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Europa Universalis IV – 1.31.1 Patch Notes | Gamebalance Overhaul!

Europa Universalis IV – 1.31.1 Patch Notes | Gamebalance Overhaul!



  • Bankruptcy cancels any monumemt construction.


  • Added a malus for IA if you're the Emperor and you extend your regency.
  • Christian theocracies can't use Aristocratic ideas any more.
  • Custom republics now get bonus on ruler skills with ideas.
  • Extending Estate Regency now costs 10 Legitimacy.
  • Increased governing capacity modifier of celestial empire so Ming is not over governing capacity at game start.
  • Following tags are now downranked to duchies from kingdom rank: PAH, PAT, LUW, BNE, BEU, TER, TID, BTU, CEB, MNA, HAW, MAU, OAH, KAA, KEL, ATJ, BRS, TDO, PGS, IND, BTN, PGR, JMB, BLI.


  • Seperatist rebels get the unit type of the country they want to be, not the country they're in.

War & Peace

  • HRE members can't be co-belligerents against another HRE member after Ewiger Landfriede.
  • It's no longer possible to enforce peace in Religious League war.
  • Emperor in coalition against you no longer causes the entire coalition to fight you in any war you try to start.
  • Humiliate CB no longer allows vassalization.


  • Changed Golden Temple monument to Doaba (2075).
  • Changed Kiev Pechersk Lavra Yearly Patriarchal Authority modifier from +0,5%, +0,5% and +1% to +0,1%, +0,2% and +0,5%.
  • Changed Mount Fuji Theravada religion requirement to Mahayana.
  • Changed Registan Square Monthly Piety modifier from -1%, -2% and -3% to +0,1%, +0,2% and +0,3%.
  • Having a colonial nation gives you Colonialism in your capital.
  • Balancing favours diplomatic actions.



  • Added AI refusal for favour actions.


  • AI is more inclined to use the cults of the Alcheringa Religion, which fits the most to their AI personalities.



  • Event pictures now use graphical culture fallbacks.


  • Macro builder no longer blocks map modes.


  • Fixed overlap problems for tooltipping monarch/heir/queen names.


  • Ancestors too rubbish to give you any benefits don't show up in the list any more.
  • OK/Cancel buttons now all have the shortcuts c and z.
  • Less popups for favor actions by default.



  • Fixed issues with the Wonderful achievement.


  • Reworked the options of event "Anglo-Powhatan War". Now you have guaranteed two options: first one will give you a military boost while the second option will increase the opinion of rivals of Englan/GB additionally to the opinions of Castile/Spain and France.
  • The event "A Helping Hand" (monument_events.2)'s first option will now ask for 6 months of income instead of 5 ducats. Additionally, the event can now trigger multiple times over the duration of a campaign instead only once.
  • The event "Monument in 'Province Name'" (monument_events.1) grants now 1 stabilty as long you are under 1. Else it will give you 20 prestige. Additionally, the event triggers now for every highest tier monument instead of only once a game and gives you now -10% stability costs for 10 years.
  • The event "The Completion of Borobudur" (monument_events.5) will now give you a proper subjugation casus belli instead of a restore union cb. Also, now the event allows you to move your capital to the temple.
  • The event "The House of the Lord" (monument_events.3)'s first option now asks you for 3 months of income instead of 10 ducats. The second option will no longer affect three provinces in total but instead gives you a country modifier, which grants you +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and -1 National Unrest for 20 years.
  • The AI will now priorize to choose the option "We should let Trailok decide." in the event "The Ascension of Trailok" when Sukhothai is controlled by a player.
  • The events "The Kingdom of Champassak", "The Kingdom of Vientiane" and "The Kingdom of Luang Prabang" now only trigger if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
  • Fixed issues with native_americans.25 (The Potlatch) so that it is not as spammy.
  • Fixed issue with volcano event.


  • The Samoan ideas' first tradition will now grant -30% advisor cost instead of increasing the advisor pool by 1.[3]
  • Hawaiian Ideas have been rebalanced. The idea "Repurposing the Ali'i Nui" now gives 1 legitimacy instead of 2, the idea "Naha Prophecy" has no longer increased Hostile Core Creation Cost and the ambition of is now +20 Global Settler Increase instead of the ability to recruit explorers.[4]
  • Forming Aotearoa will no longer remove the Iwi Ideas. Instead, the player will be even asked if they want to change their ideas to the Iwi Ideas.
  • Forming Viti will no longer remove Fiji Ideas. Instead, the player will be asked if they want to swap their ideas to the Fijian Ideas.
  • The Fijian ideas have received balance changes. The idea "Waqa Drua" will now grant 100% prestige and 50% naval traditions from naval battles and the idea "Fijian Warlords" grants now +10% Morale of Armies and +0.5 Army Tradition.
  • The Iwi idea "Kaikiakitanga" will now grant -5% development cost.
  • Fixed so consort_events.2 doesn't trigger without a consort.


