- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes spawn on Player Spawner devices despite having Use As Island Start set to NO.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash when selecting the Devices tab from the Creative inventory menu.
- Added the ability to enter a published island code in the Creative Select a Server screen and be taken directly to the island, with matchmaking if the island has it enabled.
- Recent Islands and Favorites can also be accessed from this screen.
- Added new options to the My Island Settings menu.
- Pickaxe Range Multiplier: Default, Medium, Large (Default: Default) - allows the player’s pickaxe to hit objects or players at a distance.
- Auto Pickup Pickups: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for pickup objects.
- Auto Pickup Ammo: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for ammo objects.
- Auto Pickup Consumables: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for consumable objects.
- Auto Pickup Gadgets: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for gadget objects.
- Auto Pickup Traps: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for trap objects.
- Auto Pickup Weapons: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for weapon objects.
- Auto Pickup World Resources: Yes, No, Don’t Override (Default: Don’t Override) - allows the game to override players’ auto-pickup settings for resource objects.
- Added a new option to the My Island Game menu.
- Player Collision: On, Off (Default: On) - Determines whether players will collide with or pass through each other during games.
- Added a new option to the Escape Menu during Matchmaking games.
- Return To Hub - allows players to return directly to the Creative Hub instead of the Lobby.
- Islands which have the Matchmaking Type option in the My Island Game menu set to OFF can now be accessed via Matchmaking portals without being matchmade with other players.
- Fixed an issue that produced “Duplicate player detected” errors when players joined parties as party leader.
- Fixed an issue causing the mini-map to appear as gray static.
- Added the Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary variants of the Charge Shotgun.
- Added the Epic and Legendary variants of the Dragon’s Breath Shotgun.
- Using the Prop-o-Matic to become a chest multiple times no longer spawns additional loot.
- Fixed a performance issue that could occur when picking up Chiller Grenades from Item Spawners.
- X-4 Stormwings no longer have their horizontal controls inverted while on the ground.
- Fixed an issue where some of the single asset images from the Arid Cliff Gallery were showing up as swamp terrain.
- Fixed an issue with a naming typo for the Ice House Hut A Prefab.
- Fixed an issue with the rounded sidewalk asset from the Weeping Woods Welcome Center Prefab being difficult to place.
- Fixed an issue with the Wood Shanty Floor & Stair Gallery’s Wooden House Floor level of detail.
- Fixed an issue where some beds and couches became invisible.
- Fixed an issue where cash registers were sometimes searchable.
- Added a new Player Spawn Pad device.
- This new version of the Player Spawner is placed as a prop rather than a trap and can be freely placed, rotated, copied and pasted.
- All existing functionality from the original Player Spawner device has been retained in the new device.
- The new Player Spawn Pad also has a player hologram to make it simple to see the direction of spawn.
- The old Player Spawner device has been renamed to Player Spawn Plate and will remain available in the device gallery for a period of time.
- Added the Player Reference device.
- This device can be used to store a reference to a player for the purposes of displaying information and relaying their identity to other devices via triggers & receivers.
- When the device is activated, it will pass the currently registered player to other devices listening on the appropriate channel, using them as the signal instigator.
- The device can also be used simply to display player outfits, names and score information.
- This device has the following options:
- Show Hologram: On, Off (Default: On) - determines whether to show a hologram of the currently registered player.
- Color: Team Relationship, Team Color, White, Sky Blue, Red-Orange, Gold, Apple Green, Fuchsia, Orange, Aquamarine, Beige, Purple, Neon Green, Cerulean, Silver, Aqua, Pink, Green (Default: White) - determines the color of the hologram. Team Relationship dynamically sets the color to be Red if the registered player is hostile, Green if they are Neutral and Blue if they are friendly.
- Visible In Game: On, Off (Default: On) - determines whether the device is visible (and has collision) during a game.
- Hologram Animation: Idle, Hands on Hips, Flex (Default: Idle) - determines the pose that the player hologram displays.
- Show Base: On, Off (Default: On)
- Show Player Details: Off, Below Player, Mid Player, Above Player (Default: Off) - determines where player information should be displayed in relation to the hologram.
