November 29, 2018
APN Comment: Gameplay gets harder and harder in every patch and campaign mode is harder then ever. EA should find a solution !Client Update 12.1 ! In this update, a large amount of bug fixes, GAMEPLAY tuning elements and stability optimizations that should greatly improve your experience while playing FIFA Mobile. We are always listening to feedback and looking to improve the game any opportunity we get. We all genuinely appreciate the support and interest in the game. We have a VERY busy December coming up too! Client Stability:
- Fixed an issue where users were crashing while swiping on the Samsung Galaxy S6.
- Fixed numerous issues to increase stability.
- The application should not crash anymore upon rebooting after getting a resource download error.
- Fixed an issue where League vs. League turns were not correctly ending.
- When taking a corner, you can now tap on a spot in the field of play, and the ball will go to that spot. Previously it had to go to target a player.
- You can now pass to an empty space without having an implied target. Previously passes needed a target.
- When using the through pass button, you should now select the optimal target.
- Fixed an issue when using the pass buttons, the pass wasn't going to the intended target.
- Fixed an issue where ground passes took too long to get to the target player.
- Extended the search range on button passes so that that passes should go to players instead of going to no one.
- Players should no longer perform poor traps relative to attributes.
- Tuned chip shots so that they should be most effective at a close range.
- Tuned Finesse shots to be more effective at mid-range.
- Tuned longshots to be more realistic in speed and accuracy.
- Fixed an issue where long shots were traveling at extremely high speeds.
- When shooting, there should be more error based on how far you are from the goal, if you are pressured, if you are using the correct foot, and if you are facing the goal.
- When turning 90/180 degrees to shoot, shooting should feel more realistic.
- When jostling with a defender, the defender should have more influence on the shot quality.
- Weak foot ratings should now be more accurately reflected when shooting. If your player has a low rating, his shooting ability with his weak foot should be lesser quality than his strong foot.
- Shot trajectories from volleys should now be more realistic.
- Tuned shot trajectory when shooting towards the sides of the net resulting in more consistent results.
- Fixed an issue where unexpected shooting behavior occurred. The ball should now go the correct direction where previously it went the opposite direction.
- Fixed an issue where the Goalkeeper was unable to save certain point blank chip shots
- Swiping down on the 2nd defender button will now prevent unintended goal keeper rushes
- Fixed an issue with finesse shots where long finesse shots were not behaving correctly. They should be more direct now and not as lofty.
- Tuned headers when taking corners to feel more authentic
- When the timer hits 0:00, there should not be chances given out anymore.
- Fixed an issue where iOS was randomly crashing in VSA.
- Fixed an issue where the application may freeze temporarily after performing a free kick.
- Fixed an issue where fans gained was not property centered on the match summary screen.
- Improved chance end conditions. Chances should now have a more consistent end time.
- Fixed an issue where the Matchmaking Unavailable message was appearing 4-5 times in a row for some users.
- Chances in VSA and League vs League have been tuned to provide more variety of chances.
- Fixed an issue where at the start of a chance, direction input was not recognized correctly. This resulted in autoplay controlling your player instead of your input. Your input should now properly be recognized.
- If your opponent disconnects from a Head to Head match, there should no longer be a freeze on your client.
- Adjusted the font for the clock and score so that it's more visible.
- The Samsung Galaxy S5 SM G900F can now correctly access Head to Head.
- If both users disconnect from a head to head match, the "match in progress" message not persist as long.
- Fixed an issue where a game error occurred during a celebration cutscene in Head to Head.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD obscures important parts of the screen during corner kicks.
- Improved the camera angle on free kick replays to be more dynamic.
- The correct LOD should be used with the celebration camera.
- Fixed an issue where crashes occurred when playing back to back Head to Head matches.
- Fixed a desync issue in Head to Head for Iphone X and XS which caused connection to drop.
- Fixed an issue for iOS where some clients were experiencing a black screen at 45 minutes and 90 minutes.
- When autoplaying, you will no longer see a power bar for your shooting and passing.
- We have removed the directional arrow under players when autoplaying.