  • Fixed Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' so now it can be completed if the country is a pirate republic.
  • Fixed triggering and reward issues in Palembang missions 'Orang Laut', 'Arrival of Dragonships', 'Pirate Kings', and 'Restore Srivijaya', to make them a more comprehensive and coherent set of missions.
  • Palembang mission 'Orang Laut' now can be completed if pirate republic.
  • The mission "Cultivate a Mandala" now rewards you with 100% prosperity in your capital area additionally to the other reward.
  • The mission "Populate Ayutthaya" now rewards you with 50 Government Reform Progress instead of 100 diplo points.
  • The mission "Win a Royal Duel" now requires you to have 3% Army Professionalism (or 20 Army Tradition if Cradle of Civilization is not active) and to have at least as much Army Tradition as Khmer.
  • Siam can no longer be formed through a decision for people with the Leviathan DLC. Instead, they will now have to work through the mission tree to form it as intended.
  • Corrected Tu'i Tonga Empire mission's conditions to be better.
  • Fixed issues with polynesian and oceanian missions.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to complete the "Honor the Ancestors" mission.
  • Added a fallback to Samoan and Tongan missions to avoid getting stuck in case one of them do not exist.
  • Fixed an issue with the Samoan Army mission.


  • The province Manahoac (2552) is now part of the "Great Valley" area.
  • Fixed starting rulers with no birth date in later game starts being too old.
  • The province "Sawokli" is now a savanna instead of a desert.
  • Changed color of Aotearoa to a red one as suggested.
  • Exchanged the Trade Goods of two provinces in New Zealand.


  • Fixed a CTD related to naval combats.
  • Fixed a CTD related to naval misions.
  • You can no longer pillage development from natives' capitals with no losses.
  • You can't operate other people's great projects any more unless they're your subjects.
  • Savegames don't get corrupted due to cooldown storage.
  • The province Lau's name is no longer scattered around and the city of Maui is no longer underwater.
  • Abdication no longer prevented in Celestial Empire owing to "low Legitimacy".
  • Added the missing icons for the government reforms "Uparaya Succession" and "Sakdina System".
  • Becoming papal controller now lifts excommunication from members of personal union as well.
  • Can no longer exploit reduce infrastructure to gain an extra manufactory.
  • The event "The Mandate of Heaven" (flavor_dai.4) has now the proper event picture.
  • Double clicking on top row of Great Projects in the ledger no longer shows the wrong location.
  • Favors from relative alliance strength works the right way around.
  • Fixed a CTD when reforming native federation advancements when at war.
  • Infinite concentrate development exploit no longer works.
  • Lan Xang is no longer infinitely reformable.
  • Monuments no longer get downgraded when a province changes owner peacefully.
  • Fixed so Mount Fuji gives a local development bonus, not global.
  • Fixed issue where nations with capitals that can get a path to the HRE couldn't join the HRE.
  • Fixed so natives can build boats.
  • Fixed issue with naval attrition not working.
  • Fixed another issue with calling non allies using the macro builder.
  • No more event flood of old events on loading.
  • Fixed outliner not showing the correct name of colonies.
  • Polynesians/Aboriginies use the correct fallback units if no Leviathan unit pack is installed.
  • Ruler of Demak created by event majapahit.5 no longer has missing localization.
  • Ruler of custom nation no longer disappears/gets bugged after reloading the save.
  • Fixed some issues with separatism not disappearing when it should.
  • Fixed issues with strengthening government when at lower legitimacy and max absolutism.
  • The event "Dynastic Tensions in Dai Viet" now only triggers if the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
  • Totemist ancestors now functional without Rights of Man.
  • Zoroastrian religion no longer displays Coptic icons.
  • Fixed an issue with assigning the correct government reform for different colony types.
  • Battles against condottieri now count for war score.
  • Canals no longer locked behind Wealth of Nations DLC.
  • Disabled trade favors for trust and prepare for war diplomatic actions when Leviathan and Cossacks are disabled.
  • Event sikhism_flavor.2 actually does something.
  • Fixed issues with advisor portrait fallbacks.
  • Fixed a CTD related to adding pashas.
  • Huge amounts of dev in a province no longer cause overflow error for increasing development.
  • Fixed a CTD related to using the cede_province effect with an invalid country.
  • Fixed a CTD related to checking if we can vassalize someone we've already selected to pillage and their capital province is not in a state.
  • Fixed issue causing massive error log.
  • Fixed an OOS when host and client use different languages.
  • Fail conditions for "Increase Autonomy in X" Dhimmi Agenda are now displayed properly.
  • Fixed so Aotearoa, Fiji and Hawaii keep their National Ideas after their formation.
  • The Mandala System government reform is only usable when the Leviathan DLC is enabled.
  • Fixed a CTD for missing gfx culture tag for sprite packs.
  • Corrected Kaitiakitanga spelling.
  • Fixed a crash when running the every_tribal_land_province effect on non tribal countries.
  • Fixed so blue mountains look like mountains.


