We want to take a moment to thank all of the players who made contributions to the For Honor Bug Reporter! Because of you, the team has scheduled or implemented fixes for 158 player-submitted issues since Year 4, Season 2.
Our Production and QA/QC teams appreciate your efforts in helping us continue to improve For Honor!
- We have removed all forced paint patterns! All paint pattern slots in the hero customization menu can now be set to empty
- We have added the revenge gauge around players’ emblems, in the widget
Developer's comment: Knowing whether an enemy is close to having Revenge ready is important information to manage group fights efficiently, which was previously missing from players' widgets
- We have increased the Ranked Rewards drop rates across the board
- This affects all the cosmetic rewards that you can loot after playing ranked matches
- Colors, Paint Patterns, Engravings and Symbols can now drop even if you lose a ranked match. Ornament drop chances have been increased, but they are still exclusive for winning matches.
- We have also updated the unlock condition for rewards and removed the reference to the seasons in which they were introduced, as some players thought these weren't available anymore
- We have reduced the cost in salvage to activate the XP Boost:
- 1st XP Boost of the day: 250 Salvage (from 500)
- 2nd XP Boost of the day: 750 Salvage (from 1000)
- 3rd XP Boost of the day: 1250 Salvage (from 3000)
- 4th XP Boost of the day: 2750 Salvage (from 8000)
- 5th XP Boost of the day: 5000 Salvage (from 15000)
- 6th + XP Boost of the day: 9500 Salvage (from 15000)
- We adjusted the amount of time it takes for Players to gain control of their character's movement at the end of the opening cinematic across all Dominion maps
- The drop-bridge directly connecting Capture Zones A and C is now a non-lethal drop. A platform was added underneath
- The pit at Capture Zone C has been closed off and now allows navigation around it. The visual aesthetic of the room was altered to reflect this change
- The camera angle on the podiums has been updated to present a much more dynamic angle. Several podium locations across different maps have been relocated for better aesthetic framing
- We have updated the rules for displaying joining/leaving game notifications to ensure you only get relevant messages:
- You will only get notifications about other players joining or leaving when the match is already in progress
- When leaving a match, you’ll only get a confirmation message that you left the session
- We have merged the direction icons in the move set to make left or right directions moves more readable
- We have added an option in Custom Match that allows you to deactivate the event content in your Custom Games
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Kensei's dodge shadow to not have the proper visual. It's no longer the Hitokiri
Jiang Jun
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an exploit with Jiang Jun's Heavy Finisher
- [Bug Fix] Fixed issue that allowed the Zhanhu to perform Scorching Deluge in interior spaces
- [Bug Fix] Fixed issue that caused Pikeman to not respawn properly in some situations
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could lead players to enter matchmaking with a group bigger than the game mode limit
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Harbor intro cinematic to be missing audio
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Navigation of the War Map to deploy war assets with a controller impossible
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaolin's ”I'm Fine!” emote unlock condition to be false
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warmonger's ornament thumbnail to be missing or be corrupted on reward screen after completing Apprentice Trials and Warriors Trials
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Officers in Breach to have the wrong color customization for the group leader
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Raider’s weapon to be offset while performing "Headhunting" Execution in barracks and in-game
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Centurion’s “Thessalia Helm” to have the same color material as “Epirus Helm”
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Raider's “Vithar Helm” beard to change color according to the selected skin color customization
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warmonger’s “Omodamos Chest” cape paint pattern to not be applied to the whole area
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Female Tiandi's “Guan Suo Chest” metal parts to have odd physics
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Peacekeeper to stabs with the broad side of the “Nebula of Horkos” dagger
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warden’s “Apogee of Horkos” weapon to points in the wrong direction
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warmonger’s “Asbestos” and “Sabktes” capes to have offset paint patterns
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Gladiator's “Boastful Victoria” buckler to have offset paint patterns
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki’s "Aramaki", "Fujisawa", "Saotome" and "Blistering Oak" to not correctly apply paint patterns to the whole skirt area
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Nuxia's "Sanmiao" Chest to not correctly apply paint patterns
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Nobushi's “Yoru No Miko” helmet to have a visible seam on the back
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Black Prior’s “Demonic Primordial” chest to not display Paint Pattern on the back
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Hitokiri's "Spectral Slayer" customizations done on the right arm of Male to be duplicated on the left arm
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warden's “Gabrielle's Zenith” to not be consistent with other variations of the same armor
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Storied Orders to not be completed in some game modes
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