- Players should no longer T-pose at the end of matches when interrupted.
- Fixed an issue where the points awarded text in skill games was delayed in updating.
- Fixed an issue where some matches went directly to penalty kicks at 90 minutes instead of at 120 minutes.
- The corner flag now has the correct lightmap applied.
- When scoring a goal, the correct player should now show up on the overlay ingame.
- Fixed an issue where the Learn to Shoot skill game was crashing some clients.
- Fixed an issue where the iPhone 8+ was crashing during the VSA tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where the application was crashing when shooting through the net in the VSA tutorial.
- Made improvements to the Android onboarding stability in the first and second nodes.
- Fixed an issue where the user was not sent to "My team" after swapping and claiming a player.
- We have lowered the duration that the visual feedback shot arrow stays on the screen.
- Longer league names should now correctly display on the home screen.
- Fixed an issue where the amount of reserve players was not correctly updated after using some players as TXP.
- Fixed the order of chemistry criteria so it is consistent with the Chemistry view in My Team.
- Fixed an issue where the OVR icon in formations was not correctly placed on some devices.
- Fixed an issue where player previews from live events were missing the Program Chemistry.
- Fixed an issue where player items appeared sold when switching tabs in the market.
- Fixed an issue where a level 4 skill boost had a graphical error.
- The completion limit for skill game 2 in scouting should now show correctly.
- Fixed an issue where refreshing the market caused your listed players to appear as sold.
- The VSA and H2H Uis have been reworked.
- Fixed an issue where the Head to Head season timer on the tile and within the hub were not consistent.
- Fixed an issue where chemistry sometimes was not calculating correctly between linked players.
- Fixed an issue where user logos were not animating correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the skill boost icon appeared offscreen after leaving a boost multiple times.
- Items in the daily and weekly rewards tiles can now be tapped for more information.
- Fixed an issue where goal history data wasn't being correctly displayed.
November 23, 2018
Flash Sale Event changes:
- You can now reroll the Scratch Bonus nodes in Flash sale event with gems
- Doubled the amount of Flash Sale points you can win from each live event.
- The stamina cost for the Flash Sale live events has been reduced from 5 to 1.
- Fixed an issue where tapping on the "reset" button in the Scratch Bonus was not causing the reset window to open.
- Fixed an issue where long shots were not applying the correct directional error
November 10, 2018
Huawei Devices:
- Improved performance Huawei devices were locking up when triggering a cutscene. We hope this improves performance on Huawei devices
- Fixed an issue where users get stuck at the skill boost tutorial when onboarding
- Fixed an issue where the URL in for a low performance device had no interaction. You should now be able to tap the link and it will bring up the article
- Store should not unlock now unless you are at the correct onboarding step
- Fixed an issue where ad nodes were resulting in client crashes with the Daily Warm-up
- Fixed a issue where the client would crash when leveling up a player
- Implemented various crash related optimization
- Fixed an issue where Traits are overlapping in player profiles
- Fixed an issue where contest of strength was causing crashes on Android devices
November 9, 2018
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Chemistry over 100 was not correctly calculating. Chemistry over 100 should now factor in matches as intended.
- Fixed an issue preventing users from changing their formation.
- Continue buttons added to VSA pack opening tutorial for users stuck during it
- Leagues now unlock when a user completes Mobile Master 4 instead of Mobile Master 5
- Daily Warmup is no longer a requirement for Mobile Master 4
- Changed 'Complete Gold Campaign' to 'Claim 2nd reward in gold campaign' in Mobile Master 4
- Added "Complete gold campaign" to Mobile Master 5
- Removed the Amateur I requirement in Mobile Master 4, it has been replaced by "play 5 games in VS Attack"
- Domination now requires 78 OVR instead of 80 OVR to access
- Head to Head now requires Amateur I to unlock instead of Pro III
- Removed head to head as a daily quest
- You will now unlock Leagues through FTUE if you are already in a League
- Team heroes pack previews should now correctly show 3 gold players instead of 5 and the 5x bundle should display 15 instead of 25
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