1.31.3 is a hotfix released on 2021-05-12[5] with the checksum 984a.



  • Changed so you can't centralize your capital state.


  • Changed Tier 6 reform for Monastic Order 'A Dynastic Order' to require new Divine idea group instead of Aristocratic one.


  • Annam and Tolkin are now Mahayana instead of Theravada.
  • Changed St Peter's religion requirement.
  • Slight change to Hawaiian Ambitions.



  • Fixed a case where AI is not coring land when it seemingly should.
  • Added a define for how much governing capacity penalty an AI considers tolerable.


  • AI will no longer extend regency far into the future.



  • All events without namespace now give proper triggered illustration.
  • Adjusted "Monthly Reform Progress Modifier" icon resolution.
  • Fixed so papacy screen doesn't use two different icon assets to represent one same resource.
  • Reduced the number of repeating mission icons in Leviathan mission trees.


  • Fixed nonsense tooltip on Dhimmi agenda.
  • Fixed issue with tooltip for naval attrition regarding lack of sailors.
  • Centralize state tooltip now shows the correct dev limit.


  • Champa artillery tier 1 is now crewed by the DLC model instead of the base models.
  • Malacca artillery tier 4 is now crewed by Malacca infantry model instead of Majapahit infantry.
  • Majapahit cavalry tier 1 now uses the DLC model instead of the base models.
  • Brunei cavalry tier 3 uses the tier 3 infantry model instead of falling back to tier 2.
  • Removed the ahistorical coat of arms design on the tabard of Spanish tier 2 units from the Catholic League unit pack.


  • Imperial incidents message box now is bigger.
  • Fixed overlapping of monuments and native buildings.
  • Guru confirm dialog now shows missionary penalty.
  • Clicking the centralize state section in outliner now opens the province view.
  • Fixed issue with misalignment in edicts background.



  • Added current_guru_is trigger.
  • Changed reform_level trigger to check the amount of reforms while has_reform_on_level trigger checks if you have a reform of specific level.
  • Fixed so culture trigger works on countries as well as provinces.
  • Fixed so num_of_colonies trigger uses correct value.



  • The achievement "Cities of Cebola" no longer requires you to start as Pueblo but to start as a nation, which has Pueblo as their primary culture.
  • Changed the six nations condition that any iroquois nation can achieve it.
  • Fixed so keep the flame burning achievement can be completed with random new world.
  • Fixed so keep the flame burning achievement requires you to be zoroastrian.
  • Fixed so some achievements don't show up for countries that can't achieve them.


  • Burgundy is unable to declare war of independence until the Imperial Incident is over. This change will not affect campaigns, which don't have Emperor enabled.
  • The disaster "The Northern and Southern Dynasties" will now place the correct dynasties in Annam and Tolkin should it be triggered after the Age of Reformation.
  • The event "The Fall of Kyoto" will now give the new shogun a Subjugation casus belli against all former daimyos, who were at war with the new owner of Kyoto when he claimed the Shogunate.
  • The event "The Fall of Kyoto" will now properly transfer all daimyos from the previous one to the new owner of Kyoto.
  • The new owner of Kyoto should not stay as a daimyo.
  • Event to upgrade the Tenochtitlan now actually upgrades it.
  • Fixed issues with the Sikhism events chain.
  • The event "Diet of $YEAR$" (flavor_hun.1) now creates a named regency if you keep the current council.
  • Fixed issue with Hungarian regency for Ladislaus Postumus having a blank name.


  • The idea "Dwellers of Tipis" switched places with the idea "Bison Hunters", making the Dwellers idea the first one to get.
  • The pirate nations, which get released through the pirate events, now have their proper Piratical ideas back.