- Player Details Curve Amount: No Curve, Small Curve, Medium Curve, Large Curve (Default: Large Curve) - determines how much the player information should curve around the hologram.
- Stat to Track: None, Eliminations, Score, Eliminated (Default: None) - determines which player stat should be displayed on the device.
- Track Game Total for Stats: Yes, No (Default: No) - determines whether to display stats for the whole game or just the current round.
- Activated by Sequencers: On, Off (Default: On) - determines whether the device should be activated if hit by a pulse from a Sequencer device.
- Allow Activate without Player Reference: Yes, No (Default: No) - determines whether the device can be activated (and send a trigger signal) without a player being registered in it. Note that several devices will only function if a trigger signal has a valid instigator.
- Trigger/Receiver Support:
- Register Player When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - When a signal is received on this channel, the player who instigated the signal will be registered to the device.
- Activate When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - when a signal is received on this channel, the device will immediately send a signal on the channel specified in When Activated Transmit On, using the currently registered player as the instigator.
- Clear Player When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - when a signal is received on this channel, the device will clear any currently registered player.
- Enable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - enables the device when a signal is received on the selected channel.
- Disable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - disables the device when a signal is received on the selected channel.
- When Activated Transmit On: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - when the device is activated, it will transmit a signal on the selected channel, using the currently registered player as the instigator.
- When Tracked Stat Changed Transmit On: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - if the device has a player registered, whenever the stat selected in Stat to Track changes for the registered player, the device will transmit a signal on the selected channel, using the registered player as the instigator. If no player is registered or no stat is selected in Stat to Track, this will do nothing.
- Added new options to the Matchmaking Portal device.
- Enable Audio: Yes, No (Default: Yes) - determines whether the portal will play ambient audio.
- Enable as Art: Yes, No (Default: No) - removes the interact prompt from the portal, allowing it to be used as a purely decorative item.
- Added new options to the Damage Volume device.
- Selected Team: None, 1-16 (Default: None)
- Affects Team: Selected, All But Selected (Default: All But Selected)
- These two options replace the old Safe Team option to allow the volume to affect all teams (Selected Team = None), just the Selected Team, or every team except the Selected Team.
- Selected Class: None, Any, 1-16 (Default: None)
- Affects Class: Selected, All But Selected (Default: All But Selected)
- These two options replace the old Safe Class option to allow the volume to affect all classes (Selected Class = Any), players without a class (Selected Class = None), just the Selected Class, or every class except the Selected Class.
- Update Selected Team When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - sets the Selected Team on the device to be the same team as the player who instigated the signal.
- Update Selected Class When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - sets the Selected Class on the device to be the same class as the player who instigated the signal.
- Changed the default options for the Billboard device.
- When placed, new billboards will now appear with white text, no border and a clear background. They will also be placed with the words ‘Sample Text’ on them, so that they are visible when placed.
- In Create mode a ghost image of the billboard border will appear when close to or manipulating a billboard to make it easier to work with.
- These changes are a simple quality of life improvement, since we know that the vast majority of uses for this device revolve around using it for floating text.
- Known Issue: Existing billboards which have been placed with no text on them may suddenly have the words ‘Sample Text’ appear on them in v15.10. To remove this, simply edit the billboard and replace the text with a space to have them become invisible again.
- Text: New default: ‘Sample Text’
- Show Border: New default: Off
- Background Color: New default: Clear
- Capture Item Spawner no longer spawns additional flags when a player attempts to pick up a flag while their inventory is full.
- Fixed a typo in the Speaker device description.
- X-4 Stormwings now respawn after being destroyed outside of the island boundary.
- Fixed an issue with the ‘Any’ setting of the Tracking Device not working for all teams.
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination Zone Class and Team settings were not being properly updated.
- Fixed an issue where the Elimination Zone shield damage was applying VFX even when disabled.
- Fixed an issue where Creatures were not affected by the Elimination Zone due to class restrictions.
- Fixed an issue where Elimination Zones would not properly apply damage to a player who respawned inside the zone.
- Eliminations by Sentry devices now properly respect the Hide Elimination Feed set.
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