Ping Frequency: Determines the length of time between forced audio pings from players hidden as props.
      • Off, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds (Default: 15 seconds)
  • Add new options to Player Spawn Device.
    • Enabled During Phase: Determines when the device is active.
      • Disabled, Enabled, Warm-Up Only, Gameplay Only (Default: Enabled)
    • Added Receivers to Disable and Enable the device.
  • Added new options to the Explosive Device - the following options apply only to Badge style Health Bars.
    • Team Visibility: Determines which teams can see the device’s Health Bar.
      • Any, 1-16, All Hostile, All Neutral, All Friendly (Default: Any)
    • Friendly Icon Text: Determines the text that is displayed on the Health Bar if the device is considered friendly.
    • Neutral Icon Text: Determines the text that is displayed on the Health Bar if the device is considered neutral.
    • Enemy Icon Text: Determines the text that is displayed on the Health Bar if the device is considered a hostile.
    • HUD Text Size: Determines the size of the Icon Text/Health Value displayed.
      • 1x, 1.5x, 2x (Default: 1x)
  • Added new option to Capture Area Device.
    • Player Capture Item Filter: Determines whether a player requires the registered item in their inventory to be able to score points by standing in the Capture Area.
    • On, Off (Default: Off)
    • Only relevant when Player Capture is On.
  • Added option to Enable/Disable the Ground Fog particle effect.
  • Changed the default option for Grant on Respawn in the Team Settings Device to OFF so that by default it will not remove all items from a player’s inventory when they respawn.
Bug Fixes
  • Applying settings to a Player Spawn device no longer prevents players from spawning on the plate properly.
  • The Mounted Turret device won’t destroy the attached floor after a game, which would sometimes cause mass island destruction when the Turret was on a floor piece providing critical structural support.
  • Objects will no longer disappear when returning to the Hub then going back into an island.
  • Fixed issues with the Beacon Device:
    • Beacon now hides correctly during pre-game phase if set to Gameplay Only.
    • Beacon now hides correctly after game end.
    • Objective Devices set to Team 16 will now destroy other Objective Devices within their blast radius.
    • Fixed a number of issues associated with the Prop-O-Matic.
    • Prop orientation for the disguised player should now match the orientation seen by other players.
    • Players can no longer turn into floating islands using the Prop-O-Matic.
    • Switching weapons while an object is highlighted with the Prop-O-Matic no longer causes the object to remain highlighted after the switch.
    • The ‘Exit’ UI prompt will now be displayed while in prop mode.
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect button prompts would be shown when disguised in Fly Mode on mobile devices.
    • Correct health values will be displayed when transforming into certain props.
    • Disguised players will remain visible if their prop was destroyed by an Explosive Device.
    • Bush consumable no longer remains visible when a player transforms into a prop.
    • The ‘Lock in Place’ button prompt no longer appears as ‘Unbound’ on consoles and mobile.
    • Players can no longer transform into the Target Dummy Track or Vehicle Spawner devices with the Prop-O-Matic.
    • The Prop-O-Matic now has the correct number of rarity stars.
    • Fixed an issue on mobile devices where the Phone Tool UI would appear when a disguised player was hit by a Boogie Bomb.
    • Players can transform into large props from any viewpoint.
    • Uneven terrain no longer prevents players from changing into certain props.
    • Fixed an issue where players would jitter while standing near the Creative Hub Rift while disguised as a prop.


  • Added descriptions to Ignore Team for Damage and Ignore Team for Proximity options on the Explosive Device to clarify how they affect team affiliation for HUD purposes.
Bug Fixes
  • Spawns Left will display correctly on scoreboard.
  • Fixed "Number of Hiders" Prop Hunt UI showing up outside of games.
  • Fixed typo in 'Allow Items to be Dropped' setting in Game Settings tab.
  • Fixed text error in Requires Line of Sight descriptions in Beacon Device and Explosive Device.


  • The Edit Tool will correctly highlight Arctic Base parts.
  • The Storm Controller Device is no longer missing a blueprint preview when players hover over it with the Phone.
  • Instructions on how to "Change Destination" on Rift Waypoint will be displayed.



Fortnite’s 2nd Birthday Celebrate two years of Fortnite with Birthday-themed Quests and a Hero! 09BR_Birthday_Social.jpg Birthday Llama Open a Birthday Llama filled to the brim with Heroes and weapons from the past year of Fortnite events! 09StW_BirthdayLlama_Social.jpg


  • Quests, missions alerts, and daily login rewards will now grant X-Ray Tickets instead of V-Bucks to players who are non founders. Paid Founders will not be affected by this change.
  • Celebrate Fortnite’s second birthday with these sweet Birthday Quests:
    • Earn the new Birthday Brigade Jonesy Hero by completing a quest to eliminate Cake Sploders in successful missions. Be careful to avoid their exploding pastries!
    • Earn Summer Tickets by collecting delicious-looking birthday cakes in successful missions. This quest is repeatable, so eat up!
  • Hero Loadouts have been added as rewards for completing Storm Shield Defense 10 in Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley, and Twine Peaks.
Note:We teased a feature that’s coming over the course of Season 10… Take a look! Bug Fixes
  • Time Cheats will now spawn more reliably in Wargames.
  • Traps no longer visually persist after their durability runs out in Wargames.
    • Bad traps will be cleared every time the Storm Shield is entered.
  • Sound now correctly plays when standing near the edge of a Storm Shield.
  • Acid Pools now display correctly when the Acid Pool Mutator is active.
  • The Hexed statues in the Hexed Wargames Simulation no longer pop out of visibility.