  • Nations of the Random New World have now their proper New World missions back.
  • The mission "Kings of the Franks" will now transfer all French vassals to Burgundy regardless of their liberty desire.
  • Fixed Byzantine "Rome Reclaimed" mission to trigger on catholic countries when completed.
  • The Khmer mission "Protect the Cham" has now the correct brackets in the script, which means all the missions after it are now working properly.
  • Added Hussite as a possible option in the Swiss Mission "Affair of Sausages".
  • Removed some missions for Natives created in a Random New World having missions targeting specific provinces in America.


  • Dakota has been renamed into North Dakota, the area below it has been renamed from Minesota to South Dakota, Minnessota has its name fixed and its now called Minnesota, the state "Texas" has swapped placed with the state "Coastal Prairi" (which was a duplicate of "Texas Plains")
  • The tags MGD and MKS are now downranked from kingdom rank to duchy rank.
  • Fars has regained its previous color back and is no longer yellow.
  • Removed the random core of Pasai on the province Butak.
  • Fixed issue with Timurid heir starting with -1 claim strength.
  • Changed several terrains in NZ.
  • Changed several trade goods in NZ.
  • Redrew Southern Island in NZ.
  • Renamed some tags to proper Iwi names.
  • Renamed several provinces in NZ.
  • Reorganized Development in NZ to better depict Pa density.
  • Fixed some Historical inaccuracies with Vietnamese content.
  • Ambras Castle is in correct province now.
  • Changed the color of Aotearoa so it is not that easily mistaken with GBR or ENG.


  • Decisions 'Repair of the Great Wall', 'Construct the Forbidden City' and 'Versailles' overlapped with new monuments feature, so now are not available if having Leviathan DLC.
  • Adjusted some dynasty names for the Vietnamese culture.
  • The agenda "Build Alliances" will no longer be available for subject nations as they would automatically fail the agenda when they take it.
  • The provinces "Rhade" and "Tay Nguyen" and the countries "Rhade" and "Koho" swapped places on the map.
  • Added several dynasties to Maori.


  • Fixed a CTD related to rivals.
  • Fixed a CTD related to peace treaties.
  • Fixed some CTDs for mods in province view.
  • Fixed a CTD related to conquering a province from a centralized state.
  • Fixed a CTD related to parsing event triggers.
  • Fixed an OOS related to an issue with constructions while migrating.
  • Can now take land from natives if they're sitting on some other tribe's tribal land.
  • Can now take land from a tribe that's sitting on unclaimed land in a peace treaty.
  • Coastal Defence or Naval Battery built in one province no longer blocks raiding of the entire country's coast.
  • Force religion is no longer free after you pillage the capital. Force religion is a cost per unit dev; so is pillage state (except you're not pillaging all the dev). So, if you choose Force Religion and Pillage, the cost will be the same as selecting Force Religion only (because the total dev that's being affected is the same -* you're changing religion on 80% and pillaging the other 20%, or you're changing religion on 100%); but if you choose Pillage only then the war score cost will be lower (20% of the total dev cost).
  • Grazing the land in enemy territory will now give tribal development.
  • Fixed Manchu banners bonuses not working.
  • Mandala system now available with either Leviathan or Dharma.
  • Old heir dying now means any extended regency is cancelled.
  • Fixed bug with Parliament issues not being persisted.
  • Sikhism events now change gurus, and you can't add multiple teachings by not accepting on the dialog.
  • Removing TUR in a mod no longer crashes when you try to recruit a general. But beware, removing tags can cause files not to load properly.
  • Stopped menu flipping to government when natives reform.
  • When you get a subjugation CB, it should always allow actual vassalisation regardless of the size of the target (like forming PUs).
  • Fixed issue displaying heir claim for meritocracies.
  • Fixed performance issue selecting armies that can do autonomous carpet siege in big areas.
  • The governments of Self-Governing Colonies have now their proper name.
  • Fixed issue where you couldn't rename the area capital.
  • The modifier "guru_teaching" has now a proper localization.
  • Various localization fixes.
  • Added a new condition so a TAG is affected by the Counter Revolution triggered modifier if any country is revolutionary and it is either in its same continent or if they share a border.
  • Fixed some issues with burgundian inheritance.
  • Fixed exploit for not picking the first reform as republics giving you massive absolutism.
  • Fixed issues with vassalization not being available when it should.
  • Fixed issue with events stopping to show up for the player.

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