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Fifa 20 – Title Update 16 | APRIL 2020

Fifa 20 – Title Update 16 | APRIL 2020
General Made the following change:
  • Added a Connection Monitoring option in Settings.
    1. This option enables the display of certain information regarding your connection while in an online match.
    2. This option is currently only available to a select group of players while we gather feedback and tune the associated values. We will communicate our plans for releasing this to a wider audience when more information is available.
    3. All other players will see this option as greyed out, and will not be able to toggle it on at this time.
Visuals Made the following change:
  • Updates to multiple kits and tifos.
Addressed the following issues:
  • Scrolling line ups were not correctly displaying names.
  • In VOLTA FOOTBALL, the avatar’s saved customizations were not displayed in some cases.

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