  • The Event popup menu in the quest tab now scales properly for all resolutions.
Bug Fixes and Adjustments
  • Storage in the Armory now shows 5 items per line again instead of 3.
  • The ‘Equip’ button will now display properly on the Backpack screen if using hotkeys to swap out weapons.
  • The inventory screen was showing the wrong item details in some situations.
  • Text was flickering in the storm shield menu in some languages.
  • Transform keys now display correctly if players have 1000+ keys.
  • Fixed an issue when inspecting an X-Ray Llama to show the correct options.
  • Wargame Simulation and Challenge boxes now have scrolling sounds when selecting them while using a controller.
  • Incorrect text rewards would display if the skip button was pressed after leveling up on the Victory Screen.
  • The commander xp screen during the mission rewards cycle now properly displays banners on console.
  • Inspecting currency earned from Llamas will now show the amount of currency gained instead of the total amount of currency owned.
  • Mission Rewards list arrows were not updating immediately, leading to some cases where it was showing at inappropriate times.
  • Removed an extra prompt from some notifications such as friend requests received in zone.
  • The top of the scroll bar in the Llama reward screen is now draggable.


  • Improved performance of the in-game mission objective UI.
  • Improved performance when changing tabs in the Schematic menu.
Bug Fixes
  • Removed some hitches that were occuring during tutorial dialogs.
  • Removed a hitch while going into the Save the World map for the first time.


  • We’ve added a new birthday-themed Hero!
    • Birthday Brigade Jonesy is all about survival… and cake sprinkles. He seems to really enjoy sprinkles.
    • Standard Perk: Survivalist
      • Eliminations heal you for 39 base Health over 3 seconds. Duration refreshes with additional eliminations.
    • Commander Perk: Survivalist+
      • Eliminations heal you for 117 base Health over 3 seconds. Duration refreshes with additional eliminations.
    • Earn Birthday Brigade Jonesy by completing the new Sploding Husks quest.
  • 8-Bit Demo returns to the Event Store!
    • Standard Perk: Enduring Machine
      • After ability cast, weapons lose 40% less Durability for the next 2 uses.
    • Commander Perk: Enduring Machine+
      • After ability cast, weapons lose 40% less Durability for the next 6 uses.
    • Available in the Event Store starting July 17 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
  • Fossil Southie is now eligible for an item reset.
    • This is due to the issue in v9.30 which caused the Saurian Focus perk to grant the same bonus as the Commander Perk even when slotted in a non-Commander Slot.
Bug Fixes
  • The Hero Perks Mad Tidings and Start Up were not properly resetting upon weapon overheat.
  • The Hero Perk Enduring Machine was not working correctly for melee weapons.
  • Commander Perks Cascade and Fan of Stars now work correctly.
  • Fire sound effects persisted after using Dragon Slash while using the Fire of the Dragon Hero Perk.
  • The Fourth of July heroes can be retired and now take up inventory space.


  • Smash 2nd Year Birthday Llamas to celebrate a year worth of loot!
    • The new 2nd Year Birthday Llama is available in the Loot tab of the Save the World Store for 1000 summer tickets.
    • The Birthday Llama is stuffed with the greatest hits of Heroes and weapons from the 2nd year of Fortnite events!
    • Each Llama contains at least one weapon and one Hero with at least one of those two being a Legendary or Mythic variant.
    • Available for two weeks, starting July 16 and ending on August 1.
      • Summer Tickets will not be converted to Birthday Llamas after the Season ends. Any remaining tickets will be converted into Sci-fi Llamas.
Bug Fixes
  • Upgrading the Gammatron 9000 from epic to legendary rarity now works correctly.
  • Defenders now shoot the Boom Bow at the correct fire rate.
  • Reduced the Boom Bow's displayed fire rate in order to correct the DPS number shown in the UI.
    • This will not affect the actual fire rate of the Boom Bow.
  • The Campfire trap now correctly heals any nearby damaged Defenders.
  • Fixed an issue with traps in Storm Shields not applying their health and healing perks.
  • Fixed elemental alterations not showing correctly for the following weapon sets:
    • Flintlock
    • Medieval
    • Military
    • RatRod
    • Scavenger
    • Steampunk
  • The banner gadget no longer permanently colors structures blue.


  • Corrected an issue with sploder propane tanks rotating back and forth while bouncing.
Bug Fixes
  • Defenders will now properly return the weapons they use once a mission is completed.
  • Allow trap cycling when B.A.S.E. is equipped.
  • Husks remain illuminatefter being frozen.
  • Players should no longer appear in the DBNO state during the Victory Screen.



Bug Fixes
  • Fixed wording for the "Visualize Sound Effects" hover text in the settings screen.


Bug Fixes
  • Text wrapping on multi-line chat messages is fixed.

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